Chapter- 35 THE IMPACT OF EFFORTS (Prayatna-prabhaava)

Chapter- 35
||Salutations to Shree Gurudeva||
What becomes fruitful? Desire-Duty or God-Fate-planatory Favourable state?
Mageel adhyaayee nirupana | Ichchha-prayatna gumphale jeevana |
Hanee-laabha-janma-marana | Tya waachoon nase kaahee ||1||
In the last Chapter, it is narrated that the human life is interwoven with desires and efforts. In this span of human life nothing is produced except losses, gains, birth and death. ||1||
Aajachee aso waa poorveechi | aapuleech ichchha baryaa waayitaachi |
Aapana sukh de athawaa jaachee | hey nirwiwaada ||2||
This desire may be of the earlier birth or the present desire. That good or bad desire becomes the cause for our happiness or sorrows. There is not a least doubt about it. ||2||
Je zaale te howooni gele | Aataa pudhe paahije sudhaarale |
Ichchha-kartavye laabatee phale | sarva kaahee ||3||
We can't change now what we have enacted earlier. But now we can surely make reformations. Our desired fruit depends upon these two factors, our will and our enactments. ||3||
Yaawari shrotyaane prashna kelaa | aapan ichchha-kartavyaalaa maan dilaa |
pari achaanak mrutyu ghadato tyaala | konatee ichchha saanganaa? ||4||
A listener asked upon this," you sing in great admiration and praise about the magnanimity of desire and enactments. But now please tell us, what desire or what enactment causes the untimely sudden death of some individual? ||4||
Konee akasmaatachi meley | Thodehee bimaar naahi padale |
chhaatimaajee kal aalee waatale | taisechi gele mrutyu mukhee ||5||
Certain individual has never known even a small common illness. But suddenly an acute pain develops in his heart and the next moment that individual passes away. ||5||
Konee ekaa ekee vihireet padala | athawa raanee vyaaghraane bhakhshilaa |
To kaaya tyaa prasangaalaa | ichchhit hotaa tyaa poorvee? ||6||
Somebody unexpectedly falls into the well and dies. some other individual falls prey to the tiger in the forest and meets his death. Do you think that they had earlier desired to have such sudden and untimely death for them? ||6||
Konaas maargaat maaroni takitee | konee thokar laagataa maratee |
tyaanchee kaaya tee ichchha hotee? athawa kartavya? ||7||
Somebody gets murdered while going along his way. some body gets jolted unexpectedly and dies. Do they die because of their desire or their enactments? ||7||
Aho! hee dewa-daiwaachi leela | Thaavee asoni aapanaalaa |
Aamhaasi laawaayaa kaaryaalaa | saangataa bhalate ||8||
O Sir! All this is the playful acts of either God or the fate. We think, you also know this very well. But you want us to yoke to hard work. So you are insisting upon advising us. ||8||
Mitra! aisaa na dharee bhrama | satyachi aahe kathile varma |
Ichchha-prayatnechi deva-kaal-karma | detee phale ||9||
(Maharaj says)," Friend! Don't get so confounded. Whatever secret I had narrated to you is hundred percent true. God, time and our deeds produce the results for us according to our desire and enactments. ||9||
Mee tara aadheech saangitale | achaanak kartrutwa naahee disale |
pari poorveet echi kaarya asel ghadale | aaghaataache ||10||
I have already told you earlier (in the last chapter) that we had enacted some deed sometime in the past, say unexpedtedly. We have totally forgotten it at that time. But be sure, we had definitely enacted in the past, such deed for a blow. ||10||
Karatewelee kalale naahee | prasanga yetaa waatale kaahee |
pari daiwaawaree bhaava dewoni raahee | mokalaa bichaaraa ||11||
man never thinks when he enacts some deed; and when something happens, he feels strange and confounded. Then that poor fellow puts blame upon the fate and sets it aside. ||11||
Jaise, dhana sangrahee na karataa | Tari chor kaasayaasi maarataa?
paahoniyaa waat chaalataa | Tari thokara kaisee laagatee? ||12||
If somebody had not carried with him the store of money, why would some theif or a robber have robbed and killed him? If the person had walked on the road carefully, how could he have got jolted and died? ||12||
Deha, sthaan, sanga niwadoni | aadhicha ghetaa uttampanee |
Aahaar-vihaar karitaa samajonee | Tari dukkhee kaisaa hotaa to? ||13||
If the person had taken precautions about his body, place and his association, if he had taken a good care of dining & drinking habits and about his behaviour, using his consciousness & discretion, there could have been no reason for such sorrows & mishaps. ||13||
Aviveka, kroorataa, garva, behoshee | laagalee mrutyuchyaa maargaasi |
Nimitta kele vyaaghraadikaasee | pari to pryatna aapulaachi ||14||
Indiscretion, cruelty, ego and pride, impudent adventure, all these are responsible to push the man into the mouth of the death. The tiger, well etc. are the immidiate cause for the event that had occured. Otherwise, death is the fruit of one's earlier efforts. ||14||
Aani achaanak dise ghadale | Te taree dehaavareech padale |
janmachi na ghetaa kothale | sankat tyaasi? ||15||
Whatever had happened, it had happened to the body. If that person had not born, the accident would not have occured. ||15||
Janma haachi ichchhechaa khela | jagee anek ichchhaanchaa mela |
Tethe sangharsha ase atala | sukh-dukkha phala karmaache ||16||
The desire is at the root of man's birth. In the span of life, man makes a very big collection of the different kinds of desires which creates unavoidable struggle in his life and as the consequences of that struggle, he has to sufer sorrows and happiness. ||16||
Yethe daiva maarate deva maarito | kaaya mhanoon aamhee mhanato?
