Chapter- 31 THE SAINTS-THEIR MIRACLES (Sant - Chamatkaar)

Chapter- 31
(Sant - Chamatkaar)
||Salutations to Shree Gurudeva||
Good Grace of the Saints or the efforts their followers?
Eshwar bhajanaacha karita prachaar | Hoyeel aamuchaa uddhaar |
Parantu jagaasi taaraayaa apaar | saamarthya paahije angee ||1||
There is no doubt that, enacting the spiritual services like bhajan and keertana, we can offer our sincere devotion to God and get ourselves emancipated personally. But the greatest power is necessary to obtain the emancipation of the world. ||1||
Te kaarya santachi karoo jaane | Je devachi zaale jeeve praane |
yeraa gabalaannee kelee bhajane | taree kaaya hotey? ||2||
Holy Saints, who had sought the state of the most excellent divinity with their soul and life forces, can only perform the extra ordinary enactments to emancipate the world. Ignorant people, other than such saints may go on singing and reciting bhajan, keertan to any limits, of their abilites, nothing good will come out of it in this regard. ||2||
Ram naame tarale paashaana | pari te lihinaarehi taisechi poorna |
Itaraanni khadaa taakataahi budon | jayeel aataa ||3||
It is true that the stones bearing the name of Lord Ram had floated on the waters of the sea. But the devotees, who wrote Ram naam on those stones were the most excellent and virtueous. They had totally forgotten their physical consciousness, their soul and heart in their sincere devotion. Anybody if drops a small nodule in to water, it will directly sink down to the bottom. ||3||
Nirjeeva chaalavilee bhinta | kele sonyaache parvata |
vishaasahi banavile amrut | Techi khare shaktishaalee ||4||
Those saints were really extra - ordinarily powerful who made the lifeless wall proceed ahead, who turned the high mountains into gold and transformed poison into nectar. ||4||
Redyaamukhee wadavile veda | dohee korade thevile kaagad |
Aise thora sant prasiddha | vishwataaraka ||5||
Those holy saints had become gloriously wellknown as the emancipators of the world, who got the vedas intoned through the mouth of a he-buffelo, who took out the notebooks of their abhangaas thirteen days after, from the deep narrow pond in the river and those note books were completely dry and undamaged though they remained in water for thirteen days. ||5||
Techi aapulyaa bhajane vachane | jagaasi uddharteel dayene |
Aamuchyaa bhajanache tunatune | phukechi saare ||6||
As these great saints had always cherished divine virtues like pity and sympathy for the world, they could uplift the world through their bhajans and dominutions. The mean and negligible small musical stringed instrument of our devotional bhajans have no value before them. ||6||
Sant maayabaap krupaal | Aapanaasarikhe karitee taatkaal |
krupaa karitaa na laage vela | patitahi taraavayaa ||7||
All those holy saints are benignant parents. If they become merciful they can emancipate the most fallen sinful and make them as divine as they themselves are and that too in a moment. ||7||
Tyaanchaa mantra padataa kaanee | hoya patakaanchi haanee |
Jad jeevahi jaatee uddharoni | Anya bhajanee hey karoo na shake ||8||
As soon as anybody hears the sacred Mantra uttered by them, all sins of the listener vanish away and the ignorant being can get emancipated. Any other bhajanee can't do so. ||8||
Aisaa shrotiyaanchaa vichaar | Mhaney sant kariteel chamatkaar |
Tareech taru haa sansar | saadhan yera waaooge ||9||
The chain of thoughts of the listeners seems so. They think, if the holy saints enact miracles, this world will seek emancipation. All other ways and means are useless and unable to do it. ||9||
Yaache uttar aikaa shrote | sant jaree chamatkaare taarite |
Tari koneech na urate | Aajwari baddha janee ||10||
"Listen, O Listeners!, Had the holy saints gone enacting the strange mircles, as you are expecting from them, no poor miserable had remained as the ignorance-bonded being. All would have achieved salvation. ||10||
Kaaran sant apaar zaale | jyaanchee devaanwarahi satta chaale |
Tyaa santaansi sarvachi aapule | kaa na taarile dayene? ||11||
There had been innumerable saints and holymen upon this earth. They certainly had powers even to rule over Gods. They had always cherished unlimited pity and sympathy for all and they held all the living beings as their own. Why then did they not become so merciful to emancipate all living beings?" ||11||
Santansi sarvaanchech barey whaave | Aise waate jeeve-bhaave |
pari jyaannee kartavya karaave | Techi hotee adhikaaree ||12||
All saints do really and sincerely feel that all human beings should happily prosper in this world and seek their welfare. But remember, Those human beings, who honestly and sincerely attend to their legitimate duties (towards the humanity) are only worthy of claiming the divine blessings and favour of saints. ||12||
Janee kartavya na karitaa | sant laabh na detee aayeetaa |
Nusataa tyaancha mantra ghetaa | mokhsha hoto mhano naye ||13||
We can't have the benefit of merciful divine blessings and favour from the saints unless we have attended to our duty as the human, honestly and sincerely. Don't think that by getting initiated with some auspicious `Mantra' from some saint, one can seek salvation. ||13||
