Chapter- 39 THE EARTH - THE WORLD OF God (Bhoo - Vaikuntha)

Chapter- 39
(Bhoo - Vaikuntha)
"Salutations to Shree gurudeva"
Give a Proper important place to ideal in practical behaviour of life
Sarva janaananche samaadhaan | Yaahoohi swarga naahee mahaan |
Naandatee dwesh - matsaraavina | Bandhubhaave sarva jethe ||1||
The heaven cannot be greater than the place where all people are happy and well contented. They never hate eachother or never have jealousy for eachother. They allbehave like loving brothers. ||1||
Gareeb-shreemant konee naahee | Naahee daaridrya, rog raayee |
Oochcha-neech kaame sarvahi | karitee lok prembhare ||2||
Where there is none rich and none poor. Where there are no diseases and epidemics, People living there are everready to enact all their duties and activities. They do work without considering it as high or low and they do it with love and affection. ||2||
Pakhsha naahee, panth naahee | Jaatibhed, virodh kaahee |
Eka kutumbaaparee raahee | gaava aapule aanande ||3||
In the village, where there are no different groups and parties, no different castes and communities, no opposition and confrontation. The whole village lives happily as if they all belong to one united and harmonious family ||3||
Aise whaave Kothetaree | Tyaaseech aamhe muanato Vaikunthapuree |
Jethe naahee bhaavawaach dusaree |Parakepanaachee ||4||
Our earnest yearhing is that such an ideal village should come up some where. we respectfully will title such an ideal village as the Vaikunthapuree (the capital of the kingdom of Lord Vishnu.)
No body in this village have a feeling of estrangement and unrelatedness for anybody ||4||
Granthee swarga - vaikuntha varnan | waachataa talleen hote mana |
Tyaat varnile beychi guna | Te kaa aapan na ghyaave? ||5||
Our minds get full absorbed when we listen to the beautiful discriptions of theheaven and vaikuntha in some scriptures or manuscripts. Why should we also not try to acquire and imbibe those virtues as described in those books? ||5||
Satyayugaachee aikaavee kathaa | Pari aapulee na sodaavee pratha |
Yaane samaajaachyaa vyathaa | chukateel kaishaa? ||6||
We only listen to the ideal stories of satya yug (the age of Truth) but we donot discard our vices and evil usages and customs. How can we then remove the sorrows and sufferings of the society? ||6||
Vaikuntheechaa premaananda | satyayaugaachaa samataavaad |
Aapulyaa gaavee karaavaa siddha | heychi kartavya sarvaanche ||7||
It is the duty of the villagers to bring the divine love and bliss of Vaikuntha and the life of equality in satya - yug in our routine practical life ||7||
Dewaane jagee awataar ghyaavaa | Aise kaa waatate jeevaa?
Traas, anyaaya, anaachaar nasaavaa | Kothehi lokee ||8||
Why do we people feel that God should incarnate and come upon this earth? Is it not our earnest hope that there sould not exist any troubles, injustice and excesses any where and upon any body? ||8||
Jari hey aapanaasi aawade | Tari aapanaohi whaave karayaa pudhe |
Na karitaachi devaa-naave orade | te sarva waayaa ||9||
If we like this and earestly want to happen so, we should come forward to build it up in our village. Is it sensible and proper to put blame upon God without doing anything by our ownselves? ||9||
Sarvachi bhagwantaache sakhe | Dewaachiyaa nyaayaane saarakhe |
Mag vyawahaareech paarakhe | kaa thewaave? ||10||
All beigs are dearer as the close friends to God. The justice of God's kingdom treats all at par, even and equal. Then why should allow the feel of estrangement and alienness in our practical behaviour? ||10||
Dewaagharachaa nyaaya jagee aanaawaa | tareech mite dukkha gawogawaa |
Yaasi taaleel to jaanaavaa | bhakta kaisaa? ||11||
If we bring the law of justice of God's kingdom upon this earth, there will not exist even the name of sorrows and sufferings in this world. If anybody shirks in this work, how can he become the true devotee of God? ||11||
Je ekaas, techi sakalaas | heychi satya jeevanaache rahasya |
Sarvaanchyaa sukhdukkhee samarasa | bhawanaa raahatee sakalaanchyaa ||12||
The real secret of creating satyayug (the age of the Truth) is, What is meant and applicable to one should be made applicable equally to all. the feelings of happiness nd sorrows of all should become so mingled and mixed internally that everybody should consider them as his own personal feelings ||12||
Unaa-adhik gunaapaashee | nako jaati waa dhanaapashee |
Adhikaar samaanachi sarvaansi | jeevanaachaa ||13||
So far as the virtues and traits are concerned all individual can have some more or some less. But there is no reason that such discrimination should also exist in different castes and wealth. It is the equal birth right of all to live their life with similarity, alikeness and equality of othrs' life. ||13||
Sarvaannee karaave shaktibhar kaam | adhikaarparatwe upakram |
Sarvaansi milaave soukhya sama | garajaan pramaane jaroor tyaa ||14||
All should enact their duties and activities according to their abilities and energy. Everybody should choose the activity or work which he is worthy and eligible of enacting. All arrangements should be made to fulfil the need of everybody and make everybody equally happy. ||14||
Aiseech sarvaanchee yojanaa karaavee | Poorna varsha chintaach nasaavee |
Anna, vastra, dhandyaanchee baravee | yojanaa whaaree sarvaamiloni ||15||
An all round plan should be so designed that nobody will have to worry about his needs through out the year. Such plan should be made collectively and unanimously by all to provide food, clothes and some profession, business or employment to everybody in the village ||15||
Varshaache budget tharawaave | maanasee laagel te yojaave |
Anna, vastra, alankaar barawe | sarvaansaathee ghardaar ||16||
An yearly budget for the whole village should be prepared. In that budget per head, par capita requirements of food, clothings etc. for the whole year should be estamated and provisions to that effect should be made. This budget should also cover the provision of houses to live, purchase of ornaments etc. ||16||
Wegalaa naphaa, vegalee sampatti | vegale vaibhava, vegalee mahatee |
wegale chochale konaaprati | uroch na dyaave ||17||