Aamhee kaaya kunaache khaato? saangaa maja ||17||
If we don't impair the belongings of others, why should they impair our belongings? I don't understand why we people unnecessarily put blame upon the fate or God. ||17||
Deva, daiva aapulyaane karee | Tari dosha laagel deaawaare |
Taisee naaheech dewaachi kaamgiree | dukkha dene maanawaasee ||18||
If you are sure that God or the fate enact something harmful to you, then your blaming them will be reasonable. But it is not in the nature of God or fate to create sorrows and agonies to the human-beings. ||18||
Aapanachi maarga chukato | Ichchhene, sangateene waayaa jaato |
maga "kaise zaale" mhanato | Ekaaekee phala yetaa ||19||
We go along a wrong way. we distort our inclinations and tendencies by the desires & associastion of when all of a sudden we meet the results, we say, "How could this have happened?" ||19||
Tethe jababadaar dharato deva | Athawaa mhanato dewachi maava |
Naahitari grahagolaanchaa prabhaava | samajato shubhaashubha ||20||
Then we hold the fate responsible for the happenings. Or we call it as the playful illusion of God; or sometimes, we blame the imaginary dominance of the stars and planets in the cosmos. We think they are responsible to the auspicious or ominous; favourable or adverse happenings in our life ||20||
Konee karitee Grahashaanti | waachatee pothee, girhe baandhatee |
parantu duraagraha basalaa chittee | To na kaadhitee bhraantichaa ||21||
Then somebody performs rites of propitiation of the adverse planets. Some start reading the religious scriputres and classics. Some try to confine the water demon(Girhe). But, none of them tries to remove the confusing illsion and insistance, which have very deeply and firmly rooted in our minds. ||21||
Nakhshatraanchaa srushtiwaree prabhaava | pari te nimitta maatrachi sarva |
Aapulyaachi shubhaashubha karmaanchi thewa | phalaa yeyee tya tya welee ||22||
The stars and planets may have their imact upon the creation & nature, but they are simply the immediate cause for the events. The fruits of our accmulation of good and evil deeds appear at that particular time under that particular stars & planet. ||22||
Aapana bare-waayeet bee perale | Te tyaa rutoota udayaa aale |
yethe kaalaane kaaya kele? saahya dile udaya honyaa ||23||
We ourselves had sown the seeds of our good and evil deeds. They grew and ripened in the particular seasons. The time played its role only in helping those seeds to grow into sprouts and up to bearing fruits. It had done nothing more than this. ||23||
Pari naaralees na yetee rui-phale | perale techi ugawate baley |
Tyaasi phakta saahyachi dile jale | Taisaa deva saahyakaaree ||24||
A coconut tree does not produce the poisonous fruits of rui. The seed you sow, the same kind of plant grows out of it. In the same way, God becomes only the helper, as water helps the plant to grow, and gives you the fruits of your earlier enactments. ||24||
To swatah kaahee na karee | jyaache tyaas deyee nirdhaaree |
"praapta kaal ghadee" saaree | Nimittaa maatra karoni ||25||
God does nothing on his own. He gives the proper fruits to everybody's enactments without fail. Then the particular moment becomes the immediate cause of the happening. ||25||
kaal chaale aapulyaa gatee | Eeshwar vyaapak samasthitee |
karma aapanachi phalaa yetee | srushti niyame aapulee ||26||
Time always passes on and on. We count it in the scale of day, month and year etc. God has pervaded evenly everywhere. The deeds bear fruits according to the rules of the nature. ||26||
Freedom to the being to enact; DiversI ties in the impressions and The secret of the order of fruits
Karma karaayaachi swatantrataa | Hee jeevaa haatee mahaan sattaa
Aapulyaa daiwaachaa vidhaataa | Aapanachi aahe ||27||
God has given the man. The tremendous power in the form of freedom to act according to his will. The being itself is the maker of its own fortune. ||27||
Graha golaanchaa anishta prabhaava | Na padaava mhanoni shodhile upaava |
yaatachi kartabgaar maanava | siddhachi ase ||28||
In our earlier sciences, remedies are suggested to avoid the adverse effects of the stars and planets; such as, the rites for propitiatory of the cruel and adverse planets etc. It shows, that much scope is given to the man to enact wisely and skillfully. ||28||
upaasane dwaare maanasik shakti | wadhataa dukkheehi sukhaachi praapti |
Hee eeshwaree krupaachi ase haatee | jeevaachyaachi ||29||
Spiritual practices increase the power of mind and one can seek peace and a sublime satisfaction in his sorrows also. This is the kind & merciful favour of God bestowed upon the man to help him to fulfil his duties with his all abilites. ||29||
Mitra! hey visaroo nako aataa | aapanachi sarva kartaahartaa |
yaat deva-daiwaachee waartaa | aapanachi kelee ||30||
Friend! don't forget that we are the makers or destroyers of our fortune and we ourselves have formed the idea of God and the fortune and the idea of God and the destiny as responsible for the happenings in our life. ||30||
Aise dharooni rahaa jeevee | shuddhakarme kareet jaavee |
Tareech gatee paavel baravee | pudhe pudhe ||31||
Always keep this order of reasonng firmly in your mind and go on performing good, pure and righteous enactments. It will help you to prosper gradually. ||31||
Aso nisarga waa yogaayoga | Aso prarabdhaachahi bhoga |
uttam prayatne tyaanchaahi ogha | walawataa yeyee ||32||
You may suffer due to the natural events, or by co-incidences, or some destined adversities. You can give them a turn towards your betterment with hard efforts. ||32||
Taisee nasatee jaree shakyataa | jeeva sarvaswee paraadheen asataa |
Tari shaastra kona dete haataa | Naanaa upaaya sangoni? ||33||
If such a possibility has not been existing, the beings would have become totally dependent. Then, why had different remedies and means upon the adversities been suggested to the man in the different shaastras (sciences) by our wise ancesters? ||33||
"Dharme waag, satya wada" | aisaa kaa saangataa veda?
