Chapter- 33 THE ENACTMENTS OF INCARNATIONS (Awataar-kaarya)

Chapter- 33
||Salutations to Shree Gurudeva||
Shrotiyaannee kelaa prashna | Sant-sange miley santapana |
Aise zaale nirupana | Hey to jeevaa patenaa ||1||
Upon the discussion (in the previous chapter) the listeners asked, "It is hard to agree and accept that by the association of the saints and by the intimate contact with them, we can also become saints." ||1||
Sant devaache awataara | aamhee gaavache gawaara |
kaise tyaanchyaa barobara | whaave aamhee? ashakya hey ||2||
"Because, the saints are the incarnations of God and we common people are boorish and ignorant. How can then we be at par and equal to them?" ||2||
Yaache aikaa samaadhaan | Jaga zaaley eeshwaraapaason |
Nara tochi Naaraayana |daavilee khoona santaannee ||33||
Here is my reply to your doubts. The entire universe has come into existence from God. So all saints tell us that every human being himself is the form of God. ||3||
Janmaasi aalaa tochi awataar | awataara sarvachi praanimaatra |
Tyaa awataaraache anant prakaar | prakat hotee satkarme ||4||
Every being which is born (i.e. incarnated) can be determined as the incarnation. But according to various virtueous enactments performed by the beings, the incarnations of those beings can be sorted out in so many kinds. ||4||
Konee aapule potachi bharee | konee kutumbaache poshana karee |
konee gaavaachi kaalajee niwaaree | aapulyaa parine ||5||
For example, some one lives a virtuous life living alone. Some other individual maintains his family and lives a family life. Somebody tries to make his village happy by trying his level best. ||5||
Konee hotee praant vyaapee | praantaa karitaa kashtee-tapee |
Janaa karitaa waat sopee | karoni dyaayaa housene ||6||
Then there are some individuals who enact austerity in the form of hard and strenuous enactments for the betterment and welfare of the people of their state (or province) and ardently try to make an easy way for the people. ||6||
Hey awataar saadhaarana | yaapudhe vishesh awataaraache lakhshana |
Jo miravee deshaache bhooshana | shareeree swaye ||7||
These are the incarnations which are serially superior to one from another. But these incarnations are mediocre and ordinary kinds of incarnation. But to bring godliness (divineness) in one's own - self is a very remarkable characterestic of more superior and more ideal incarnation. They possess the abilities of the adornment of their nation by their excellent personality. ||7||
"Maazaa deshachi maaze ghara | desh dukkhee, janoo maazechi shareer |
Tyaasaathee mee nirantara | kashtee hoyeen saambhaalaayaa" ||8||
They always firmly hold in their mind a strong sense that their country is their home. Moreover, they consider their country as their own body and so they must remove the sorrows and the sufferings of the country and work harder and harder to maintain the honour of their country. ||8|| (—contd)
Aise jyaane manee dharile | kimbahunaa kaarye anubhawa ale |
Aneka aapattine ujalale | satkaarya jyaache ||9||
(contd—) They always firmly and resolutely hold in their minds such a vow. They actually put hard efforts and enact for the welfare of their country. they endure all difficulties, dangers and extreme calamaties and brighten their virtueous and noble deeds. This is the most remarkable form of incarnation. ||9||
Tyaasi mhanaavaa awataar | Jo karee sajjana-chinta nirantara |
Dushta buddhichaa tiraskaar | sadaa jayaasi sakriya ||10||
He always takes a great care of the good, pious and noble individuals and boldly stands against the vices and evil tendencies by actually taking bold actions. He should be called the true incarnation. ||10||
Jagaache uddishta aahe sattya | Tikade jaga karaave pravrutta |
Aise jyaache jyaache krutya | Tochi awataar nischaye ||11||
The ultimate objective of the world is `The Truth'. One, who enacts to inspire and encourage all human beings to sincerely follow the truth in their life then he is definitely worthy of calling as the incarnation. ||11||
Shadguna aishwaryaachyaa pramaanaat | ansha, poorna aadi prakaar tyaat |
Dnyaanee, kartabgaar, niraasakta | udaar shree-yasha sampanna ||12||
When the incarnation possesses all the six attributes- i.e. (i) knowledge (ii) desirelessness (iii) generocity (iv) excellent enactments (V) Majesty and (vi) glory - it is called as `Poornaavataar' (The perfect incarnation.) The incarnation, which does not possess all these attributes and possesses some few attributes it is called `Anshaavataar' (i.e. partial incarnation). These are also kinds of incarnations. ||12||
Yaa awataraache pantha dona | ek rhudayaparivartana, doosara damana |
Ek kraantee karee sashastra poorna | dusaraa bhaava bhaktine walavee ||13||
The mode of enactment of this incarnation is of two kinds. The first is to change minds and tendencies of individuals through pure and devotional reasoning. The second is to subjugate the power of weapons and bring revolution. ||13||
Dharmaneeti sevaa maarge gavasalee | Tyaasi sant-awataar sandnyaa labhalee |