Sant aapanaa saarikhe karitee | parise soney kele lohaa prati |
parantu khaapar soney nohey nishchitee | jaanaave hey taartamya ||14||
The saints bring up other human beings and make them equal & at par of their own divine level (and make them as saintly as they themselves are). This is true But you must understand. The alchemic stone (PARISA) can change iron into Gold but it can't make the pitcher golden. You must have this sense of judgement in respect of the enactments of the saints. ||14||
uddhaar karane hey santaanche karma | pari tyaat aahe niraale varma |
samajoni ghyaava shishya dharma | konataa aapula ||15||
It is true that it is the moral duty of all saints to uplift the living beings. But there is an identical secret in it. You have to realise what your duties are as the loyal and honest disciple of the saints and you have to fulfil them at any cost. ||15||
Sant je jyaa konaa sangatee | taisechi jaree te jana waagatee |
Tyaanchaachi uddhaar hoto jagatee | aise aahe ||16||
The secret behind it is that when the saint tells somebody to enact something, he must do it in - to with full faith in his saint-Guru, understanding what the saint wants him to do. Then only he can be surely lifted up by the saint. ||16||
uddhaar sant na karitee | Maarga saangatee janaapratee |
Tyaanchyaa bodhawachane pragati | kelee paahije saadhake ||17||
The saint never actually uplifts any body and grants him salvation. They only guide on a right path to achieve upliftment. Then the seeker has to follow the path with full faith and sincerity, and enact literally as the saint has advised. then only the seekar can make his spiritual progress successfully. ||17||
choraasi waate chatur nighaave | vishayee mhane shoukeen whaave |
Taise saadhusi waate sajjana banaave | lok aapule ||18||
The thief wants to become more smart and skilful, (in his profession). The amorous or lewd one wants to look more voluptuous. Similarly the saints and seers also want that their followers and disciples should become good, virtueous and noble individuals. ||18||
Sarvachi karitee aapulaa prachaar | Taisaachi saadhuchaa vyawaahaar |
konataa uttam,kon apavitra | maarga jaanavaa saadhake ||19||
All go on canvassing their own merits. The saints and sages also canvass about their good wishes for people near to them. But the spiritual seeker should use his own discretion and consideration which way is auspicious, pure and excellent for him and which other way is impure and inauspicious. ||19||
Maage konatyaa maarge jana gele ? konaachya prchaare kalyaan zaale? |
kone seevanaasi pudhaarile ? keertiroope ? ||20||
The spiritual seeker should think himself and try to understand which divine and auspicious way the earlier people had followed for their welfare, by whose spiritual guidance and advice they could attain it and who could succeed to retain behind their glories, name and fame. ||20||
Ek gelaa jugaaraapaayee | Ek melaa budoni vishayee |
Ek zaala chora, anyaayee | Gaavagunda ||21||
Some individual went intently after constant gambling and became broken up and bankrupt. The another one got himself fully absorbed in enjoying luxurious sensual pleasures and fell prey to his boundless and excessive passions. The third one became the most unjust, unrighteous, rowdy and turned into a natorious village-bully. ||21||
Ek santaa paashi gelaa | Toch sanmaargee laagoni taralaa |
Tayaachaa uttam prachaar zaala | sarvalokee ||22||
But there ws one individual who always lived in close association of the sants and enacted following the virtueous and noble behaviour. He sought his upliftment from his worldly life. His name and fame spread all over the world very widely. ||22||
Aisee aahe santaanchi sangatee | aapan aikilyaa hotey gati |
pana kartavya kelyaasachi unnati | diso laage ||23||
This is the fruitful outcome of living in close association with the holy saints. We can find way to our self upliftment and prosperity. But only he, who honestly and sincerely goes on that way can get his objectives fulfilled. ||23||
Sant mhanatee satya bolaave | Aapan nemake khote karaave |
Bol shewatee santaavari thewaave | konyaa nyaayaane ? ||24||
The saints always advise us to speak the truth and to follow truth in behaviour. But we always go on lying. And moreover, we put blame upon the saints for not favouring us merafully. Is this just and fair? ||24||
Santaanni saangaave durguna sodaa | Aapan paapaanni bharava gaada |
kaasayaa sangaava sant-powaada | `uddhaar hoto' mhanunee ? ||25||
The saints advise us to give up vices and evil habits. We continue loading our carts full with sinful behaviour. Then why should we go on boasting and enumerating the saints and their divine virtues ? ||25||
Jyaane sant wachan paalaave | Aaple durguna aawaraave |
Tyaanech krupaapaatra whaave | santaanthaayee ||26||
One, who follows the divine advice of the saints and strictly behaves according to their guidance, who givesup vices, bad habits, will be worthy of seeking favour and blessings from the saints. ||26||
Krupaa haa santaanchaa swabhaava | wegalee naahi krupechi theva |
karavayaasi deva-gheva | prayatnaavine ||27||