saarechi hoteel vidhinishedha | Anaathaayee maga ||34||
Why would have then the vedas ordered the man "Behave dutifully; speak the truth"? In our earlier sciences, some prohibitions upon many matters concerning the behaviour of human have been very forcefully advocated. They all would also have become in vain and useless. ||34||
padoni daiwaadikaanchyaa pravaahee | jeeva adhikachi budel dohee |
Nighaayaasi maargachi naahee | uralaa maga aise hotaa ||35||
If man gets trapped in the rotating wheel of God and desiny, he would be constantly sunk deep down in the whirpool of the torments and suffereings of his mundane. Then there would have been no escapement available for him to survive. ||35||
parantu mithyaa haa vichaara | jeevaas ase karma swaatantrya |
prayatna karataa hoto uddhaara | aapulaa shatru, mitra aapanachi ||36||
But this thought of god, destiny, fate etc. is itself untrue. Man (being) has been given complete freedom to enact. so by our own enactments we can become friend or a foe of ourselves. ||36||
wayeet chintitaa waayeet hote | je je saadhu, te saadhate |
maga kaa ghyaave thorapana yethe | sadguna saare shikoni? ||37||
When we meditate upon something evil, the evil will happen. Whatsoever we wish to achive and put our efforts for it, we can surely achieve it. Then, why should we not try to achieve greatness and magnanimity by learning and practising the divine virtues? ||37||
yaavari shrotaa mhane, "Aikaa | maazee ajooni aahe shankaa |
jagee dhadpadatee sarvachi sukhaa | pari ek ekaa na miley" ||38||
One of the listeners then presented his one more doubt upon this that all fanatic struggles of the human beings are for obtaining the desired happiness in their life. Yet there are several miserables who can't find even a single ray of happiness. ||38||
Barey karataahi brahmahattyaa | laage kityekaanchyaa maathaa |
kityekaa janmabharee taal kutataa | Taal to hee na saadhe ||39||
Many a times a person goes on enacting something better. But some evil result comes out of it. Then entire blame is put upon him. There are so many individuals, who go on playing on the cymbals (taala) the whole life but they can't do it in proper and proportionate rhythm. ||39||
tyaache kaaya aahe kaarana? kaaya naahee kelaa prayatna?
ulat sukhee asatee paape karuna | kityeka lok ||40||
What could be the reason for this? Do you think that the individual did not exert his good efforts? On the contrary, there are so many people who have never done any efforts, who go on committing sins after sins, but they very comfortably & happily roll up in the heaps & piles of happiness. ||40||
yaache aikaa samadhaan | lok disatee bhinna bhinna |
pari tyaasi kaaran tyaanchech prayatna | wegalaale ||41||
(Maharaj gives explanation on this doubt),"Listen the explanation upon your doubt. We find varieties and differences in people because their efforts are also various and different. ||41||
Bhinna sanskaare bharale lok | mhanoni na milatee ekaasi eka |
konee janmataachi gunee surekha | taal na janmee saadhe konaa ||42||
Different impressions have been infatuated upon different individuals. So there can't be alikeness in them. Some are born talented and some others can't hold a proper rhythm irrespective of their hard efforts throughout their life. ||42||
Sanskaarachi hey naaanaa tarhaanche | kaahee gaayanaache, kaahee vidwattecheche |
kaahee chitrakaleche, dhaadasaache | chaaturyaache kityeka ||43||
Some impressions are of adventures, some are of cleverness, some are of music, painting & drawing arts and some are of excellent intelligence. ||43||
Kaahee dhanaache kaahee maanaache | kaahee adhyaatma aani bhaktiche |
kaahee asatee kaarya shakteeche | sanskaar naanaa ||44||
Some are the impressions of wealth, some of honours. some are of devotion and some are spiritual mpressions. Some impressions are of great and skilful creativeness. In this way there are various impressions. ||44||
Jyaa praanyaane jo yatna kelaa | to sanskaar tyaachaa vaatyaasi aalaa |
mhanoni sarvachi sarwaanlaa | yetaa disena ||45||
When a particular being does particular efforts, those efforts stamp firmly upon him and his mind. Then they appear in the form of the impressions upon his enactments & behaviour. so we find that all can't do so many different skilful enactments. ||45||
Ekaas miley sampattee | paree akkal naahee tyaasi puratee |
Ekaas vidwattaa ase ati | pari khaayaa purenaa ||46||
Somebody possesses a great wealth but he doesn't possess enough wisdom to maintain it. Some other individual is highly intelligent and possesses a great pedantry. But he doesn't have enough food for him & his family. ||46||
Ek ateech dhaadasee disato | pari buddheene shoonyachi bhaasato |
mhanoni jeewanaat to tharato | vedaa athawaa gunda jaisaa ||47||
Certain individual appears to be the most adventureous. But he lacks in avarage intellingence. He is considered either as insane or as a village bully. ||47||
Ek shabdasrushti ubhee karato | Ek gaayane jag dolavito |
Ek adbhut vaadye waajavito | Lahaanapanee ||48||
Some individual creates a parallel creation with words only. Some other sings so sweetly that he makes the listeners to sing in delight with his excellent music. Then certain individual is so talented since his childhood that he handles & plays on very difficult musical instruments very easily as the expert master in his childhood. ||48||