There should be no scope and consideration of separate individual profit, separate wealth estate and glories, separate importance and dignity or a separate individual's luxurious enjoyments. ||17||
Ekachi vastra, ekachi alankaar | ekachi aadar, ekachi shrungaar |
Ekachi bhojan, ekachi adhikaar | aapulaalyaa kaamaachaa ||18||
It should be planned to provide all the same kind of clothing, same type of ornaments, same respect, same knd of adornments, same meals etc. They may enact different activities or work, but they all must have equal rights in the village plan. ||18||
Sarvaannaa saarakhaach sanawaar | sarvaanche ekachi mejwaanee prakaar |
Eravee na milo khaan paan itar | bhinna kona ||19||
The festivals, celebrations and ceremonies should be one and the same for all. All will have the same kind of savoury and delicious rich food. In any case none should be allowed to demand different food items, drinks or any other things. ||19||
Sanaavaaree konee waaralaa | Tari goddhod nasaave gaavaalaa |
To divas sodoni paahije nemalaa | dujaa sarvaannee ||20||
If unfortunately somebody in the village passes away on some festival day, the villagers should neither celebrate it nor prepare any sweet meals for the festival, It should be arranged on some other day. ||20||
Sarvaanchee uthanyaachee ek welaa | Gharkaam karanyaa huroop aagalaa |
saphai, dhyaan, praarthanaa sagalaa | kaaryakram saamudaayik ||21||
All should get up early in the morning at the fixed time for all (by ringing a bell to awake). All should render all household duties and necessary enactments with enthusiasm. Then all programme such as sweeping and cleaning, meditation, prayers etc. should be arranged and enacted collectively gathering together at some properly decided place. ||21||
Sarvaas thevaave saarakhe | Raahaanee, khaane, kapade netake |
sarvaanchyaa mulaans shikhshan nike | yogyataa-bhed dekhoni ||22||
Equality should be maintained for all and all should be provided the same food, clothes etc. Their standard of living, daily routine, etc. should be neat and the same for all. The children of all should be given a common general and equal education according to the different talent and liking. This education should be given considering the different abilities and eligibilities of the children. ||22||
shikhshanaachi ekachi shaalaa | raahaneechaa ekachi sohalaa |
premaachaa sarva bhaave laalaa | Jethe tethe sarvaanshee ||23||
There should be one common school for all children. Their style and standard of living, their behaviour in school should be the same without any deiscimination. All will behave lovingly and affectionately with eachother. ||23||
Samaan vyawasthaa aarogyaachee | saarkheech unnati stree-purushaanchee |
Ekaachee tee sarvachi gaavaachee | Jabaabdaaree ||24||
There should be a common arrangement of health care centre for all to provide medicines and medical treatment equal and similar to all. without differenciating as the male or female, prosperity of all should be sought through similar and equal opportunities for both males and females. It will be a common collective responsibility of one and all. ||24||
Jaise, konee yetee paahune | Te tyaa aadarsha gaavaachechi mhane |
waatoo na dyaavet aapulaale kone | aisehi hote ||25||
For example, any visitors or guests come to visit their relatives in the village. But they will be the guests of the whole village. The villager should not say that they are his personal visitors, nor the other villagers should think that they have nothing to do as they don't belong to all other villagers. ||25||
Pari tyaasahi aahe maryaadaa | Tewadhaachi nasaavaa dhandaa |
paahunyaanchee vel, seema, maryaadaa | nischitachi asaavee ||26||
But in this regard, there should be a reasonable limit. Attending and treating the visitors and guests as belonging to the whole village, should not become the only main activity. The number of such visitors & guests must be under control and in a definite limit. ||26||
Eravee karaavaa patra - vyawahaar | Jemwhaa nasel kaam jaroor |
Diwas ghaalawoo nayet bharaabhar | paahunebajeetchi ||27||
If there is no special reason and need to visit, the visitors can contact through correspondance. The villagers should not waste their days in enjoying the pleasures of delicious meals as guest at somebody's home or by providing their guests sweet dinners at their homes. ||27||
Taisechi lagnaadi utsava | Tyaasi zataave gaavaane sarva |
parantu nehameech dhaawaadhaava | na whaave tee hee ||28||
Similarly in any ceremonies like marriages etc, the whole village must co-operate with hard work to make them a grand success. But when all details have been decided, these helpers must not be required to rush here and there again and again for making up the shortages. ||28||
Gaavachyaa mulaamuleenche lagna | saamudaayik paddhateech pramaan |
Tethe tithi-muhoortaache karan | kaaheech naahee ||29||
Marrige ceremonies of all boys and girls should be collectively performed. There is no need to find some special auspicious day and date (tithi) and some particular moment (muhoorta) for such marriages. ||29||
Asot lagne dahaa-pannaas | gaavachee shambharhee tyaa varshaat |
Ekaach velee saavakaasha | Urkawaavee eke jaagee ||30||
The number of marriage in the village may be about ten, fifly or even a hundred. They all are to be performed collectively at one place and on the same day and time. ||30||
Gaavee asaawe viwah-sthaan | bhaandee-kundee, bichhayat poorna |
sarvaansaathee thewaavee jamawon | gaavaatarphe ||31||
A proper place should be prepared and developed for performing such collective marriages in the village. The village should maintain a store of all necessary requirements such as carpts, mattresses, bedsheets, big and small cooking pots and vessels, pans, plates, glasses etc. so that it can provide all things sufficiently whichever are essential for proper arrangements of collective marriages. These arrangements and provisions should be easily available to all without any discrimination. ||31||
Pavitra, vishaal, sundar sthaana | jethe prasanna raahee mana |
sarva varaanni ekachi thikaan | pasant karaave lagnaasi ||32||