Saam, daam, danda, bhedaane krantee kelee | Tyaasi mhanatee dewaavataara ||14||
When the incarnation establishes the dutifulness and morality by way of rendering true, sincere service to the humanity, then it is recognised as the saintly incarnation. The incarnation which brings revolution using the strength & powers of (i) saam- by conversing in mutual and conciliation way; (ii) daam, by giving hush money & bribes (iii) dand- by punishment and (iv) bhed-by dividing and splitting the opponents; this incarnation is called as the incarnation of God. ||14||
Dewaavataar nitya nasatee | Te mahaa prasangee pudhe yetee |
Sant-awataar nehami chaalatee | Lokee suneeti waadhawaayaa ||15||
The incarnation of God does not exist constantly. On some extra ordinary events God appears in the incarnation. But the saintly incarnations constantly exist and perform their pious and noble enactments to grow the dutiful morality in the human beings. ||15||
Kaahi awataaraanchi mahima | vishwawyaapak tyaanchaa aatmaa |
prakat karaayaa maanavatechi seema | prachaar tyaanchaa ||16||
The spiritual vision of some individuals develops and becomes the occupant of the entire universe. So they proclaim into the extreme and the supreme limit of the humanity. This is the glory and magnitude of this incarnation. ||16||
Jyaanchaa jaisaa adhikaara | Tyaancha chaale taisaa vyawahaara |
Maarga ekachi, pari maage-samora | paaya anubhave padataatee ||17||
Their routine practical behaviour goes on according to their worthiness and abilities. Basically all these incarnations follow one and the same way but according to their own self experiences, some seem to be going a step ahead and some others appear a step behind. ||17||
Konee bhakti shikawoni sudhaaree | mantra shikawoni janata taaree |
konee dnyaan maarg saangoni samartha karee | manavataa lokee ||18||
Some of them teach and guide people on the way of honest and sincere devotion. Some initiate people with some mantra-incantation-; some impart spiritual knowledge to the people and improve them. In doing so, they all provide energy and strength to the humanity in the people. ||18||
Akhera maanawanchi unati karane | Tayaa rashtra dharma, nijadharma shikawine |
Heychi santaanche asate lene | sarvatoparee ||19||
Finally, the real adornment of the saints is that they teach people their duty towards the country and the spiritual knowledge of their own - self. ||19||
Waawoogaa sankalpachi naahi uthalaa | sphuralaa to anubhavachi tharalaa |
Tyaa divya drushtichyaa purushaalaa | sant-awataar mhano aamhee ||20||
We shall call such individual as a santly incarnation whose every volition, that shoots up in his mind, never goes in vain but actually appears into concrete reality and is experienced by all. The individual possessing such a divine vision is to be called a saintly incarnation. ||20||
Konee kutumbaasi trast karee | kone gaavaache hotee vairee |
konee deshaat upadrava karee | pakhaandpanthee ||21||
But in the masses of common people, there exist some trouble shooters who create troubles to their familes. Some enact troublesome deeds harmful to their villages and to their countries. They create nuisance and troubles to others. They dishonour and humiliate the truth. ||21||
Jo deshdrohee, dharmadrohee tharalaa | premaane saagataa na samajalaa |
sarva praanyaanaa traasa zaalaa | jyaachyaa yogey ||22||
They never listen to the loving advices and commit treacherous acts with their countries, religion and living beings. Due to their atheism, all beings around them get daunted and discouraged. ||22||
Kaahee kelyaa na sudhaare | shirate kroor vruttiche waave |
sajjanaache manahi tharaare | jyaachyaa dhaakey ||23||
As their cruelty grows more and more, these evil elements in the society go beyond cure and can't be reformed by any ways. They threaten even the simple pious, righteous and noble individuals also. ||23||
Tyaachi zaalee pariseemaa Temwhaa devaavataar yeto kaamaa |
paathawaavayaasi viraamaa | dehaa tyaachyaa nirupaaye ||24||
When these excesses go beyond limit and all ways and means fail to control and overpower them, God has to incarnate himself to end the physical existence of those evil and cruel individuals. ||24||
Te durjan rakhshas awataar | Je janatesi dukkha detee phaara |
Tyaanna dand dyayaa deva-awataar | prakat hotee ||25||
Those, who torture and create agonies to the people are the evil incarnations of demons and those who destroy these demons are the godly incarnations. ||25||
Aise hey nehameech chaalate | Jaise janma-marana rahaat phirate |
taisechi sant-deva yetaati te | bhoomivaree ||26||
The water wheel-or a cycle-of the incarnations of Gods and the demons goes on rotating constantly just like the wheel of metempsychosis (i.e. births and deaths) and both of them incarnate upon this earth. ||26||
Rakhshasee aani deva-vrutti | roopaantare khelate jagatee |
sant deva sthaapoo paahatee | shaanti prema shakteene ||27||
The demonish tendencies and the divine (godly) tendencies go on playing in this world constntly in their different forms. the saints and god go on estblishing peace in the world with their love and powers. ||27||