Ek dnyaan karanyaat praveena | Ekaa bhaktichechi awadhaana |
Ekaasa vishwadnyaan, aatmadnyaana | lahaanapanee ||49||
Somebody is very expert in meditation & contemplation. Some other concentrates all his attention in devotional services. Some other individual has been gifted with spiritual knowledge of own-self and the divine knowledge of universal pervasive supreme Absolute Truth in his very early childhood. ||49||
Yaache ekachi kaarana | jyaane je kartavya kele samjona |
Techi tyaache sanskaar poorna | paawale tayaa poorviche ||50||
There is only one reason for such an odd condition. We see, one who had enacted some deed with full understanding and perfect knowledge of it in his earlier past, he carries on deep impressions of that deed even at present. ||50||
Ichhaa sanskaar, kartavya sanskaar | yaachech hey roopaantara |
jyaane kelaa jo vyawahaara | Tocha phalalaa yatne tyaasi ||51||
We see in every individual the transfiguration of impression of his earlier desires and enactments. The practices, which one had performed with his all, strenuous efforts, become fruitful to him. ||51||
Prayatnasheel tyaaseech mhanaave | ichchhet techa chintanee assaave |
Haataanni kaarya techi ghadaave | sarva kaala ||52||
We can call that individual as an `exertionist', who continueously meditates upon his desire with fully concentrated heart and soul and who goes on performing the same ennctments with his hands. ||52||
Manee vase te dhyaanee dise | dhyaanee thase techi sthaanee bhaase |
Taisechi kartavya ichchhaa ulhaase | umato laage jeevanee ||53||
We find that, what one holds in his mind firmly, it enters into his meditation. What has entered in his meditation, gets absorbed in his inclinations and then he performs the same enactments throughout his life with great enthusiasm. ||53||
Yaa sarwaanchaa mela zaalaa | Tareech yasha prayatnaalaa |
Naahitari awaghaa galabalaa | ek milenaa ekaashee ||54||
When all these factors harmoniously come together, his efforts he exerted for, become fruitful. Otherwise, it all becomes a mess like none finds his right shoe-i.e. all goes to waste inla great confusion. ||54||
Yaachaa anukrama aisaa aahey | pratham manee sankalpa raahe |
sankalpa drudha hotaa nishchaya | satkaaryaache roop gheyee ||55||
There is an exact & proper order for this. First, mind makes a volition. Then this volition becomes stronger and firm. Then the intellect makes a decision and this decision further transfigures into practical enactment for sublime good deeds. ||55||
Kunaache sankalpa awadhee na laavitee | Tyaasi taiseech asate prakrutee |
kaahee sanskaar maageel asatee | kaahee laabhatee maataa-pityaache ||56||
The volitions of somebody take no longer time for becoming fruitful; because his same earlier impressions have constituted his nature and temperament accordingly. Out of such impressions, some are carried over from earlier life, some are transferred from his parents in heredity. ||56||
Aise sangrahit hota jaatee | Tyaanchi pudhe pudhe hoyee pragati |
Taisee taisee laabhe gati | baryaa waayeet phalaanchi ||57||
In this way, various impressions get accumulated together and gradually develop. Further, the results of good or evil deeds, enacted by the individual, accordng to his accumulated impressions, become gradually apparant. ||57||
poorvee kele uttam yatna | mhanoni haatee aale ratna |
waayeet vartanaane pudhe patana | phalaa yeyee aapaise ||58||
If one had exerted good efforts in his past, he can obtain a gem of success. Similarly the consequences of earlier bad and evil behaviour have to be suffered in future. ||58||
purveechi kamaayee bhogalee | pudhe sukrut-jod naahee kelee |
Tyaasi bhogaavee laagalee | raajyaa antee narkagati ||59||
So far, the individual has enjoyed the better fruits of his earlier earnings of virtueous, noble and sublime deeds. But he now does not add more divine merit by exerting good and virtueous efforts & enactments. Then after enjoying the royal happiness, he has to go to hell after his death. ||59||
poorvee kaahee punya ghadale | mhanoni sukha vaatyaasi aale |
pari paap karitaa yeteel ghaale | nishchayaane yaa pudhatee ||60||
One is enjoying happiness today on the strength of his earlier divine merits which he had earned in his earlier life or in earlier births. But if he commits sins and wrong, evil deeds now, the impending calamities as the consequences of them are surely unavoidable. I want you to remind this. ||60||
punyawantaa aaj kashta | yaache kaarana aahe spashta |
Ekaa sanskaare to punyanishtha | pari dusaraa phalalaa dukkha roope ||61||
Sometimes we find that one who is enacting divine meritiorious deeds, at present is suffering acute hardships and sorrows. The reason for this is very clear and obvious. One of his accumulated impressions makes him act divine meritoriously but the another impression has become fruitful to him in the form of sorrows and hardships. ||61||
prayatna sarvaangeen aadarsha | sarvachi sanskaaraanchaa utkarsha
Aise na hoya mhanoni purusha | vichitra phale bhogito ||62||
When one exerts all sided and ideal good efforts, all his impressions get developed and prospered and he receives good results from them. But man fails to do so. Hence, we find him enduring the strange fruits in life. ||62||