All bride grooms should select one very specious, sacred and pious, pleasant place where they all will stay till the marriage ceremonies of all are performed. ||32||
Prasanna vel aani sajjana | tochi muhoorta susampanna |
prasanna havaa-paanee, paahona | kaarya karaave sarvaannee ||33||
It is proper to perform the auspecious collective marriages when the time and season are pleasant and the sacred holymen and saints are available to attend these ceremonies. That particular muhoort should be considered as auspicious to make all happy. ||33||
Gaavache sarva jamona mitra | sahakaarya arpaave sarvatra |
Basawoni vadhu-varaannaa ekatra | karaave lagnakaarya ||34||
All villagers in the village should be considered as best friends and they all also should extend every kind of co-operation with the same friendly feel to the successful celebration of these marriages. Bringing all brides and bridegrooms together all the rites of these collective marriages should be performed. ||34||
Lagnaadikaasaathee konaa | udawoo na dyaave gaavachyaa dhanaa |
karaavyaa graamoddhaar- yojana | sarva miloni ||35||
Nobody should be allowed to squander money at his pleasure on the occasions of marriages. In stead, all should collectively and unanimously design a good plan for the betterment and upliftment of the village from the village funds. ||35||
Sarvannee aapule sarvaswa dyaave | aadarsha gaavaache banoni rahaave |
koneehi vegale na whaave | aisee ghyaavee dakhshataa ||36||
All should offer their all belongings and live as ideal residents of the village. Everbody should cautiously and watchfully take care to curb the tendency to break out from this collectivity and to live as a seperate individual. Nobody should ever think of being somewhat different from others. ||36||
Jaree sarvaannee sansaaree asaave | taree santati niyaman saambhaalaave |
Teen putraanvaree putra whaave | aise ichchhoo naye konee ||37||
It is true that all villagers are living a house holder's life. Yet they all should mantain the limits of producing off-springs. They all should strictly follow the principle of birth control. None should expect more than three children. ||37||
Putra tanhepanee waadhalaa | dusryaa dudhaavari laagalaa |
kee aayeepasoni sodavilaa | paahijechi to ||38||
When the stage of infancy of a child is over and it begins to feed upon the cow milk, he should be separated from his mother by stopping to provide him his mother's milk. ||38||
Gaavaane karaave shishusangopana | mhaataryaa premal bayaankadon |
jayaancheni kaam bhinna | hot naahee kashtaache ||39||
The village should maintain a child care centre The aged, old females, who are unable to enact other household duties and who have loving and affectionate tendencies should be given charge of looking after all such children of all villagers. ||39||
sampatti aani santati | sagalee gaavaachee theva nishchitee |
waadhawoni saadhaavee unnati | yogya maarge gaavaachee ||40||
All should consider that the wealth and the children of all villagers are the property of the whole village. The village should carefully maintain both, develop them in proper manner and bring the prosperity of the village through them. ||40||
Aapulyaa gaavaache sukhdukkha | sakalaanseeeh kalaave nisshanka |
yetaa parasparaanchee haak | dhaavoni jaave jiwhaalyaane ||41||
All should express the joys, sorrows and sufferings of the village with very open mind and without keeping any contraction. When anybody listens to a call of somebody for help, he should readily rush towards him to extract all help and co-opertion in his difficulies. ||41||
Jyaachee konaas jaroor pade | Tyaane tyaas bolawaave nirbhide |
koneehi ghewoo nayet aadhevedhe | Aapule adathale saangoni ||42||
Whenever anybody feels the need of some particular individual, he should give him a call for help without any hesitation. The individual, who is so called by the person should immediately go to co-operate him. Nobody should try to avoid attending to the call for help by producing lame excuses of his own duties, want of spare time etc. ||42||
Kaamaache mahatwa paahoni | haakes twarit jaave dhaavoni |
Tohi yeyeel taisaach samajoni | kaamaas maazyaa ||43||
On the contrary the person called for should consider the urgency and importance of his immediate attention to the call for help and should quickly respond to it. He should extend his promp co-operation because, whenever (on some occasion,) he will call him for help, certainly he will also rush to him to help him in his difficulties. ||43||
Jaise aapan konaache karaave | Taisechi aapulyaa vaatyaas yaave |
Aisechi aahe swaroop barawe | sahakaaryaache maanwaanchyaa ||44||
We all should always hold in our minds. When we co-operate others, they will also readily co-operate with us. (what we sow, we reap). This is the excellent and ideal form of co-operation of all human beings. ||44||
Mhanoni sankatee dhaavoni jaave | sarwannee kashta waatoni ghyaave |
jenekarooni sarvaans waataave | kutumba maaze vishwavyaapee ||45||
Therefore we all should run to help anybody who is in distress, difficulties and in dangerous calamities. All should have their share of helpful co-operation in the hardships and labourious work of everybody. By this, everybody will firmly believe that the entire universe is pervaded by my vast and enormous affectionte family. ||45||
Jeeva jagee janmaasi aalaa | aisechi sahakaarya dyaavayaalaa |
Adnyaanee praanee sevesi mukalaa | tyaas karaave saavadhaan ||46||
The being comes into existence by seeking birth only to provide its co-operation to eachother in this world. If anybody forgets and fails to extend his hands in co-operation through his ignorance, the wise villagers should evoke and alert him in a proper way. ||46||
Konaas naahee udyogdhandaa | kon laagalaa bhalatiyaa chhandaa |
paahaavee nirikhshoni aapadaa | doora karaayaa gaavaahee ||47||
All should have a careful and alert eye to observe who is jobless in the village, who has fallen prey to addictions and bad habits. Finding out such causes of further harmful consequences, all should try to check and control them in a good time. ||47||
Kon konaashee vitandato | kon konaalaa chhaleet basato |
kon swaarthaa saathee dandato | paahane kaam aamuche ||48||