Granting boons to the demons and the end of them
Yethe shrotyaannee prashna kelaa | Jari dushta tochi raakhshasa tharalaa |
Tari tyaane varadhasta kaisaa milavilaa | dewataanchaa? ||28||
upon this, the listeners asked, "If the evil and wicked tendencies are called the demons, how could the cruel and wicked individual seek boons from gods?" ||28||
Kaaya thaave nawhate tyaache guna | kaa dile shakteeche varadana? |
Aamhaa na kale hey puraana | kaise ahe saangaa kee ||29||
"Didn't the Gods know and understand the vices of those evil and wicked individuals? Why did then Gods bestow the boons of extensive powers upon those individuals? Please tell us the secret meaning of the stories in this regard from the puraanas." ||29||
Yaache aikaave uttara | haa rakhshasahi aadhi bhakta phaara |
Tyaachya tapaanechi dewataa nirantar | prasanna tyaasi ||30||
The reply to your doubt is as this. In the beginning, all these demons had been great and sincere devotees and ascetics. So Gods got contented with their devotion and penance and bestowed the boons upon them which they prayed for. ||30||
Tyaachiyaa gunakarme milaale varadaana | Te sahana na zaale maagaahoona |
Tyaachaa durupayoga daaruna | kelaa tyaane manamaane ||31||
When those individuals sought boons from Gods through their attributes and enactments of austerity, they could not digest them in proper and righteous way. Soon they started to misuse the superior powers of the boons and to behave cruelly, wilfully and to they pleasures. ||31||
Pratham haatee aalee satta | Maga bhulalaa to Bhagavantaa |
Laagalaa upabhogaachyaa panthaa | neeti pravrutti sodoni ||32||
When they became extremely powerful due to the boons, they forgot even Gods who had favoured them by giving boons. They strayed away from the ethical and moral ways and proceeded on the way of worldly enjoyments and pleasures. ||32||
Tyaachi raakhatee sant marjee | Tawa to adhikachi chadhe samaajee |
Janatemanee waadhataahi naaraajee | parwaa na karee ahankaare ||33||
The kind and merciful saints first tried to coax and fondle them with love and affection. But they took disadvantage of the kindness of the saints and grew more and more insolent. They became terribly egoist and did not care for growing more and more displeasure and hatred for them in the common people. ||33||
Bharaavayaa paapaanchaa raanjana | Tyaasi detee protsaahana |
jene twarit hoya nikaal poorna | pankh phutaliyaa udhaleeparee ||34||
Then the saints gave them more and more encouragement to enact devilish and sinful deeds so that their pot of sins would become brimfull and their ego and insolent pride would be soon destroyed just like the quick destruction of the white ants when they produce wings. ||34||
Kiteehi sadhu samjaavitee | pari na wale tyaanchi mati |
Mhanoni deva awataaraahaatee | kaarya aale tayaache ||35||
The saints, sages and seers try to convince them beyond their limits but their devilish tendencies and cruel minds never turn to good and noble path. This is the ripeg time for Gods to appear into incarnations to decide their fate. ||35||
Deva-awataara samajaavitee | Naanaa yojanaa karuni paahtee |
shewatee shastra dhaarana karitee | dushta saathee ||36||
The incarnations of God first try to convince them in many ways. They prepare plans to reform those devilish individuals. But when all their efforts prove fruitless, the incarnations of God then take up arms to destroy those evil demons. ||36||
Tyaachyaa mokhshaane sutatee jana | Mukta hotee dukkhaa paasoona |
Mhanoni karaavaa laage prayatna | Awtaaraasi nirwaanichaa ||37||
When these demans are destroyed, they get rid off their demonish state. The human beings also get rid of the sufferings and tortures they had to face from them. With this purpose, the incarnation of God had to enact his last and surest attempt. ||37||
Aise jyaane jyaane kele | Dukkha jagaache niwaarile |
Te sarva awataarachi tharale | puraane zaalee tayaanchee ||38||
All those, who had enacted to remove the sufferings and torture of the world, had been considered as the incarnations of god and to glorify them and their heroic deeds, several puraanas had been written. ||38||
Taise konee karee ajoona | Tyaanchi guna karme paahoona |
poorvichyaa thoraanche awataar, jana | maanitee tayaa ||39||
Even at present, when some virtueous individuals enact and attempt to remove sorrows and sufferings of the human beings, they are considered as the incarnations of earlier godly personages by observing the remarkable attributes and enactments of those great souls. People compare them to the earlier, ancient incarnations. ||39||
Tulsidaas aadhi aasakta | Te vairaagye zaale mahabhakta |
Raamkathaa gaavoni tarile jagat | mhanoni Valmikee-awataara ||40||
In this early age, Goswaami Tulsidas had an extreme attachment for his wife. But sooner he became desireless and turned into the most excellent devotee. He sang the `Raamkatha' (Life history of Lord Ram- (famous as `Ramcharitmanas' or `Tulsi-Ramayana) and uplifted the common people. So people began to consider him as the incarnation of the first poet Valmiki (who first composed Ramayana). ||40||