It is the natural instinct of all saints to bestow their divine mercy and favour upon all. But this dealing of taking and giving the divine blessings and favour by the seeker and the saints can't be possible unless the seeker puts his hard and sincere efforts. The saints have not kept the treasure of their divine favour in any separate store. ||27||
Ekachi aahe vishesh khoona | Santaanchyaa vaaneet premalapana |
Manaasi laage aakarshana | satkarmaache ||28||
The saints possess a peculiar identification mark. Their speech always overflows with love for all. This mark of identification of the saints makes other think of enacting good and virtueous deeds. ||28||
Tyaanchi waaganook pahon | prasanna hotey paahanaaraache mana |
Taisechi karma karaave aapana | waate lokaa ||29||
The divine, virtueous and righteous behaviour of the saints makes people happy and inspires them to follow the same virtueous and righteous behaviour in their practical life. ||29||
Pari jyaache waayeet samskaar | vrutti ase bahirang faar |
Tyaasi bodha hone ati durdhar | samajaa lokee ||30||
But those, who bear deeply the evil and worst impressions upon their minds and behaviour, get attracted towards the worldly enjoyments and the various means of worldly pleasures. Such voluptuous people will find it difficult to seek the divine advice of the saints and to bring it into their practical behaviour. ||30||
Vrutti uttam karyee waley | Tyaavari santaancha bodh miley |
Nischaya hotaa bhaagya ujale | Thorapanaane ||31||
When human minds inclines towards virtueous enactments and at this juncture, they perchance listen to the advice of the saints, then their determination to enact the virtueous and excellent work gets confirmed and it results in bringing in them good fortune. ||31||
Manushya dukkhaane horapalalaa | vichaare vairaagyabhaave walalaa |
Tyaavari gurucha bodha ujalalaa | maarga kalalaa bhaagyaachaa ||32||
If some miserble individual happens to get singed by the fire of sorrows and gets absorbed in his sorrowful thoughts, he develops a strong feel of desirelessness and disinterest in worldly matters. If at this moment he happens to listen the preceptive advice of the saint, then he can have a clear sight of the way towards his good fortune and welfare. ||32||
Konee samjoni paaool taakale | Aapule satkarmaatachi aahe bhale |
Tyaane santanche charan dharile | Tehi tarale bhaagya shaalee ||33||
If anybody realises that his welfare is stored in enacting good and noble virtueous deeds, he turns to enact them and goes in the refuge of the holy saint, he is a very fortunate person and surely he will seek salvation. ||33||
Aise jyaane saadhan kele | Sant-vachanaasi pratipaadile |
Tyaache koutuk kiteehi waanile | Tari te apure ||34||
Heaps and piles of admiring words and praise will fall short in adoring those who honestly, faithfully and sincerely follow the advice and divine preceptive quotations of the saints. ||34||
Santaanchaa shuddha sankalpa | tyaasi kalalaa, prakatalaa deepa |
dharoni nishchayaachaa prataap | unnat zaala satshishyaa ||35||
When anybody realises the pure, clear and auspicious volition manifested in the pure and pious heart of the saints, a lamp of the most excellent and divine knowledge gets flamed up in his heart. His determination strengthens more and more and such virtuous disciple seeks his self upliftment. ||35||
Sheteechi jameen zaalee uttam | Tyaavaree padale bee sakhshama |
waadhale katumbiyaanchehi prem | waadhataa peeka ||36||
If a piece of land is excellently cultivated and prepared for sowing, and if high grade productive and pithful seeds are sown into it, a very rich crop grows enormously whizzing throughout the field. Looking at such fully blossomed field, all the family members also grow more and deep love for the farmer. ||36||
Taisechi saadhakaache hote | pratham shuddhaacharan, shuddha chittey |
wari sant bodha hotaa tethe | peeka waadhe bhaktiche ||37||
In the same way, first the spiritual seeker must maintain his behaviour in pure and virtueous manner (land)- It will make his mind and soul pure. When this is enacted by him, and the merciful holy saint bestows his divine precept upon (seeds) him, then certainly, pure and deep devotion will fully blossom in his heart. (rich crop) ||37||
Aise jyane sinchan kele | ankur phutale, waadho laagale |
Anubhawaache phala aale | sant krupaa kataakhshe ||38||
In this way, one who sprinkles water of chestity and piousness upon his clean mind & soul, his spiritual services will sprout up. He will have the mercy and bloessings from the saints. The plant of his devotion will grow and develop into a big tree. He will have a blessing glance as the fruit of that tree. ||38||
Parantu aisee sandoni reeti | ugeech buwaanchyaa paayaa padalee |
Tyaanech sarva hotey samajatee | antaree lok aapulyaa ||39||
But leaving this plain and safe path of achieving our ultimate goal, the ignorant people go on prostraiting before the bogus and pretending ascetics (Buwaa) and think that they will have their desires fulfilled in doing so. ||39||
Paayaa padalyaane sarva hotey | maga kaam kaasayaa karaave te ? |
potaasi milel aaitey | mokhsha laabhel buwaapaayee ||40||