Tukaaraam aani eknaath | Doghe saarakhechi adhikaari sant |
pari ekaa traas, dusaraa dhanavant | phale hee bhinna sanskaare ||63||
Both, Tukaram and Eknaath were worthy of the same status of the holy saint. But so far as the physical joys and sorrows are concerned, shree Tukaaraam had to suffer great sorrows, and tormentations while Eknaath lived a very happy and glorious life. These were the results of their different impressions of their earlier birth. ||63||
Sakaalee uthanyaache phala niraale | Abhyaasaache phalachi wegale |
uttam raahaneeche phala aagale | zaakavitaa zaakenaa ||64||
You know, the fruits of getting up early in the morning are different. The result of study and practice is different. The outcome of good conduct and better way of living is different. One can't hide them. ||64||
Chitta shuddheeche wegale phala | Daanaadikaanche bhinna sakala |
Dnyaan-saadhanaache phala praanjala | Naahee mela ek-ekaa ||65||
The fruit of purity of heart and soul is different. The fruits of endowments and sacrifices are different. And the most excellent fruit of practicing for knowledge is different. None of these are matching each other at all. ||65||
uttam kaaryaa phala uttama | pari dusare ek waayeet karma |
mhanoni laabhe phala adhama | maage-pudhe, yaache tyaache ||66||
The excellent enactment bears excellent fruit and the evil deed bears evil and sorrowful fruit. According to the order of one's performing of excellent or evil enactments, he receives good or bad fruits in the same order. ||66||
kalyaan karma kele jewadhe | Te kadhee taree phalel maage pudhe |
haa siddhaant vyartha na ghade | kadaakaalee ||67||
Whatever excellent efforts one has exerted to achieve upliftment will certainly become fruitful sometime or other. This proposition will never become null and void. ||67||
Mhanoni upakaar naahee phalale | punya karitaa apakaar zaale |
hey mhananechi naahee shobhale | shahaanyaa jana ||68||
It is not befitting to the knowledgeable wise individual to say that he did not get better fruit for the obligations and good turns he had done to others. On the contrary, he enacted virtueous and divine meritorious obligations but gained damages and ungrateful results from them. ||68||
phala wegalechi aaj disate | pari aale kaise dhundataa te |
sahaj kalel, prayatnachi hote | maage kele ||69||
Today we find the unexpected strane outcome. But If we reasonably think overit, we will easily understand that the strangeout come has our earlier exerted efforts at the root of it. ||69||
upkaar punya sangrahee padale | Apakaar roope poorva paap phalale
Aisaa mishra vyawahaar chaale | olakhoo ye na ||70||
The divine merit of whatever obligations you have done today has been credited to your accumulated store. But today you are suffering the damages because of your earlier sinful wrong demerits. Such are the mingled practices of the outcomes and they are difficult to understand. ||70||
Konatyaa karmaache konate phala | Hey jaanataa ye na tatkaala |
Tene chittee hoya gondhala | waadhu laage kushankaa ||71||
It can't be recognised immediately as which is the exact result of what particular enactment or effort. So there our mind gets confused and that confusion of our minds produce so many doubts. ||71||
Pratyek karmaache wegale phala | pari jaanataachi laavee mola sakal |
prayatna-phalaanchi khuntwala | ukalena sahajpane ||72||
Every effort bears its own different result. only wise and knowledgeable persons can recognise them. The tangle of dfferent fruits of the different efforts and enactments is hard to undo and understand and difficult to recognise. ||72||
uttam gaanyaache phal khaadya nohe | pari tyaahooni tyaat sukha ahe |
Hey kaise kalel? jowaree ruchi naye | gaayanaachee ||73||
The fruit of the excellent singing is certainly not in the form of food. But it bears more sweetness than food has. But how can one have the pleasure of that excellent singing & music unless he has the ability of appreciation for it? ||73||
upkaar sevet atma samaadhaana | Hey phalachi ase mahaana |
Tethe kaa ichchhaave bakhshis annya | sajjanaanni? ||74||
The most excellent and the most superior fruit of service for good turns to others is great self-satisfaction. Then why should the virtueous and wisemen expect some other kind of reward as the return of their virtueous deeds? ||74||
Aapule prayatnachi sarasa karaave | kele taree karitachi raahaave
Thode une howoo na dyaave | prayatnaa madhye ||75||
We must do the best in exerting hard efforts and we must do them constantly again and again. We must never allow languidness or idleness in our exertion of efforts. ||75||
Khshana ek chuko na dyaave | prayatnaasi doordrushteene japaave |
prayatnahi sarvaangeen whaave | sarva sukhe bhogaavayaa||76||
Never allow even a single moment without exerting our efforts with the wide vision and foresight, thinking far and long, we should plan our efforts with such planned way. We can become developed in all aspects and can enjoy all kinds of pleasures & happiness. ||76||
Eravhee prayatnaa shivaaya koneech naahee | prayatna hotee sarvadaahi |
pari dukkhachi detee prayatna kaahee | jeeva janaa ||77||
Otherwise, efforts of all are continueously being exerted by all. None can live without efforts. These efforts are going on without break. But some of them produce sorrows to the people. ||77||