Konee bhinna devaa awataar maanitee | Heychi aahe aapuleecha bhakti |
pudhe pudhe kalel tayaanprati | paayarya awataar kaaryaachya ||41||
People think of the different incarnations of different Gods and deities. But they will further understand the stages of the enactments of the incarnations. ||41||
Konaa Mhasobaa, Khandobaa maanya | konee shakti-awataraache karee poojana |
Konee awataar Ram-Krishna | mhanatee Mahavishnuche ||42||
Somebody worships Mhasoba, some other worships Khandoba. Then there are many people who worship shakti devee (The Goddess of powers) and consider them as the incarnations. There are a great many people who believe that Lord Ram and Lord Krishna were the incarnations of Mahavishnu. ||42||
Konee dashawataara maanitee | konee GuruNaanak paramparaa daavitee |
Konee Teerthankarachi awataar mhanatee | Konee ganatee chovees ||43||
Konee Buddha-awataar poojatee | konee Datta-awataaraa bhajatee |
konee yeshu eesha-putraavataar samajatee | jagatee zaalaa ||44||
Konee mhane Mohmmad preshit-awataara | konee mhane sant-ansha-awataara |
Lok maanitee anant prakaara | kitee saango? ||45||
Some devotees fully believe in the ten incarnations of Lord Mahavishnu such as Matsya (the fish incarnation), Katsya (the tortoise incarnation) etc. Some believe that there had been twenty four incarnations of Lord Mahavishnu. Some hold with high esteem and glory the ten incarnations in succession of Guru Naanakjee. Then there are the trusted followers of a faith who consider only the twenty four `Teerthankara' (The great virtueous seers in the Jain Faith) as the incarnations. ||43|| (contd—)
(—contd) Some devotees hold Buddha as the incarnation and there are a large number of people who believe that Lord Dattatraya is the incarnation and worship him and sing his bhajans. Some say that The Son of God had incarnated in the form of Jesus Christ. ||44|| (contd—)
(—contd) Then there are some who have a deep faith that Mohammed Paigambar was the only real missionary incarnation of the Allah. Many others think that the holy saints are the partial incarnations of God. In this way, people, different groups, sects, cults, faiths hold different considerations about incarnations as of different kinds. ||45||
Yaache ekachi kaarana | Jo jo unnateesa laagala nyoona poorna |
Tochi awataar maanilaa vegalaa samajona | sajjanaannee ||46||
The only reason for this is, that the good virtueous noble wisemen had distinctly separated the great personages as the incarnations, who had acquired their self upliftment and spiritual, virtueous prosperity in more or less measures. ||46||
Konee Brahma-Vishnu-Hara | Yaansi maanitee khare awataara |
Konee mhanatee dewachi bhoomeevara | Kadhee naahee prakata zaalaa ||47||
Some people believe that Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva are the only real incarnations. But there are a large number of people who very firmly state that under no circumstances, God would step down in the form of incarnation in this world. so it is absolutely impossible. ||47||
Deva aahe aatmashakti | To deha dhaarana na karey kalpaantee |
Tyaasi jaanane yaatachi unnati | Maanawaachi ||48||
(They insist that) God (Brahma) Who is in his real original form of self-spiritual power, will never come into being by taking the form of mortal body. So, man can seek his own upliftment and spiritual prosperity only by trying to realise the supreme absolute Truth. ||48||
Aisee bhinna lokaanchi bhinna matey |Satya sarvaatrachi unepure te |
Pari sangatee kaisee laawaavee yaate | visaroni gele ||49||
In this way, so far as the incarnations of God are concerned, there are prevailing different views and consideration of different people. However every view, consideration, belief surely holds reality in more or less degree. But people have forgotten to reconciliate the truth that lies in various forms and shades. ||49||
Je je purush thora zaale | Tyaansi awataarachi sambodhile |
Jyaanche jyaanna chaaritrya patale | Tyaannee maanile tyaalaagee ||50||
The reconciliation of the truth, that lies in different shades, forms and measure in the different considerations of the people, means that all those by gone great spirits had been considered and held as the incarnations. It was, because their character, enactments, attributes had been so powerfully impressive and dominant as to be held them incarnations. ||50||
`June te Sone' vishesh tharale | Tethe konaachechi naahee chukale |
pari jyaannee satya anubhavile | Techi paawale deva-padaa ||51||
According to the doctrine `Old is Gold', those, who had existed in the olden times were given much importance, There is nothing wrong in it. But we must not forget that those, who had experienced the most excellent `TRUTH' could only seek the state of God. ||51||
ARE THE DEITIES `AYONI SAMBHAVA' (i.e. not born of the womb) or THE HUMAN BEINGS?