People think that by prostrating before saints and ascetics they can get whatever they want. So they give up doing hard work. They think dogging behind such ascetics, they can easily have their emancipation, as easily as they can seek their meals. ||40||
chukichee hee dhaarana ati | aisee navatee yaachi reeti |
Namra whaave sarwabhootee | aisaa siddhaant aahe yaachaa ||41||
This is totally a wrong conception. The motive behind prostration is to become polite and to express utmost humility to all the living beings. ||41||
Sarvaanni sarvaansi namra whaave | aapale hitaguja vichaaraave |
Thoraanni lahaanasi saangaave | kartavya mhanoni ||42||
All should behave very politely and humbly before all beings. they should humbly discuss and ask about their betterment and welfare. The elderly individuals should direct and advise the youngers with proper knowledge about the propriety of prostrates. It is their duty towards the youngers. ||42||
pari laakho lokaannee paayaawari padaave | thora saangatee te na karaave |
Hey ajabachi ghetale swaabhaave | bhaavikaanchyaa ||43||
But lakhs of people have picked up a strange practice of prostrating before ascetics. People prostrate to the ascetics but never behave according to their advice. ||43||
Hee prathaachi band karaavee | shrawanee ruchi waadhawaavee |
Manan karoni aacharaavee | wanee santaa-thoraanchee ||44||
Now, they should give up this strange practice. They should form a liking in listening to the best advice of the holy saints. They should have a deep meditation upon the saints words and they should try to bring them into their prctical behaviour. ||44||
Yaanech santapana waadh gheyee | sant-sange santachi hoyee |
pari `sant' mhanataa sansaar sodoon jayee | aise nawhe ||45||
This will surely grow the saintly attributes into the seeker and by the constant association with the holy saints, he will achieve that state of holyness of the saints. But to become a saint does not mean to leave the house and the house life. ||45||
Sansaaree asoni sant asatee | vyawahaaree raahoni aadarsha hotee |
Buwaa na mhanavitaahi adhikaar thevitee | sadguruchaa ||46||
The great saints maintain their house life, perform all their duties as the house holder and maintain their state of saintliness practicing fair and moral, righteous enactments in their behaviour. they live an ideal life. Though they never call themselves as great ascetics, they do possess the authority and worthiness of the real sadguru. ||46||
Aise aahe santapana | Te miley satsange, karoni saadhana |
Nase angee vichitrapana | konatehi tayaanchyaa ||47||
This is what the saintliness is. It is to be achieved through the constant spiritual practice and constant association with the saints. There is nothing strange or miraculous so far as the real saints are concerned. ||47||
Pawadimaajee paaya thevitaa | Daava mhane Brahma satta |
Tyaa Jayatpaal raajaasi taarile tatwataa | shewatee granthachi bodhuni ||48||
The King Jayatpaal challenged swaami Mukundraj while he was putting one foot upon the stirrup to mount his horse and asked him to show him the ruling power of Brahma-The most excellent supreme Truth. Swaamiji accepted his challenge and on the pretext of advising him, he wrote down a very big volume. At last he emancipated the king. ||48||
Karoniyaa chamatkaar | Sant na karitee uddhaara |
Haachi manee raakha nirdhaar | Bodhachi saar tayaanchaa ||49||
The Saints never uplift anybody by enacting any miracle. Their divine advice proves as redemptive. You must firmly bear this in your minds. ||49||
Chamatkaaraachyaa bharee bharonee | zaalee anekaanchi dhuladhanee |
sant-chamatkaar yaa pudhe konee | nakaa varnoo, sajjanho ! ||50||
Many individuals have spoiled their lives dogging after the miracles. Gentlemen! Please, henceforth, stop describing and boasting about the miracles of the saints. ||50||
Yaawaree shrotaa prashna karee | kaaya sant nawhatee chamatkaaree? |
Aamhee pratyakhsha paahile taree | kaa na lokaa saangaave? ||51||
upon this, one of the listeners asked, "Had not saints enacted miracles! We have witnessed the miracles of the saints. Why should not then we tell people about them? ||51||
Ekaane naaliteel ghaan phekalee | Te attar-sugandhe ghamghamaatalee |
Ekaane muthi madhooni kaadhilee | khadisaakhaar pratyakhsha ||52||
Ekaane katoritooni pangatee waadhalyaa | shrotiyaa netree dhaaraa kaadhilyaa |
Ekaane ghadyaaleech banda kelyaa | sarva gaavaachyaa ||53||
(We have seen) "One saint threw the dirty water from the gutter upon the people around. But from that dirt very sweet fragrance of perfume spread all over. Another saint presented from his empty mist the sugarcandy. All, who were present there had witnessed this miracle." ||52||
"Then one saint served food to the rows after rows of people taking out food from his small bowl. Then some another saint made certain individual's eyes shed tears. The third on stopped all clocks and watches in the whole town." ||53||
Mitra, twaa paahile saach | pari haa aabhaas mithyaach |
santaanche he lakhshana navhech | konatyaahi kadaa kaalee ||54||
(Vandaniya maharaj replies), "My Friend ! you saw all these events But it was surely semblance. Enacting miracles has never been an identical character of any saint in any ages; nevr in the past, not at present and never in the future. ||54||