It is the duty of all villagers to be watchful about who always goes on quarrelling and with whom; who torments cruelly and whom he torments, who behaves unrighteously for his selfish gains and whom does he harm with his sly practices. ||48||
Vyasanaadheen kon raahe | kon jugaree basalaahe |
chintaatoor kon, kaa aahe | paahane kaam aamuche ||49||
It is our duty to see who has become addicted, who has become an established gambler, who is very worried and what are his worries etc. ||49||
Konee striyaannaa jaach karitee | konee aayee-baapaa kashta detee |
konee muleech na paathavitee | konee netee palawoni ||50||
We must dutifully keep a watch on all villagers. Somebody torments and harasses his wife. Some troubles his old father and mother. Somebody refuses to send his married daughter to her husband while, some abducts young girls from the village. ||50||
Hey sarva dosh saaraavayaa | jabaabdaar aamheech tayaa |
Gawache rahiwaasi mhanoniyaa | kaalajee aso aamhaasee ||51||
We are the responsible inhabitants of the village. so it is our duty and responsibility to remove and avert all these wrongs and evil enactments. All village must hold this careful consideration for our responsibilits. ||51||
Aamache karane aamuche nawhe | tyaa jaameen sarva gaava aahe |
Hey samajoni karaave hoya-nohe | sarva kaahee sarvaannee ||52||
We are not doing all these enactments for our individual selfish gains. We are enacting for the betterment and welfare of the village and the villagers; and that too with the full support of all villagers. Giving such consciousness to all, the villagers should try to remove these sicknesses of the village. ||52||
Aamhee gaavee daaroo pyaalo | mhanage `darude lok' zaalo |
Tene `daarubaaj gaava' nava chaalo | aise hote ||53||
We, the villagers consumed wine, so we became the drunkards and we brought defamation and disgrace by ignominy as the `drunkards' village'. ||53||
Mag saangaa sarva daarubaaj | hotaa, kaise chaalel raajya? |
mhanoni vyasanaadikaanche beej | yewoo na dyaave sheveaat ||54||
If in this manner the people in the villages become habitual drunkards, how can the villages and alternately the country can govern smoothly in a better manner? Therefore even the name of any addiction or bad habit also should not be allowed to stay in our village. ||54||
Konee gaavee tamaashaa karee | manoranjanaachaa prachaar vishaaree |
tene muley naachatee daarodaaree | naache jaise ||55||
Some inconsiderate ardant entertainer arranges the `Tamasha' (The vulgar presentation of female dancers). He spreads up the poisonous kind of cheap public entertainment by this. young and immatured boys attend these vulgar shows and then dance as shameless dancers from door to door like those in the tamasha. ||55||
Nrutyakalechyaa navaakhaalee | vishayaandha bhaavanaa pasaralee |
Aisee nako sudhaaranaa- bhulee | aamuchyaa gaavee ||56||
under the sweet title of `dancing art' these shows create and spread up the provoking lewd and erotic feelings in the villagers. We must not allow such wrong illusive reforms to take roots in our villages. ||56||
Hee kalaa navhe, vidambana | paise lutaayaache sthan |
Aise naatak, pathak, gaayan | aso na dyaave ||57||
This is not the real art. It is the hideous distortion of the beautiful dancing art only to rob money from people. So we must not allow such erotic and provoking programmes under the disguise of drama, street plays (pathak) or the sex provoking consorts of songs and dances in the village. ||57||
Asel jyaat janahit | tyaaseech raahaave sahamata |
waadhoo na dyaavaa vaayeet pantha | konataahi gaavee ||58||
All of us should agree and allow such activities and prograammes which will continue to seek the betterment and welfare of our villages and villagers. We should cautously take a great care not to allow and grow any evil group of sect in the village. ||58||
uttam kaaryaasi je nighaale | Ramdhoon, bhajan, kalaapathak chaale |
vyaayaam, khel manoranjan bhale | sarva kaahee ||59||
Those, who come forward to perform good and moral activities such as Ramdhoon, bhajan and items of entertainment of good standard should form a `kalapathak' of healthy moral thoughts (a group of artists) and include in their programmes some items of physical exercises, games and pious, pure cultural items of entertainment. ||59||
Kothechi naahee kutilataa | Tamaashe-dandhaareechee heenataa |
vichaaralyaaveen pudhaaree yetaa | bhaya waataave tayaasi ||60||
There should not be the slightest air of cunning and wicked thoughts. The programmes should not contain below standard distorted form of art as it appears in the tamasha and erotic dandharee (folk plays). All such programmes should be controlled so strictly that even the influencial leader should also be scared by the awe of the village. He should not dare enter into the village without seeking proper and prior permission of the village and without informing the village. ||60||
Parakaa kaaryakramaasi ghuse | vichaaralyaavin mukhyaasi sahase |
kadheehi ghadanaar naahee aise | gaavee aamuchyaa ||61||
The village should create and maintain such an awe that without seeking proper and prior permission of the head no stranger should pierce into the programme or ceremonies of the village. ||61||
Gaavaachyaa buddhichee oochcha paatalee | lokaa kalaave tatwe sagalee |
bhashane chaalaavee velowelee | gramonnateechee yaasaathee ||62||
Lectures and discourses on upliftment of the villages should be arranged frequently to heighten the level of assimilating and understanding and intellect so that they can grasp the propositions, principles and truths in the different subjects and sciences. ||62||
Aapan konee bhinna aaho | aisee swapneehi bhaanaa na yewo |
yaasaathee dnyaanpaath jaagataa raaho | gaavee aamuchyaa ||63||
A feeling of ego that we are somewhat different and superior to others should not come into our minds or even in our dreams also. So proper knowledge lessons should be frequently imparted to the villagers so that the thoughts of unity and integrity will always remain alive in their minds. ||63||
Aamuchyaa gaavee prarthanaa mandira | jethe sarva dharmaanchaa aadara |