Kaahee prayatna naava loukikaa netee | kaahee prayatne hoya phajeetee |
kaahee prayatna praanachi ghetee | aapule aani parakyaanche ||78||
Some efforts bring glories to man. Some other put him to shame and disgrace then there are some efforts which cause deathof man himself and of others too ||78||
Mhanoni prayatna karaave chaangale | kartyaa sajjanaa paahije pusale |
Lobha pratishthesi je naahee bhaalale | Techi khare prayatnasheel ||79||
Therefore one should always make good and noble efforts. Man should have good advice from the efficiently exerting wise person. But only those should be considered as true and sincere exerting individuals who make hard efforts but never fall prey to greed and honourable status. ||79||
Kaahee prayatna ulate ghadatee | tyaanchee phale marantulya yetee
kaahee prayatna praanjal hotee | Tene pavatee uttam janma ||80||
Some efforts are exerted by adverse manner. They produce death like agonizing fruits. Some efforts are exerted in clean, honest and noble ways. They result in giving you the excellent next birth. ||80||
Maranaaseehi prayatnachi kaarana | janmanyaasahi prayatnachi pramaana |
Bhog-sukha-dukkhhaanche nidhaana | prayatnachi ||81||
The efforts are responsible for man's death and birth. The enjoyments of pleasures and happiness as well as the endurances of sorrows and agonies are the outcome of man's efforts. ||81||
Kaahee prayatna yojanaa roop hotee | Tyaannee keertiphale laabhatee |
kaahee prayatnee shikast karitee | mukti paavatee sakhshaatkaare ||82||
Some efforts exerted to render services to people. They produce the fruits of glories. Some individuals put such extreme hard efforts that they seek the percetion of Gd in their vision with their mortal physique and eyes. Then they seek emancipation. ||82||
Kaahee prayatna sanchitee padatee | prarabdha bhogataa je je ghadatee |
Naahee muleech upbhogaachi vrutti | tyaanche prayatna kalasaache ||83||
Some of the efforts are credited to the earlier accumulation of merits and demerits. Further they appear in the form of endurances of their fate. The efforts of those are the most excellent and most superior whose tendencies never incline towards merely the enjoyments of worldly pleasures. ||83||
Tyaanche prayatna shubha-prarabdha zaale | donhee milonee devapanaasi aale |
aapan aapanaat milaale | sakhshaatkaare aatmatwe ||84||
Their excellent efforts transfigure into auspicious and meritorious fate. This divine meritorious and auspicios fate and their current excellent efforts together result in divinity i.e. godliness. It is the immersion of the soul into the most excellent & Absolute Truth. ||84||
Mitra! mhanoni prayatnasheel whaave | prarabdhaache thorapan na maanaave |
kartavyaane chamakoon uthaave | bhoomandalee utsaahe ||85||
Friend! therefore one must become excellent exertionst. Never think of fate or destiny as the most prevailing and great. Enact your duties sincerely and become yourself a radient sprit on this earth. ||85||
Amakaa prarabdhe shreemant zaala | Amakaa punya karita daive gililaa |
Amakaa `deva-deva' mhanataa taralaa | prayatnaaveena ||86||
Hey to mhanane adnyaanaache | punhaa karoo nako uchchaar vaache |
suprayatnaasi phala soukhyaache | nishchaye aahe ||87||
Certain individual became rich because of his good fortune. Some other individual went on enacting meritorious divine efforts but fell prey to God whom he was worshipping. the third one only practised constantaly the reiteration of the name of God and sought salvation. ||86||
Never utter such words again. They are the sign of live ignorance. Excellent enactments & efforts surely bear good fruits of happiness. There is no doubt about it. ||87||
Dusaryaache phala paahoni zuraave | Aapan kaaheech na karaave |
Hey to lakhshana aahe barave | Adhogateeche aapulyaa ||88||
If you see the good fruits of efforts of others with malice and pine yourself for such fruits; If you don't put yourself to hard efforts to achieve such excellent fruits then it 's clear sign of your downfall. ||88||
Aamache poorva sukrut naahi balee | mhanoni haat thewaava kapaalee |
Hey to aamuchyaane kadhi kaalee | ghadochi naye ||89||
You should never say that it is not in your fortune. Never sit putting hands upon your head in disappointment and blaming your fortune. This should never be done by us. ||89||
Naahee techi aataa kamaawoo | Aahe te te adhik waadhawoo |
Ichchha phaladroop karoni gheoo | Haachi karaavaa nirdhaara ||90||
Now make a firm decision that whatever we don't possess, we shall try to earn them with our own efforts. Whatever we possess, we shall increase it and we shall definitely make our desires fruitful. ||90||
Yaach nirdhaare waalyaa kolee | punyashloka zaalaa bhoomandalee |
sant, yogee, veer, balee | Gaajale maanava-itihaasee ||91||
With such firm decision`vaalyaa kolee' became popularly known as the divine meritorious upon this earth. Not only he but there had been so many saints, yogees and brave heroes who had been also popularly resounded in the history of human beings. ||91||
Veshyaagaamee Bilwamangala | yatne zaalaa sooradaas nirmala |
Aapanaasaha mahee mandala | kele paawana bhajanaane ||92||
`Bilwamangal' who had been under the hum and buzz of a prostitute, through great attraction & attachment for her; further became the pure and pious `Sooradaasa' through his excellent virtueous enactments. He made the whole world pure and auspicious alongwith himself through his divine efforts. ||92||