Hey sarva santaangharache khshoodra khela | Konee maaniteel yaas sabala |
Taree te mukateel praanjal | seva wrata mahatwaache ||55||
All these enactments are mean, trifle and meaningless tricks of those bogus buwaas (hypocrite ascetics). If anybody believes in them and thinks that the miracles are a real phenomenon, he will be deprived of the important spiritual practices and the vow of serving others. ||55||
Latike drushya te aanaave | kaahi lokaas jewoo ghalaave |
Aani aanile tethe khalage paadaave | hey dise, tyaa naval kaise? ||56||
If any so called saint attempts to bring false food unwitnessed by anybody, and freely feeds people, a great loss of food will surely prevail some where. Because that saint had brought that food from there. then what is the wonder there ?" ||56||
Konee keertistava daan karee | paise milawonee kaalyaa baajaaree |
Taise dusarikadoni aanoni bharee | vastu adrushya ||57||
Some persons make a huge money by black marketing and then donates a part of it in charity to earn name and fame. In the same way the the things brought by these fake ascetics in some invisible way are like the money earned in black marketing. ||57||
Ekaache khise kaapaave | Dusaryaas mhane daan dyaave |
Taisechi chamatkaar laaghava aaghave | samajaave hey ||58||
This skill in performing such miracles is just like pick pocketing money from one's pocket and donating it to another person. ||58||
Konee guruchi sewa karee | Jeewan waahee chamtkaaraavaree |
Adkyaache saadhan saadhooni zugaaree | Aayushyaratna ||59||
Some disciple serves his Guru. All his service and attempts are to obtain some occult powers from the Guru. In fact their aim to serve the Guru should be for obtaining the most precious gem of emancipation. But, neglecting this excellent objective, they die after the mean and trifile occult powers. ||59||
Paise dewoni naavetuni jaave | Tethe tapaane paanyaavari chaalave |
shewatee ahamkaare bhrashta whaave | yaat thorawee kashaache ? ||60||
By paying a little money one can go across the river by hiring some boat. Why should then he use the occult power of spiritual penance to walk on the water and waste the penance practices? This is the downfall of the ascetic. What and where is greatness for him in this act ? ||60||
Paree hey janaasi kalenaa | santapasooni ichchha naana |
karitee, dewoni daan-dakhshinaa | Lobhaasaathee ||61||
But people don't understand this. They expect many things of their desires from the saints For this, they pay donations and Dakhshina (fees for enacting rites) and make a show of their greed. ||61||
Lokaanchiyaa yaa olkhoni bhaavaa | anek daambhik yetee gaavaa |
Lutatee janaasi dhongee buwaa | maage laavoniyaa ||62||
These fake hypocrite ascetics fully know the human tendencies and the attraction in common people for mircles. so they visit the villges and enchant people by attracting towards them and rob them finally. ||62||
Hee buwaabaajee bhulawee janaa | Bhrashta karee graamjeewanaa |
phasawoni bholyaa-baapadyaannaa | bhaltyaa chhandaa laavitee ||63||
This hypocratic masquerading of the bogus and fake saints and ascetics charm the common man and spoil the innocent life of people. These bogus buwaas deceive the ignorant people and impel them to fall prey to bad habits and addictions. ||63||
Kaahi detee sheti dhana | Mag paahatee maage phirona |
hey tawa aahe vedepana | aapalya swaarthaandhateche ||64||
Some individuals offer their farms and money to such fake and bogus ascetics. Then after some days they repent for it. This is a pure blind selfishness. ||64||
Kaahi varganee karonee golaa | gaavee karitee bhakti-sohalaa |
Bhikaari karonee striyaa baala | thewitee konee ||65||
Some individuals collect contributions and arrange a display of pomp and show of the greatness of their devotion. some squander huge money lavishly to exhibit their superficial devotion and leave their family members to go on starving. ||65||
Prayatnaanchaa maarg soditee | alpaayaase laabh ichchhitee |
chamatkaaraanchya thaapet jaatee | Garudiyaanchyaa ||66||
Common people stray away from doing honest efforts. They wish to have more gains in less efforts. So It makes them to fall prey to the bluffs of the fake ascetics who enchant them by enacting miraculous tricks like jugglers. ||66||
Lok chamatkaaraavari bhulatee | Maagaahooni pashchattaap karitee |
kaahi bhural paadilee mhanatee | aamhawaree ||67||
The simple innocent and ignorant people get attracted and allured by the miracles enacted by such bogus ascetics. But at last they have to regret for it. Then some of these deceived individuals argue that they were marvelled and mesmarized by the bogus ascetic. ||67||
Waastawik sant nawhe jaadugaar | karaavayaa chamatkaar |
Haa to chaalat aahe vyawahaar | potbharyaanchaa ||68||
In fact, the real saints are not the magicians. performing any miracles. the saints and miracles you are speaking of are a kind of a business deal of those bally-Gods. ||68||
Chamatkaar tethe namaskaar | Tene jaadugiris chadhe poora |
kharyaa santaas olakhinaa nar | chamatkaaraa abhaavee ||69||