vishwaateel je asateel thora | te aamhaasi devatulyaa ||64||
There should be one temple of prayers in our village. There all faiths, religions will be held with equally high in esteem and adoration. All great and divine excellent spirits, who had existed in the past and who are existing in the world at present are all highly respectable and adorable to us like God. ||64||
Tyaach mandiree thoraanchee jayanti | utsava aani sant-punytithi |
jaagatee raahee saamudaayik vrutti | bouddhik bale ||68||
In this village temple ceremonies and celebrtions like the birth anniversaries of great spirits and personages, festivals, death anniversaries of holy saints should be arranged. If such frequent programmes and ceremonies are held, all of us will have deep impressions of knowledge, through which the feel of collectivity will always be alive in our minds. ||65||
Saadhoo-dewataanchee jayantee | punyatithi aadi utsava kitee |
Ichchhaa asel tee satkrutee | karaavee gaavee ||66||
In this temple, we shall celebrate the birth anniversaries of God, seers and deities. We shall celebrate death anniversaries of the great holy spirits, holy saints and all respectful, adorable personages as the villagers desire from time to time. ||66||
pana sarvaanche asaave mata pavitra | gaavaane howoni ekatra |
saamudaayikachi sarvatra | utsava karaave ||67||
But all such celebrations and ceremonies should be determined collectively by coming together with the sacred thought of our collectiveess (as the saying advises `paachaamukhee parameshwar' i.e. God speaks through the mouths of five heads) ||67||
Gaavachaa utsava to sarvaanchaa | Tyaat harsha ati aadarshaachaa |
Tethe aapaaplyaa manachaa | Tol nasaavaa vipareet ||68||
All such celebrations of the village should be treated as the common, collective celebrations of the whole villagers. In that celebration, discussions should be held with the thought of ideal life of all. There should be no air of discontent. The individual feelings and thoughts should always be controlled and prevented by all. ||68||
Naaheetaree waadhe saampradaayikataa | jaatiyataa, vyaktinishthata |
Tene gaavaache tukade hotaa | wel na laage ||69||
otherwise, such difference of opinion, egoistic objections and opposition can create and grow groupism, castism and subjectivity in the village which will result in breaking up the village into pieces in a very short time. ||69||
Mhanoni bhedachi nako kaahee | sarvaa manee utsaaha raahee |
Ek kutumba aise sarvahi | graam aamuche premala ||70||
Therefore no scope should be given to create a feeling of distinction and of separate identity. All should have such enthusiasm that the whole village is one affectionate undivided family. ||70||
Aapule premachi amol sampat | Aapule shramachi mahaan daulat |
Apule sahakaaryachi kharee ijjat | samajaawoni dyaave sarvaansi ||71||
All should bear this firmly and profoundly in their minds that our love and affection for each other is our inestimable asset, our physical labour is our greatest and precious estate and property and our mutual co-operation to each other is our true honour and dignity. Let us explain this to all. ||71||
Gaavee techi sarvaannee karaave | keertee sphoortine gaava bharaave |
Gharaagharaat shanti sukh paave | janataa jene ||72||
All programmes and celebrations should be arranged in the village very frequently which will inspire all to grow fame and glory of the village and every family will live with peace and happiness. ||72||
Konee ek maage padalaa | Tyaas dusaryaane saambhaalilaa |
Aise karitaach gaava zaalaa | sarva guna sampanna to ||73||
If anybody lags behind and becomes restarted in some enactments, other individual should come forward to give him a helping hand. He should take care of him and lift him up to make his all round development. This will also help the village to seek betterment and prosperity. ||73||
Gaavaat naahee zagadaa tantaa | konee naahee bolanaar upharaataa |
saral saalas swabhaava chokhataa | praaniyaanchaa disaavaa ||74||
Then there will be no quarrels and struggles in the village. Nobody will cross any one and converse or argue with him in contradicting manner. All villagers will form their temperaments and inclinations straight, simple, polite and free from vice. ||74||
Jaree mata bhinna zaale | taree paahije gavaatachi mitwale |
Aapulyaa gaavaavina naahee urale | court-kacheree kaam kothe ||75||
There may crop up some difference of opinion upon some issues in the villagers. But all these different views should be discussed collectively among the villagers themselves and an amicable convincing way to remove the discontentions of the individuals should be found out. But in any case, these differences should not be taken to the courts or government authorities for their settlements. ||75||
Gaavachaa zagadaa gaaveech mite | Niwadnukeeche kaam nawhe khote |
Landphand gaavat naahee kothe | aise graam sundar hey ||76||
The desputes and struggles should be met out and solved in the village itself. There should be no scope for unfair and false elections which result in breaking up the unity of the village. No inspirating and provoking elements, trying to disturb the peace and unity of the village should be tolerated in the village. Our village should become so beautiful in this manner. ||76||
Aise saangaayaa waataavaa abhimaan | Techi khare gaavaache bhooshana |
Gaavaateel sarva lok sajjan | parasparaanvari ati moha ||77||
We should feel proud of telling others that our village is ideal and beautiful. These are real adorations and honours of the village. All villagers in the village should be noble, virtueous and thorough gentlemen. They should have deep affection and love for each other. ||77||
Yaat konee unaad disalaa | Tyaasi upadesh dyaavaa chaangalaa |
Ewadhe karoni naahee waagalaa | tari to zaalaa bahiranga ||78||
However, if we find anybody playing truant or mischief as a vagabond, all should guide him with good and moral precept. If inspite of such hints, advices and warnings he does not improve his behaviour, and turns a deaf ear, the village should disown him. ||78||
Jyaane gaavaat dhingaanaa ghaatalaa | To gaava-ghatakeech tharalaa |
Tyaas paahije saral kelaa | shaanti-prayatna karoni ||79||
