Financial Life cycle ... Or Money Matrix आर्थिक जीवन चक्र
During our lifetime, we come across changes which affect our financial situation and needs. A rise in income level, spending patterns, concern for the family and retirement plans are some of the changes which impact our lifestyle. If not planned ahead, these can have ever lasting implications. Although each person set specific financial goals throughout one’s lifecycle, the primary objective is always to plan ahead for each stage of life so that when changes do occur you are ready for it.
You have certain objectives throughout your life which you give preference as time comes, financial planning is about considering those objectives well in advance and prepare before the time arrives. for example.
Objective 1 might be to protect yourself and your family against risk.
Objective 2 might be priority for financial security for yourself and your family.
The following are the different stages of life cycle
High School
Ages 13–17
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Young Adult
Ages 18–24
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Adult with or without Children
Ages 25–34
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Working Parent or Adult
Ages 35–44
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Ages 45–54
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Ages 55–64
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Ages 65 and older
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