Konee mhanatee dewataa ayoni sambhava | Awataar karee chamatkaarachi sarva |
Hey mhanane aahe artha gourava | Bhaavik panaachaa ||52||
Many people believe that the incarnated individual had not been produced in ordinary way of generation, i.e. he was not born from the womb, of mother as usual. All his enactments were full of astonishing miracles. But this contention is an adoration through the sense of devotion. ||52||
Garbha, narka, vaikunthapuree | yaanche mahatwa kaaya deva antaree? |
Hey paahoni bheeti-moha dharee | Tari to deva kaisenee? ||53||
In fact, what importance does God have for taking birth in embryo, for the heaven for hell? If he holds such delusions, fascinations and illusive ideas, how can he be considered as God? ||53||
Dewaas vaikuntha, garbha saarikhe | yene, jaane swabhavike |
sukhdukkhe ekaachi koutuke | raahatee tayaapudhe ||54||
For God, Vaikuntha and mother's womb are even and equal. (As he is omnipresent). To come into the existence in the world and to disapper are the playful activities of God. What values and importance do the sorrows & joys have in regard to God? ||54||
Yonee dwaare jaree prakatalaa | Taree dukkha na wate tyaachya rhudayaalaa |
Mhanoneech to ayonee sambhava maanila | dnyaaniyaannee ||55||
God certainly can't be unhappy if he is born from mother's womb. So the wise call God as `Ayonisambhava'. ||55||
Erawhee janma-marana sakalaa saarikhe |sahanshakti, adhikaar-bhed raakhe |
jaise jayaache sthaan-maan dekhe | Taise nikey naam tayaa ||56||
Otherwise death and birth are common and alike for all. The difference lies in the limits of tolerance and so they are differently titled according to the state and worthiness they deserve. ||56||
Sarva awataar maanveech asatee | pari adhikaaraa aise kaarya karitee |
Tyaanchi dhaarana, jeevan mukti | taiseech asate sarvadaa ||57||
Infact all incarnations are human. They perform their enactments according to their abilities which they hold and are worthy of. But the retention of life and liberation from the cycle of birth and death in one and the same for all. ||57||
Anek janaanchi sanskaar sangati | Ghewoni yetaatee saangatee |
uddharaayaa jad jeevaamprati | maarga daavitee awataar ||58||
These incarnations come into the world, carrying with them all the impressions which they had stored in their several earlier births. Their objective in coming into existence in the world as the incarnations is to show and lead the ignorant beings on the divine spiritual way for their upliftment and salvation. ||58||
Pari maanveech kaarya karne | Maanavee maargaanech yene-jane |
Maanawaanchyaa bhushanaanpari mirawine | awataaraanche ||59||
Their coming into being and departing from this world, as well as all their enactments and activities in their life span upon the earth are as usual and alike as they happen to be in the life of any comman man. But they become the most precious ornaments of all the human beings and the humanity. ||59||
Maanave sarva praanimatraasi sukhawaave |sarva kaarya suralit chaalawaave |
Ek asoni anant whaave | ulhaasa haachi antaree ||60||
They have an ardent pleasure with a thought in their heart and soul that every human being should continue enacting his duties and deeds neatly and sincerely to provide happiness to all beings and become one by absorbing their entities into the society as a whole. ||60||
Hey samajoni jo vartalaa | Tochi awataar shewatee tharalaa |
Jyane pruthweechaa sambandha jodalaa | eksootree prayatne ||61||
He, who behaves holding such intentions and enacts with hard streneous efforts, who interweaves the whole world in one string of the sense of humanity, is finally held in highest esteem as the incarnation. ||61||
Jyaannee sarva vishwa sootraata govile |sanmaarga maanavamaatraa shikawile |
Techi thora awataara zaale | pudhehi hoteel nishchaye ||62||
All those, who had interwoven the whole world into one string and who had directed and guided all human beings towards the noble, righteous and excellent way, are really the great and magnificent incarnations. They had existed in the past, they are existing at present and very certainly, they would exist in this world in the whole future also. ||62||
Mhanoni awataara haa unnatiwaad | Adhikaar taisaa prakate vishada |
Vishwaatma bhaave swayampoorna siddha | awataar aamhee maanato ||63||
Therefore I consider that the characterestic of the incarnation means the dogma of the excellent and glorious prosperity and the highest upliftment of the human beings. This charecterestic of the incarnation appears in the individual when he seeks the strong sense of "I myself have pervaded into the whole universe."And it is proved to the test of his self experiences. He deserves then the worthiness of being the incarnation. ||63||
To chi sarvaasi ek karee | Ek karonee anekatwee waavaree |
Tyaaseech paawalee poornataa kharee | vishwaatmyachi ||64||
That individual can only unite all human beings into one as a whole entity and becomes monoistic but manages to move around in the forms of the many individuals. Only he can seek then the perfection of the unity and oneness with the universe. ||64||