If this vagabond continues to behave adamantly, creates boisterous romping insolently, he may prove greatly harmful to the prestige of the village. So adopting the peaceful and friendly measures, all should try to improve him and to bring him on the right path. ||79||
Mag sarraannee miloni tharawaave | yaache pudhe kaaya karaave |
Nirupaaya hotaa paathawaave | Nirnaya karoni paragaavee ||80||
All villagers should then take an unanimous decision about what steps are to be taken about that individual. If they find no other solution and any possible remedies to bring a good change in him, all villagers should take a firm decision by all hands to banish him from the village and send him to some another village. ||80||
Mag tyaas na miley saamaan | Athawaa tyaache asalele dhana |
tyaane palaave jeeva ghewon | aapulaa kothe ||81||
Then nobody should provide him anything that he needs to live his daily life. Moreover, all his money and wealth should be confiscated by the village and should not be returned to him for maintaining his life. Then he will have no other go except deserting the village in abashment and disgracefully. ||81||
Aise balakalpan java naahee | Tava aadarsha gaava tamaashaach raahee |
Tyaat sthirataach yenaar naahee | kaahee kelyaa ||82||
unless such strict steps are taken firmly, the experiment of making the village an ideal one will become a foul display of tamasha and all efforts will become fruitless. The village cannot attain the stability and sound footing. ||82||
Yaavari shrotaa prashna karee | gaavaat adachanee naanaaparee |
sarva lok jamawoni kothawaree | sodavateel sarva tyaa? ||83||
A listener presented a difficulty upon this discussion. He said, "There are many problems and difficulties in the village. How can allvillegers come together to solve and overcome all those discripancies andproblems? ||83||
Sarvachi paahatee kaarbhar | Tari kemwhaa karaave kaam itara? |
yaane graamjeevan sthira | hoyeel kaise saangaanaa? ||84||
If all villagers are expected to come together to run the working and activities for solving all these problems, very frequently, how can they attend to all their individual duties of their household life? who will attend to them for? Now tell us how can the stability be maintained by enganging all in this work? ||84||
Aikaa yaache samaadhaan | karaavee ek samitee nirmaan |
sarvaannee aapale pratinidhi mhanoona | Nemaave kaahee kaarbharee ||85||
(Maharaj replies)-"Now listen to the solution of this problem All villagers should come together and choose their representatives to enact as the workers for the village. These selected representatives should form a village committee. ||85||
Jyaannee aapule sarvaswa dyaave | techi samitiche ghatak barave |
Tana, mana, dhana samarpaave | graamaasaathee jayaannee ||86||
For this committee, such individuals should be chosen as the representatives who are ready to offer all their possessions & belongings, who will offer their physical labour, whole heart and wealth for the betterment of the village. They can only become the members of this village committee. ||86||
Tyaannaa sabhasad karaave | Tyaatoon paachjan niwadaave |
sarwaannee praanjal maney paahaave | imaandaar, nyaaynishtha ||87||
From among these selected members, who are ready to offer all their belongings to the village, five individuals should be chosen out without any prejudice. These five individuals should be reputed and known for their honesty and righteousness. ||87||
Sarvaanche maal dhan eka karaave | sabhaasadaanche mojmaap ghyaave |
mag sarvaanchechi jeevan banawaave| eksaarikhe ||88||
Belongings and possessions of all, the wealth and properties of all should be collected together. The members of the committee should be counted and make the life of all equal, similar and alike ||88||
Srvaannaa bharpoor kaame dyaavee | utpannaachee vyawasthaa laavaavee |
sarva vyawahaar-upaadhi paahaavee | Tyaach panchaannee ||89||
All of them should be provided plenty of activities and projects. All these five chosen members (pancha) should look after the funds and finances of the whole village and the whole management and responsibilities of the village should be handed over to them. ||89||
Sarvaannee aapaapale kaam karaave | vikane, ghene panchaannee paahave |
Aani udyogaasi samaan purawaave | panchaanneech ||90||
All other villagers should attend to their routine duties and necessary household work or their professions. These five panch of the committee will make purchases of the goods for the village, they will arrange to sell the goods as needed by the villagers. These panchas will provide all tools and other requirements to run the industries and professions of the workers and they will be responsible to run the whole administration of the village life. ||90||
Gaavaakaritaa maarg jodaavaa | gaavaakaritaa vyaapaar pudhe nyaavaa |
Har tarhechaa sambandh aanaavaa | sukhee karayaa gaava hey ||91||
The committee and the five punch should get a road prepared to join the village to the main highway. They should try to grow the trade of the village and create and develop many more concerns and relations with nearby cities, towns and villages. Thus they should try in every way to make the village happy. ||91||
Gaavaatoon je dravya jaave | maal, manushyabal, saamaan barave |
te pratham poorna nirikhshoni ghyaave | gaavaa saathee panchaannee ||92||
All the goods, funds, manpower, things and articles which are to be exported from the village, should be very carefully examined by the panch committee before allowing them to pass out. ||92||
sarvachi yojana panchaa varatee | konaachechi naahee itaraa haatee |
Itar nischint raahatee | karaayaa pragati adhikaadhik ||93||
The panchas are empowered to make all plans and run every business of the village. All other remaining villagers should be spared to work more and more for the prosperity of all and the village. ||93||
Ekadaa yethe ananya zaale | Te vyaapaar chintepaasooni sutale |
Nispruha bhagawat premee zaale | kaam aapule karoni ||94||
Those, who have offered themselves to the village family, have now been rid of all worries and cares of running the give and take business. Now they can attend their legitimate duties and can become the selfless and desireless devotees of God. ||94||