Heychi shikaave sasangateene | yaanech maanavahotee shahaane |
Bhaagya ujalel sooryaa pramaane | udyogsheel zaalia ||93||
This is what one must learn from the association of the noble and virtueous saints. It will bring wisdom in man. If we become so deligent, our fortune will brighten our life like the Sun. ||93||
Pratyek udyogaa phala paave | shetkaryaasi hitgooja pusaave |
prayatne ek beej laavaave | phala paawaave kanasaaparee ||94||
Every activity of man certainly bears a fruit. It is a decided fact. Ask the secret of this fact to some farmer. He exerts efforts and sows a seed, he then achieves a big jack as a fruit for his efforts. ||94||
Prayatnaaveena swayampaak zaalaa | prayatnaaveena ghaasa mukhee gelaa |
prarabdhaanaanech vyawahaar chaalalaa | Aise kon sango shakey? ||95||
Can anybody say that food was cooked without doing any efforts of cooking? Can he say that a morsel of food reached the mouth without any enactment? Can he say that all these activities have been performed by the fortune? ||95||
Patwaavayaa praarabdha waada | Tyaasahi laage prayatna siddha |
vimaan, dooradhwanee aadee shodha | laavile kaaya prarabdhe? ||96||
Even to convince the Fatalism's greatness, efforts are necessary. Had the fate invented the aeroplanes and telephone etc by itself? ||96||
ughad aahe prayatnaachi thoree | prayatnaa pudhe praarabdha taan karee |
Hey mhananechi apoore sarvatoparee | doordrushteene paahataa ||97||
Therefore the greatness of the efforts is clear and obvious. There is no need to convince it. It is not true that the efforts have to bow down before the fate. You will surely agree to it if you reasonably think with abroad and long vision. ||97||
Mukhya ase prayatnachi kewala | praarabdha hey hee prayatnaache phala |
vrukhshaa waachoni zaale phala mool | kona mhane? ||98||
Effort is the main factor. The fate is also the result of the earlier efforts. Can you say that flowers & fruits are produced without growing a tree? ||98||
Prayatna sodoni prarabdha dharale | Tari te praanee doghaatoni gele |
Naahee prayatnahi poorna kele | prarabdha palaale doordeshee ||99||
The being, who depends upon the fate without exertion of efforts, loses both. he had not enacted total efforts on one hand and his fortune ran away from him on the other hand. ||99||
konee ek zaad laawale | Diwase diwas sukatachi gele |
Tyaachekade durlakhsha kele | konee ekee ||100||
Somebody plants a tree but then totally connives at it. He never waters the plant nor provides manure to it. Needless to say that the plant dries away and becomes a broom. ||100||
Lok mhanatee, "aayushya sarle" | konee mhanatee kidyaanne grasale|
Konce mhanatee tyaache prarabdha aale | maran sthanee ||101||
Somebody says that the plant's life is over. Some other says that it got worms at its roots. One individual says that it had met its misfortune and so it had died. ||101||
Konee mhanatee yethe zaad jagenaa | konee mhanatee chukoo dyaa yaatana |
konee mhanatee kaaya aapanaa | haatee aahe? ||102||
Some people say that no plant can survive and grow on this spot. Some say, let it be relieved from its agonies. then some others say "what do we have in our hands? Everything is dependent upon the fortune. ||102||
Arey! hey sarvachi aahe khare | pari prayatna karoni pahaa barey |
zaad jagate kee aisechi marey | prayatna keliya? ||103||
(Maharaj says) "O brothers! what you say is true. But extract some efforts and see whether it lives or dies after your efforts. ||103||
Mhanoni tyaas khat ghatale | Taaratamya thewoni saambhaalile |
paanee dewoni waachawile | mool, daal sarvachi ||104||
Then manure was provided to it. A good care was taken of it with thoughtfulness. It was watered regularly. Then the plant survived and developed in roots, branches and leaves. ||104||
pudhe pudhe zaad phulale | pushpee-phalee baharoni aale |
prayatna kelyaanechi zaale | aahe na hey pratyakhsha? ||105||
Further the tree blossomed with buds and flowers. You exerted and now you see the result of your efforts with your own eyes. ||105||
kalame karoni naanaaparee | phule aanilee bahu prakaaree |
Haat thewitaa kapaalaawaree | aise kadhee hoyeelkaa? ||106||
When grafts of different trees are ingrafted to a plant, it produces different kinds of colourfuly flowers. can this happen only by resting hand on your forehead? ||106||
Taisechi maanawaache jeevana | unnat whaavayaa havaa prayatna |
Apamrutyu aadi dhoke daaruna | Talatee sanshodhan keliyaa ||107||
In the same way, strenuous efforts are necessary to uplift the human life with the help of researches. we can avoid the dangers and also ultmately the accidental deaths. ||107||
Maanava srushteehooni thora | To eeshwaraachaa awataara |
Achook prayatna daivee hatyaara | Nirmu shakey pratisrushti ||108||
Man is greater than the nature. He has born (incarnated) from the particle of God. So, if he exerts unmistakable efforts, he can produce a prallel creation. ||108||
Mhanoni saangato prayatna karaa | vichaar shakti prayatnaat bharaa |
shikaa, shikawaa prayatna saarvaa | vyaapoo dyaa gaavo gaavee ||109||
(Maharaaj sys) Friends! therefore exert your hard efforts. Make full use of your talent. Learn through efforts and experieces. Teach others also to do so. Raise a tremendous tide of efforts in each big and small village. ||109||