Ewadhee vishaal jyaachee dhaaranaa |Ewadhaa kaaryaachaa vyaapa jaanaa |
vishwaachiyaa matabhedaannaa | mitawoo shakey jo ||65||
He holds such a great and forceful retention that he can meet out all the difference of opinions and dogmaticsin the world. the scope and the range of his enactments and activities is very vast and widespread. ||65||
Tochi shewatachaa awataar | Mahamaanava vikaas kendra |
Aapana tayaache ansha ankura | maanavadharmee ||66||
That superhuman is the last and final and the most excellent incarnation. He is the centre of the all round development of all the human beings. And we, all other human beings and workers bearing the properties of the human are the part and parcel or the delicate, tender sprouts of that superhuman. ||66||
Nishchaya whaava shrotayaajanaa | Awataar mhanaje atimaanava jaanaa |
Maanwaachi poornataa mhanaa | Awataara kaarya ||67||
O Listeners! have a firm understanding that the incarnation is the superhuman in the human beings. All his enactments and activities mean the total perfection of the human beings. ||67||
Dewataachi karaavee upaasanaa | upaasakaaseecha ye awataarpanaa |
Aisaach aahe awataraachaa banaa | aajawareechaa ||68||
Therefore, we should offer our devotion to the gods and the deities with the object and purpose of attaining the state of incarnation. Remember, the sincere and devoted devotee only can be considered as the incarnation. ||68||
Yaat ekachi taartammya pahaave | maanawa konaachenee sukha paave |
kona samaaj kaarya karee barave | jana-maanasa rangawonee ||69||
In this regard, one point needs to be carefully seen that because of whom people become happy and who attracts people and enacts for the welfare of the mankind. ||69||
Tochi samajaavaa mahaabhalaa | jo jana hilaarthee laagalaa |
Daivee shakteechaa saagar bharalaa | angee jyaachyaa ||70||
He is the great and excellent personage who is full of the ocean of the divine powers and who performs all enactments for the welfare of the humanity. ||70||
Awataaraasi saamarthya paahije | Atmabala prakhar tayaasi saje |
Bolile taisechi kaarya kije | awataara to yaa janee ||71||
The incarnation needs a great power and a very forceful strength of spirit. One who acts as he speaks is considered as the incarnation. ||71||
Aishyaa shanti awataraachee keerti | Maanawaasi sant saangatee |
Deva-awataar prakat hotee | kranti karaayaa desha maajee ||72||
The saints present the glorious examples of the incarnations of peace before people. The incarnations of Gods are the revolutionary. They appear in this world to bring the revolution and to set up a neat fold of the disturbed world again. ||72||
Shanti-awataar, kraanti-awataar | yaa doghaanche kaarya bhinna sarvatra |
Ek karee sadbodha maatra | ek karee nirnaya ||73||
The duties of these two kinds of incarnations i.e. the incarnation of peace and the incarnation of the revolution are totally different. The incarnation of peace gives right and moral precept to the human beings while the incarnation of the revolution brings total revolution in the disturbed set up of the humanity, and finish the problem completely. ||73||
Doghaanchihi aahe jaruree | Mhanoni hee yojanaa maanilee chaturee |
Aapanahi whaave awataaree | Tyaachiyaa aise nirdhaare ||74||
However, both the kinds of incarnations are very essential and so the clever and the wise uphold this arrangement with respect. We should also determinently try to become the incarnations like them. ||74||
Naahitaree aratra na paratra | Heyhee mhanataa ye awataara-vaichitrya |
parantu awataar to awataarkaarya | karaavayaasee ||75||
Otherwise your condition will be like neither here, nor there'. can we call it as the variety of the incarnation? In fact, one who enacts the duties of the incarnation is a true incarnation. ||75||
Maanava dharmaasi ujalon | Dushkrutinaash, sajjan rakhshana |
karane heychi awataar lakhshana | sarvamaanya sevaatmaka ||76||
The characterestic of incarnation which is accepted on all hands is that it brightens up the duty of the humanity, destroys the evil and sinful conduct and protects the virtueous, pious noble people. And the core or the heart of all this is the sincere and dutiful service to the mankind. ||76||
Jyaannee jagaachi sewa kelee | Tyaaseech awataar padavee laabhalee |
Tyaa waachooni awataar bolee | Hee to aapulyaa bhaavanechee ||77||
Those who dutifully served this world were only held as the incarnations. If we call the otherwise (i.le. those who are different from such individuals & who don't render service to the humanity) as the incarnations, it will be merely a funny game of our feelings and imaginations. ||77||
Seve evhade mahatwa naahee | Dnyaan, dhyaana, vairaagyaasahee |
Hya sarva saadhanee saphalataahee | sevenchi hotase ||78||
Even the knowledge, meditation and desirelessness also do not have as much importance as the service does, (though they are excellent aspects.) Moreover, whatever success is gained through knowledge, meditation and desirelessness is nothing else but the fruit of service. ||78||