People hold a tendency to prostrate before miracles. This attitude has brought a great value to the magic of such bogus ascetics. so it has become very difficult for the common innocent man to recognise the real saint as he never enacts any miracles. ||69||
Yaach bhraantine bhuloni | `Sant aale gaavee, bhuwanee |
pari paap na gele dhuwoni | mhanatee jana yaaparee ||70||
The villagers get fascinated by such saints. But at last say "The saint had visited our village and houses; but the sin of the village and of us has not been swept away. ||70||
Konee mhanatee ghetale darshana | pari na zaale rog-niwaarana |
konee mhantee naahee santaan | Dile santaanni aamhaasi ||71||
Some say that though they had seen the buwa, they were not cured from the diseases they are suffering from. Some others complain that the saint had not fulfilled their earnest desire for a child. ||71||
Konee mhanatee mantra ghetalaa | pari uddhaarachi naahi zaala |
Dukkhachi jaalee ajunee manaalaa | ahoraatra aamuchya ||72||
Some say that they had been initiated by the `Gurumantra', but so for they have not sought upliftment. their minds and souls are still burning with agonies the whole day and night. ||72||
Konee mhanatee ghetale darshana | pari naahi milaale aamhaa dhana |
konee mhanatee nokari laawoon | dyaavee santee aamhaasi ||73||
Some say that they had visited the saint with a hope for getting a lot of money. But at last they were disappointed. Some other person wants the saint to fulfil his demand for a good employment by the saint's grace. ||73||
Konee mhanatee mulagee waadhalee | Santaane soyareek naahi julavilee |
konee mhanatee paayawanee ghetalee | pari taap na gelaa aauchaa ||74||
Some murmers that his daughter has matured and yet the great saint has not brought a proper match for her. some other person complains that he had taken the holy water (teertha) of the great saints's feet but his temperature has not yet come down. ||74||
Konee mhanatee gelo darshnaasi | pari aatha diwasanchaa aahe upawaashi |
sattaa naahi dilaa aamhaasi | saadhu, santaane ekahee ||75||
Somebody describes his sorrow saying that he had gone to the saint to have a sight of his divine-self but he has been observing fast & starving for the last eight days. Yet the saint has not shown mercy upon him to make fortune in betting. ||75||
Konee mhane darshana ghetale | pari chor turungaatuni naahi sutale |
chori kelee mhanoni kaaya zaale ? | darshan ghetaa mukta whaave ||76||
Some say that they had visited the saint and had his divine look but their relatives have not been freed from the prison. they had attempted a theft but as we have taken the look of the saint, they must be releaved from jail by the mercy of the saint. ||76||
Konee mhanatee sant gharee aale | aamuche bhaagya paahije ughadale |
kartavya na karataahi raajya bhetale | paahije aamhaa ||77||
Some claim that as the great saint has visited our house, our good fortune must get brighten up. And without any efforts we should be given a power to rule by the saint's grace. ||77||
Kartavya karitaa sarva hote | maga santa darshan kaaya karaave te |
santaannee karmaheenaasi dyaave aayeete | aanooniyaa ||78||
when the man works hard and enacts his duties, he can get everything and can get all his wishes fulfilled. then what is the use of visiting the saint and having a look of him? Is it the duty of the saint to provide everything to the devotee and that too taking it personally to that idle's home ? ||78||
Tumhee mhanataa sant dayaal ! | aamuche vede zaale baal |
tyaane krupaa karoni tatkaal | barey karaave ||79||
You say that the saints are great merciful. my son has gone mad. The saint should become merciful upon him and cure him from his madness. ||79||
Aamhee jaree asalo paapee | Tyaane sankalpa karaavaa sukharoopee |
Aamhaa na kalata upadwyaapee | Mitawavyaa tene ||80||
We may be sinful and evil. But why should the saint not resolve to make us happy ? In fact, it is the duty of the saints to ward off our problems and hard ships without our knowledge and by their own. ||80||
Santaane mantra detaakhshanee | aamhaasi nyaave uddharonee |
paaho naye adhikaar padataalonee | aamuchaa tyaane ||81||
As soon as the saint initiates his `Gurumantra' upon us, we should be uplifted. The saint should not think of whether we are eligible and worthy of the favour of the saints or not. ||81||
Tareech tyaa sant mhanaave | Naahi tari tyaa dhongee ganaave |
Aamhaas bolato hey chook maanaave | konyaa kaarane ? ||82||
If the saints enact all as stated above, then they should be held as the true saints. otherwise they should be declared as the take and pretending liars. Why should our this opinion be held as wrong? ||82||
Aise janaanche mhanahe chaale | pari saanga aise kothe zaale? |
konatyaa santaane kele | sukhee samruddha sarvaalaagee? ||83||
People go on saying so about the saints But tell me, has such thing happened anywhere? Has any saint made each and everyone wealthy and prosperous? ||83||
Yaachaa vichaar na karitee | chamatkaaraasaathi maramaratee |
kaaya santaapaashi aahe bhed vruttee | Itara shaanti na dyaaya? ||84||
People never think in this direction. They go dying after the miracles How can a real saint hold such an attitude of discrimination to make some persons fully contented and to ignore others by leaving them in disappointment? ||84||