Panch mhanaje prameshwar doot | sarvaanchee chintaa karee nischit |
yaavishayee konaache dumat | asoochi naye ||95||
The panchas are the messengers of God. They will definitely take every care of all. None should have any doubt or difference of opinion about this. ||95||
Tayaannee sarva kaalajee ghyaavee | gaavachi janataa sukhee thewaavee |
Nirnaya detaachi aikaavee | haak janatene panchaanchee ||96||
Thus, the panch committee should take every care of the village and try their best to make the villagers happy. In return, the villagers should promptyly rush and attend the call of the panchas and should politely accept and obey all decisions taken by them. ||96||
Graamee janataa asel mothee | pari tee panchaa pudhe dhaakutee |
sadaa tatpara sevesaathee | praan panaa laavoni ||97||
There may be some elderly individuals in the village - older in age - than the panch members but theyshould be obedient and polite before the panchas; because they have put even their lives at stake for the service to the betterment of the village. ||97||
Panch bolale te ved pramaan | heech gaavadharmaachee khoon |
yaatachi graamaache aadarshapan | aamuchyaa mate ||98||
Whatever the panchas tell us, we should hold it no less than the sacred quotations from the holy vedas. In my opinion, the idealism of the village lies in such retention. ||98||
Aamuche gaava ek kutumba | panch tayaachaa mool stambha |
sarvaanvari nyaayaachaa daab | haachi kalas vikaasaachaa ||99||
Our village is our individed family. The panchas are the supporting pillars of the tent in the form of our village. This tent will remain safe and secure under the righteous control and power of equal justice for all. The judiciary and the institution of justice is the apex of this tent. ||99||
Nasataa konaachehi shasana | Nyaayaane waagatee satyayugee jana |
Tyaachechi roopaantar panchaayatan | lokashaahee, loka tantra ||100||
In the `Age of Truth' (satya yuga) the masses used to live following righteousness and justice. The same system of self righteous control has reflectd in today's democracy, public rule and the panchayat system. ||100||
Yaa yojaneche ekachi marana | Tehi deto lakhshaat aanona |
panch mhanoni niwadaal goun | Tari ye dhokaa jeevanaasi ||101||
There is one killing drawback which is harmful to our ownself. Now I am going to tell you about it. If you choose inferior and substandard individuals as the panch for your village, it will prove dangerous and harmful to your life. ||101||
Sevaaheenaanchee panchaayat | Tee gaavaas kareel panchaayit |
Lokashaahee mhanaje lokaanche manogat | sinhaasanee chadhaave ||102||
If you handover all the administration and management of your village panchayat to such drones who don't want to render their services to the humanity and their village people, then instead of seeking happiness and satisfaction in life, you will have to face cares and calamities. The democracy means the earnest desire of people to enthrone themselves as the rulers. ||102||
Lokshaahee mhanaje lokaanche hita | lokaankadoni whaave haato haat |
sarva maalak mhanaoni satya | jabaabdaaree olakhaavee ||103||
The democracy means to seek the welfare of the people, with the mutual co-opertion of people and by the people. The whole public of the nation are the lords (masters) of the nation. People should understand this and all should behave as the responsible citizens of the country. ||103||
Teech mhanaavee lokashaahee | jethe konee kaamchukar naahee |
sevaa tatpar sarva utsaahee | nyaayee jana ||104||
It is the true form of democracy where nobody avoids extracting hard work and never shirks his duties. All people in democratic nation should be promt in rendering services, enthusiastic and righteous. ||104||
Lokashaaheet jo sattaadhaaree | To maalak nawhechi nirdhaaree |
Loksevechaa kaarbhaaree | jabaabdaaree hee tyaachee ||105||
In democrcy the individual, who holds the ruling powers and reins of the government is not the master of the country. He is the authoritative administrator of the people in the democratic rule. The ruling individual should thoroughly realise this responsibility. ||105||
Sarva lok kaarya tatpara | Tyaahooni vishesh jo dhurandhar |
Tochi graamaadhikaaree kharokhar | panch waa netaa ||106||
All villagers should always be prompt and everready to extract hard work and render services to people. In this regard, one, who is always ahead of all, he can be the true chief officer, panch or the leader of the village. ||106||
Panch to ase aamuchyaateel | adhik kaamkartaa, aachaarsheel |
jyaasi sandaas-saphaayeechehi nawal | nase kaahee ||107||
Among all the villagers, the individual who is always ready to render his labourious services, who is well behaved and bearing good moral charactor and who inhesitantly gets ready to sweep and clean every the latrines also, should be considered worthy of becoming the panch of the village. ||107||
Adhik suralit kaam kareel | nemaane, nishthene raaheel |
Tochi adhikaaree hoyeel | yaa gunaananee gavaachaa ||108||
One, who enacts in proper and smooth legal ways, in a very fair and normal way, who mantains regularity in attending his duties and who is loyal and devoted to the service of the village can become the leading officer and the administrator or our village by virtue of his qualities. ||108||
Yethe mahatwa sadgunaanche | dhaadasaache, swaartha tyaagaache |
Techi pudhaaree hotee gaavaache | je gaavaas deva maanitee ||109||
Here, in becoming the administrators of the village rule, the virtues, daring and dashing abilities, readiness to sacrifice the selfish gains are very important and extremely essential. Those, who consider the village and villagers as god and devotely render their humble services, can only become the leaders of the village. ||109||
Jyaane gaavachi deva maanilaa | sevaa kaaryaachaa mantra japalaa |
Tyaachaachi asaavaa bolbaalaa | gaavaamaajee aapulyaa |110||
The villagers also should admire and respect him who always held the village with great adoration as God and who has always reiterated the incantation of service to the village by actually putting himself in active, practical work for the village. ||110||