Deva-dewataa jagee aalee | jap-tapey karoo laagalee |
pari poornataa nahee zaalee | seva naahee towaree ||79||
Gods, goddesses and deities came into this world and performed the spiritual practices like japa (reiterating God's name) Tapa(penance) etc. But all their spiritual services were incomplete until they put themselves to the service of the humanity. ||79||
Jemwhaa sevaa kaarya prakat kele | Anant jeeva santushta zaale |
Temwhaachi awataar tayaa maanile | Bhoo lokee yaa ||80||
When all those great spirits displayed their honest and dutiful services to the humanity and made innumerable people happy and contented, then only they were regarded as the incarnations. ||80||
Raamchandre raajya tyaagile | Raavanaa samhaarooni sajjana rakhshile |
Mhanonich awataar tharale | sarvatomukhee ||81||
For the sake of the principle, Lord Ram sacrificed his kingdom. He destroyed Ravana and his whole demonic empire. He protected the noble, pious and virtueous people. Therefore he was considered as the incarnation by all. ||81||
Shreekrushne kamsa mardilaa | Dooryodhanaachaa naash ghadavilaa |
sukha dewoni gora garibaalaa | magachi tharalaa awataara to ||82||
Lord Krishna destroyed kamsa. He got the evil wrongdoers like Dooryodhan completely destroyed. He made the poor and helpless people happy. So Lord Krishna had been held in high esteem as the incarnation. ||82||
Aise seva kaarya kele jyaane | Tyaaseech jana awataar mhane |
Tyaa kaaryaleelaa aathawatee jeeve praane | sarvatoparee ||83||
People hold those as the incarnations who render their sincere and dutiful services to the humanity. They devotedly remember their divine and excellent enactments from their hearts & souls. ||83||
Aathavatee tehi awataar hotee | Taisee karitaa seva kruti |
pari koradee sahaanubhooti | hee to nawhe uddhaarak ||84||
Those, who always remember such divine excellent enactments of the great personages (who are believed to be incarnations) and imitate similar enactments and render their dutiful services to the human beings can also attain the state of incarnations. But if you make only dry and shallow show of sympathy, nobody can attain upliftment. ||84||
Jyaanni sewakaaryaasee jeevan diley | swaanandee budoni jagaa taarile |
Techi sant, awataar zaale | kartavyasheel maanava ||85||
Such great individuals, who sacrificed their whole life in extending their services to the human beings and looted freely their self spiritual exhultance to all, those dutiful and active personages who worked for the prosperity and upliftment of mankind, were held as incarnations. ||85||
Saadhu, santey sewaa kelee | Anant rhudaye santoshavilee |
vyawahaar- upaasanene daavilee | shidi mokhsha maargaachee ||86||
The saints and sages extended their dutiful services to the humanity and made innumerable people happy. They led and guided people towards emancepation through spiritual services and practical virtueous behaviour. ||86||
Saadhu santey sewaa kelee | jeewaasi Brahmapraaptichee olakha dilee |
Taisee sewa paahije ghadalee | aapanaaseehi ||87||
Those saints and sages served the mankind and imparted the divine spiritual knowledge to the common beings to secure the transcendantly supreme state of `Brahma' (Absolute Truth). We should also attempt to render such services to the mankind. ||87||
Ek sant janmaas aalaa | Tyaane prantachaa praant keertine vyaapalaa |
pari kaa janasudhaaranelaa | apuraa padalaa vyaap tyaacha? ||88||
A certain saint was born. He obtained glory and fame all over the state. But he fell short in his sphere of rendering his service to bring reformations and welfare for people. Why did it happen in his case? ||88||
Yaache kaarana aamhee lok | sandesh aikataanna dole zaaka |
Namaskaar karaayaache koutuka | aamuchyaa paashee ||89||
We ourselves are reason for this situation. We take pleasure and pride in offering our empty salutations to the saints but connive at the precious precept and advice of such saints and sages. ||89||
Lok karitee tyaanchaa utsava | gaatee manobhaave gourava |
parantu taisaa sevaabhaava | angee na aanitee aapulyaa ||90||
People arrange great celebrations and festivals in the names of the great holy saints and holy spirits with great faith and devotion. They sing their glory and characterestics in their praise with devotion. But they never try to imbibe those attributes and sense of dutiful service to the mankind. ||90||
Deva gheteel awataar | Mhanoni vaat paahatee utaraayaa bhaara |
Haa dublepanaachaa vichaar | shiralaa thora yaa lokee ||91||
Common people always hold this belief in their feeble minds that some time or other, God will incarnate to reduce the growing burden of the sins and evil tendencies upon the earth. ||91||
Arey! hey sarva aataa visaraave | santee saangitale techi karaave |
Maanawaane maanawaa sudhaaraave | yaahooni punya konate? ||92||
Friends! Forget all such false conceptions and illusions. Follow the precious precept and advice of the saints and sages. No divine merit can be as great as can be sought through rendering service by the individual to the mankind. ||92||