Saadhu santachi moola detee | Taree ka waanza jagee raahatee? |
sant dhana vaibhave arpitee | Taree bhikaari na disaave ||85||
If the saints have mercy and give a child, why are there so many women existing who could not produce any child throughout their life? There are so many females who are barren. If the saints have power to provide money to all, no beggars would appear in this world. ||85||
Sant bimaaree basawitee | Maga buwaanchehi kaa praan jaatee? |
Jagee koneech naa maratee | aise kaa howoo naye? ||86||
If the saints can cure diseases, why should they die? Why can't this happen that none should die and never should die? ||86||
Santaancha mantra kaanee pade | ughadatee mokhshaachi kawaade |
maga aise kaa na ghade | sarva lokee sarraasa? ||87||
If the divine gates of emancipation come open for us only by listening to the words of Gurumantra uttered by any saint, why can't then all people seek emancipation easily and freely open for all? ||87||
Tyaanchyaa sankalpechi sarva hote | Taree dukkhee koneehi na rahate |
kaaya tumhaavishayeech dujaa bhaava te | karite kaahee? ||88||
If everything could have been obtained only by the resolutions and the will power of the saints, there would have been none surfering from sorrows and miseries. Do you think that the saints hold the sense of alienness only for you? ||88||
Jaree mhanaal aamuchyaa nashibee naahee |Taree prarabdhachi pradhaan hoyee |
Maga sant chamatkaaraashi raahee | Mahimaa kothe? ||89||
You say that as you are not fortunate enough, what can any saint do for you? Then it means that destiny is the most superior. Then where has the greatness of the miracles gone? ||89||
Sant aapulyaapari zatonee | soukhya detee sarva janee |
saphalata tyaanchya kaaryee bahugunee | pari to nave chamatkaar ||90||
The saints work hard as much as they can and try to make others happy. There services and hard work get success in many ways. But this is not at all a miracle of those saints. ||90||
Santaanchyaa shuddha rhudayaatooni | anubhavaa yeyee, nighaali waanee |
pari tyaacheehi kalpana tyaannee | kelee naahi chamatkaare ||91||
It is true that when the saints utter words of their self experiences from their pure hearts, those words become frutiful. But the saints never hold it as their miracle. ||91||
Mungeesi hattiche oze jaise | wate nawalaache bhalatise |
pari te sahaj ghade shakti vikaase | sant kaarya taise waate janaa ||92||
an elephant carries tremendous burden very easily. When an ant sees this she gets greatly surprised. An elephant can do it due to the development of his physical strength. Similarly, the saints have got some spiritual powers developed and when people see the enactments performed by the saints, they get surprised. ||92||
Tyaasi chamatkaar maanaliya | lok visaratee kartavya paayaa |
Bhajo laagale sakaampane tayaa | andhadlyaa bhaave nishchita ||93||
If the enactments performed by saints through the developemnt of their attributes are called as their miracles, people would then forget imparting their duties and without doing anything on their own, they will try to go after the saints blindly bearing some selfish motives and expectations in their minds. ||93||
Mhanoni mahature nako chamatkaara | Shodhaavee Satkaarya - Paramparaa |
Dnyaan aahi kaarya sphoorteechaa zaraa | ghyaavaa sant - jeevanaatuni ||94||
Therefore never give undue importance to the miracles. keep the noble tradition of performing good and noble deeds always alive. Take as many benefits as you can from the life and behaviour of the holy saints and seek inspiration to enact your duties in that way. ||94||
Wastutah maarga darshanachi kaarya santaanche |putra, dhana dene nawhe saache |
Bimaari basawine hey vaidyaache | kaam aahe sarvathaa ||95||
In fact, the life work of the saints is to show and lead common people on a proper way of life. It is not their duty to provide people with, child, money and whatever needs they come across. Curing a patient from any illness is the work of a doctor and physician and not of the saints. ||95||
Sant adnyaan rogaache vaidya | jeevan vikaasaache sarvaadya |
shuddha karmaanni asatee vandya | tinhee lokee ||96||
Yes, the saints are the doctor's and physicians, but not to treat upon illness & diseases. They are the doctors to treat upon the disease of ignorance and to cure it. They are a model of how to shape up an ideal life as a real human. So they have been held in high esteem throughout the world due to their desirelessness and selfless services to all human beings. ||96||
Tyaanchaa ekachi chamatkaar | Alpadnya jeeva kelaa vishwaakaar |
sarvaabhootee dekhilaa eeshwara | thai thaai yach dolaa ||97||
If the saints enact any miracle, it's only this. the greatest miracle they enact is that they make a poor being, who has a very little and narrow intelect, the all perrasive and occupant of this whole universe. Then the enlightened being experiences only God and nothing else but god in all sides around it. This is the real miracle of the saints. ||97||
Tyaanche tewadhe karane jaanane | yaa chamatkaraapudhe aakash thengane |
Tethe kon pusato tunatane | khshoodra siddhiche waajataahi ||98||