Jyaa jyaa rashtraanni aise kele | Tyaanche vaibhava shigesi gele |
Jeevan maan adi waadhale | ichchhe saarikhe tayaanche ||110||
The countries, which exerted such strenuous efforts could attain the highest peak of prosperities and glories. Their living standard could be mde better according to their desires. ||110||
Prarabdha waadee shitheel zaalaa | prayatnawaadee chetanaa paawalaa |
shodha kareet pudhe gelaa | Digantaree ||111||
Those who believe and depend upon fate and fortune remain backward and undeveloped. Those who believe and depend upon their own efforts become more and more powerful. With his discoveries and inventions man can try to cover the vast skies also. ||111||
kele mangalaavari uddaana | chadhalaa himagiri shikhari poorna |
shodhile agni astra, anuastra mahaana | Hydrogen aadee ||112||
Man has hurled upon the planet mars on the strength of his efforts and researches. He has scaled and stepped upon the highest peak of the Himalayas; The Everest. He had invented the most dangerous weapons like fire arms, nuclear bomb, hydrogen bomb etc. ||112||
Aikatee karodo mailaawaroona | parasparaanche gayana-bhaashana |
Hey vishwa aatokyaat aanoona | Ghar kele raahanyaache ||113||
Persons, a crore of miles away from each other, can cirectly speak and listen to each other. They can deliver speeches and listen to songs & music. Man has made this vast world compact like a neat house with the help of researches and inventions. ||113||
Prayatnaanchi shikasta zaalee | Ajoonihi jaagaa uralee |
Dhaava kadheech naahee sampalee | prayatnasheelaanchee ||114||
Though, in this way, man has tried his best in exerting extremely strenuous efforts, there is yet a great scope to exert and achieve more. The race and competition of those who believe in exerting efforts, has not yet been finished. ||114||
prayatne devapana paavalaa bhakta | prayatne yogee zaalaa jeevan-mukta |
prayatne baddha zaalaa niraasakta | vishayaamaajee ||115||
The devoitee could achieve divinity with his virtueous and pious efforts. The yogee could become living liberated with his efforts. Man could escape from the bondage of his sensual objects and become detached and desireless ascetic through his hard efforts. ||115||
Prayatne gaava zaalaa aadarsha | prayatne sukhee hoya swadesha |
prayatne vishwa shaantiche saayaas | saphal hotee ||116||
A Village can become ideal with efforts. Our motherland can become happy with our efforts. The efforts of all to establish peace in the universe can also be excellently fruitful. ||116||
Yaa saathi prayatna karaave aapana | mirawaave dewaache thorapana
Angaa yeyeel ahankaar mhanona | Deva madhyasthee ghaalaavaa ||117||
Therefore, all of us should put our strenuous hard and excellent efforts bringing God in mediation. we should give God the credit and the greatness whch he deserves. We must not be striken by our ego when we offer the greatness of your services & efforts to God. ||117||
Prayatne raajya samruddha karaave | prayatne bhoomandal dolawaavel
prayatnechi daaspana shobhaaave | kaarya prabhaave ||118||
We should exert all our efforts and bring up our state and country with great prosperity. We should obtain great admiration through our accomplishments by our efforts. Putting our hard efforts and resounding our excellent enactments, we should adorn our servicemanship with our vow to serve the mankind. ||118||
Prayatne maanava hoyee unnat | Gaavachi navhe, haalave dikpraanta |
Hee anubhawaachi maat | visaru nakaa, Tukadyaa mhane ||119||
Man can achieve personal and collective upliftment and prosperity with his honest & excellent efforts. His village can achieve upliftment & prsosperity. But moreover, man can create a great impact and dominance upon all the ten directions. these are words, which have come out of my experiences, so don't forget them. (so says shree sant Tukadojee maharaj) ||119||
Iti Shree Graamgeeta grantha | Guru-shastra-swaanubhava sammata|
kathilaa prayatnawaad samartha | Pastisaavaa adhyaaya sampoorna ||120||
This Graamgeeta scripture has been consented by the Guru, shastras and self-experiences. The 35th Chapter narrating the doctrine of exerting efforts is hereby concluded. ||120||
||Sadgurunaath Maharaaj kee jai||
1 For creating a revolutionary change, we shall change our desires and our efforts to fulfill them.
2 We shall not give endue greatness and importance to the destiny but we shall try to be brilliant with our enthusiasm and hard efforts.
3 We shall make resolutions for our good fortune and try to hold a firm decision. Similarly, we shall give up the idleness and constantly exert our efforts. Behaving according to our resolution we shall make our life happy.
4 Man is the part of God, so with hard efforts he can create a parallel creation like God. Therefore we shall become the followers of the doctrine of exerting attempts. We shall go on canvassing from village to village that by exerting excellent efforts, man can do anything.
5 By the dominance of hard efforts, man becomes prosperous and not only his village, but he can move the whole universe also. We shall never forget this remarkable sign of experiences and exert hard efforts in our village.


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