Hey pavitra awataarkaarya | aapanachi howooniyaa nirbhaya |
kaa na karaave takoni paaya? laabhel jaya nishchayaane ||93||
Why should not we fearlessly proceed a step forward and enact what we expect to be enacted by the incarnations? This firm resolution will surely bring victory to us. ||93||
Konee rograaine marey | Tyaasa kona pusato saanga barey? |
pari sewa karitaa praana antare | Lok shraddhaa bhare keerti gaatee ||94||
If anybody dies of some disease, who goes to inqure about him? But if somebody offers his life in rendering his services to the human beings, people sing their glories with great faith and devotion. ||94||
Mhanoni bolalo sevaka banaa | olakhaa maanava mhanoni aapanaa |
Ghewoni awataar tatwaachyaa khunaa | ujalaa bhuwanaa keertine ||95||
Therefore I have told you to become the dutiful servants of the mankind. Imbibe the attributes and the characterestics of the truth behind the incarnation and brighten the world with your own honest & sincere efforts and enactments. Always recognise your duty towards the humanity. ||95||
Nakaa adnyanaamaaje adoo | Nakaa bayakaa porasaathi radoo |
Nakaa swaarthaa saathee adoo | Nighaa maanava seva saadhaavaya ||96||
Don't hide yourself in the darkness of ignorance. Give up your crying and ailing for your wife and children only. Give up becoming rigid and stubborn to seek your selfish desires and come out in the open to offer yourself for the cause of humanity and service to it. ||96||
Jo aapulyaa swaarthaasi mukalaa | Vishwa-swaartha maanito aapulaa |
Tochi awataar kaaryee laagalaa | maanato aamhee ||97||
We hold him as the incarnation, who gives up his selfishness, hurls himself to perform the enactments of the incarnations and thinks that his own upliftment lies in the upliftment of the world. ||97||
Yaa saathee karaa aapulee unnati | sewa dewoni gaavaaprati |
Gaavaapaasoni vishwaprati | pohachoni jaave ||98||
Therefore serve the village & the villagers. seek your own as well as people's upliftment and proceed a step from your village to reach the edge of the universe. ||98||
Aapalee samaj waadhawaavee | pais tewadhee kaame karaavee |
Mhanaje laabhel awataar padawee | kramaane aapanaa ||99||
Extend and grow your power of reasoning. Heighten the standard of your enactments to the last extent of your abilities. Then only you can seek the title of the incarnation. ||99||
Sewetachi aahe devabhakti | kaarya karanyaatachi raashtrashakti |
yaanech miley shewatee mukti | awataar deepti angee yeyee ||100||
The devotion of God lies in service to the humanity. The strength of the country lies in the enactments. The final goal of attaining salvation can be sought only by enactment for the service to the humanity, and it brings in you the brilliance of the incarnated personages. ||100||
Konaalaahi na waataave awaghad | kaise awataar kaarya prachand |
paawataa na ye aise udanda | Naaheech kaahee graamjanho! ||101||
Therefore, O Villager brothers! none of you should fear that the duty and enactments of the incarnation are the most difficult Nothing exists in this world which can't be achieved. Remove illusive fears from your minds. ||101||
Taise bhayachi wagalaave | Mhanoni bolalo saadhyaa bhaave |
Tukadya mhane samjoni ghyaave | Taaratammyane marma yaache ||102||
(Vandaniya maharaj says) Therefore, I have placed this view and thought in a very simple and easy words. With discretional reasoning and sense of judgement, try to understand the secret of this. ||102||
Iti Shree graamgeetaa grantha | Guru-shaastra-swaanubhava sammat |
kathila awatar kaaryaachaa patha | Tehatisaavaa adhyaya sampoorna ||103||
This Graamgeeta scripture is fully consented by the Guru, shastraas and self-experiences. The Thirty third Chapter, describing the way to the enactments of incarnations, is hereby concluded. ||103||
||Sadgurunaath Maharaj ki jai||
1 The one, who as much cares for the human society and as much renders his services to the mankind proves himself the incarnation to that level and status. We shall attempt to become ideal in our family and then try for become the incarnation to the village.
2 In fact, the incarnations are the human-beings. They prove themselves as incarnations by the divine enactments they perform for the redemption of the mankind. We shall try to become the true servants of the `SATYA-YUGA' (The era of the truth) for bringing up the rule of the villages.
3 We shall treat that great personage as the incarnation who is the ideal of sacrificing his life to the duty and service to the mankind.
4 Protection of the pious good and virtueous persons and subjugation of the evil ones is the work of the incarnation. Therefore, we shall retaliate to the evil tendencies by creating our unity and organisation and we shall try to create the divine atmosphere by adopting the regular common mass prayer and mutual co-operation.
5 We shall sacrifice the illusive attachments and for stepping forward towards the state of incarnation we shall offer our whole life to the services of the mankind.


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