The saints enact this much only. But the enactment acted by them and the divine knowledge they possess are so enormously excellent and godly that even the sky may seem lower in their comparison. What value does then the dim ringing of a little harp of mean occults carry there? ||98||
sant seveche awataar | sarvaabhootee namra, satya vyawahaara |
Tayaasi devahi maanee thora | anya chamatkaar kaasayaa? ||99||
The saints are the incarnations of service and dutifulness They maintain politeness and follow pure truth in all their practices and behaviour. They are even in behaving with all the living beings and they always behave with humility with all beings. Even Gods also holds them in a very high esteem. What need is there to show their miracles other than this? ||99||
Saadhunchaa saral premalpana | Haa yaa jagee chamatkaar jaana |
Tyaane `Anyahi meech' mhanaave aapana | Haa chamatkaar kewadha ||100||
The simple and plain lovingness of the saints is itself the greatest miracle in this world. What the greatest and excellent miracle is this that the saint says, "This another being is not different & separate from me. It is my ownself in its form". ||100||
Aho sarvat mothaa chamatkaar | To maani `Vishwachi maaze ghara' |
Tyaasaathi kashtato ahoraatra | jeeve, phaar ulhaase ||101||
The saint considers, "The entire universe is my home". This is their greatest miracle. For his universal home, the saint puts hard efforts with all his body and soul and that too with boundless enthusiasm. ||101||
une dise te poorna karee | jagaachaa tol bodhe saawaree |
parantu kelyaachaa sparsha nase antaree |chamatkaaree sant aise ||102||
Wherever he finds any shortage, he tries to fulfil it. He advocates with proper and righteous precept and maintains the balance of the world. Though he enacts all these enormous divine enactments, a sense of pride as `done by me' does not even touch his mind. These are the miracles of the saints. ||102||
Maatra santachi sarva kaahi karee | aani kartavyachi naahi maanasaavaree |
Aisee santaanchi ekaangee thoree | gaatee, te nohe uchit ||103||
People go on singing praises in admiration of the saints' greatness saying that the saints can do and undo anything. This praise of those saints is one sided. It is not befitting to the saints. ||103||
aise gaavee howoo na dyaave | janaansi satya dnyaan kalaave |
kharyaa santasee olakhaave | kartavyaa saathi ||104||
Never let this happen in your village. People should be given true knowledge and understanding. They should be taught to recognise the real saint and that too as an ideal before them for enacting their duties. ||104||
Santaanche vichitra vyawahaar | taisechi tyaanche chamatkaar |
Hey wagaloni daavaava satya saar | grameen janaansi ||105||
Always set aside the miracles and the strange behaviour of the saints. convince the rural folks the real secret of the life of the saints and their heavenly divine deeds. ||105||
Aapulaa aapan uddhaar karaava | sant-devaanchaa saharaa ghyaava |
Haachi sant-granthaanchaa gavagavaa | chitti dharaava sarvaanni ||106||
Afterall, all of us have to seek our upliftment by our ownself. We may obtain the guiding principles from the saints and incarnations. For this, we should have to imbibe the greatness of the holy and noble saints and the scriptures they had produced. ||106||
Yaatachi gaavaache kalyaan | Nighoni jaayeel dubalepana |
kartavyaa aapule jaanateel jana | Tukadyaa mhane karaa aise ||107||
(Vandaniya rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj says)," Here lies the welfare and the betterment of the village. It can remove the weakness of people and they will be very sincerely conscious about their duties. ||107||
Iti Shreegraamgeeta grantha | Guru-shastra-swaanubhava sammat |
Sant-saamarthya kathile yeth | Ekteesaavaa adhyaaya sampoorna ||108||
This scripture Shreegraamgeeta has been consented by the Guru, shastras and self experiences. The Thirty first chapter, in which the powers of the saints in narrated is hereby concluded. ||108||
||Sadgurunaath Maharaj ke jai||
1 We shall root out the pretensive ascetics and their shallow pomp and show of the miracles like the jugglers from our village.
2 In our Village, we shall welcome those sages and ascetics with respect who emaciate themselves by putting themselves to hard work for the welfare of common man.
3 We shall try to perform this excellent miracle in our life as to create a sense that the whole universe is our home, the sorrows and the surferings of the others are as our own sorrows and sufferings.
4 If the person averts the good and bad sufferings and the diseases in the life of the humanbeings, he can't be held as the saint. The miracle of the saint appears in maintaining the uinmoved ability and contemplativ state of mind in all good and bad circumstances. We shall also try to form our life like such saints.
5. Without calling himself as the ascetic (Buwa) who maintains his life as the house-holder but totally desirelessly, he seeks the rights and honours of a SADGURU with his noble and belevolent behaviour and comprehensive attitude. Therefore we shall take the same way of behaviour in our life.


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