Tochi panch ati saatwik | gaava maanee jagnnaayak |
Ek sevaachi mahaapoojaa dekh | itar naahee tyaasi bhakti ||111||
One, who holds the village with devotion as God-jagannayak, who is extremely virtueous and pious, who treats his service to the village as the mahapooja, who does not enact any other spiritual and devotional practice except service to the village, should be chosen as the panch for the village. ||111||
Tyaalaa naahee dusaraa dharma | Tyaalaa naahee dusare karma |
Ek sewaachi tyaachaa upakrama | sarva kaal gaava lokee ||112||
He does not know any religion other than service to the village. He does not have any other activity but for service to the village. Such service is his only activity the whole day and night. ||112||
Tyaache sarvaswa aamuchyaa karitaa | mhanonich to aamuchaa pita |
Tethe jaati, dharma, pantha mataa | mahatwa naahee ||113||
All his energies, devotion and possessions are entirely for the villagers. so we hold him with a great honour and respect as our loving father. In this regard, caste, religion, faith and such other differences carry no least importance. ||113||
Tochi panch niwadaavaa | shraddhaa vichaare olakhaavaa |
Gatabaajeechaa howo na dyaavaa | Tamaashaa kothe ||114||
Such an individual should be chosen as the village panch. He should be recognised by his faith, devotion and high thinking. In choosing such person as a punch, no commotion and boisterous enactments through groupism should be allowed and tolerated. ||114||
Karaave sakalaanchyaa hitaache | Tethe vyaktitwachi nako aamuche |
jo karee sarvaahooni hita lokaanche | Tochi netaa manaawa ||115||
We should forget our individuality and enact in favour of the common welfare of all villagers. Only such individual should be chosen as our leader who brings more betterment and seeks more welfare of the villagers. ||115||
Sajjanaanche asaave panchmandal | je gaavaa chaalavee sarvakaal |
Aapule kutumbachi gaava sakal | maanaave tyaannee ||116||
The panch committee should be formed from among the most virtueous, moral and noble individuals. They should spend all their time in the activities of service to the village and the villagers. They should consider the whole village as their family. ||116||
Parasparaannaa ghewooni chaalaave | parasparaanche rhudaya ek whaave |
kothe une padataa aapanachi samajaave | une aso ||117||
All members of the panch committee should maintain harmonious and mutual co-coperation among them. All should form one mind and one soul in public work. If any flaw or drawback is found in the welfare and betterment of the village, the panch committee should take the responsibility of it considering it as the flaw or fault on their part. ||117||
Aapulyaa vyakti-kutumbaa karitaa | na whaavee gaavaachee avyawasthaa |
aisee drushtee asaavee samastaa | kaarya kartyaansi ||118||
They should sow such a broad vision in all social workers that the village administration should not suffer any loss, harm or mismanagement just to guard the interest of their own individual self or for the welfare of their families. ||118||
Anyaaye peedaa na whaavee konaas | na whaavaa mungeelaahi traas |
yaachee jaaneeva asaavee pramukhaas | sarvakaal ||119||
All the heads and leaders should always be aware and cautious of any harm that may be done to anybody. Even an ant also should not suffer any trouble in their administration. All people and heads should hold this awareness and consciousness at all times. ||119||
Sarvajanik vastu gharee bhogane | aapt janaansi sawalatee dene |
Hey takoni karaavee chokhapane | Tatparatene jansevaa ||120||
The panch committee, heads and leaders should always avoid using the public properties, for their private conveniences at their residences. Also, they should avoid favouring their relatives and close friends by any kind of undue concessions. They should only and necessarily render their services to the people. ||120||
Aapulaa duraagraha doora saaraavaa | bahujanaanchaa maagowaa ghyaavaa |
shakyato kaarbhaar chaalaavaa | ekmataane gaavaachaa ||121||
All the heads must give up their individual wilfulness and adamant insistance of their minds. They should find out the inclination of majority and accept it respectfully. The administration of the village must run unanimously. ||121||
Paachaamukhee parameshwar | pari nako sattechaa ahankaar |
Niyam paalataa waataave sukhakar | tharaliyaavaree ||122||
There is no doubt that according to dogma `paachaa mukhee parameshwar' i.e. God speaks through the mouths of five wisemen.' the five panchas are alike God to the villagers.But they should not become proud of the rulling power which the village has given to them. When any particular rule is accepted by all hands, all must follow it gladly and promptly. ||122||
Sarvaannee sarvaansaathee zataave | sarvaanchyaa hitaat swahit paahavve |
Thoraannee yaache dhade daakhawaave | aacharoni nishchayaane ||123||
All should work assiduously and earnestly for all. They should always consider that their betterment and welfare lies in the betterment and welfare of all others. The elders, heads and erudite personages in the village should place ideal and model lessons through their practical behaviour before all other villagers. ||123||
Yaathachi aahe mothepana | Graam jeevan hoyee swayamporna |
Heech aahe kharee khoon | aadarsha graamraajyaachee ||124||
Here in this only lies the greatness and magnitude of the village and the villagers. This is an identical characterestic of the ideal rule of the village only. It will make the village life happy. ||124||
Graamraajyachi Ramraajya | swaavalamban heychi swaraajya |
Bolile mahatma vishwapoojya | vikaas tyaachaa sundar haa ||125||
In fact, The rule of the village (graam rajya) means the rule of Lord Ram. Swarajya (self government) means to become self reliant. Mahatma Gandhi, the most excellently & highly respectable and adorable to the whole world has once quoted so. The same concept has been elaborated extensively in this chapter titled as `BHOO-VAIKUNTHA' ||125||
Amache graamachi ek raajya | sarvaanche maaher avibhaajya |
Aise aadarsha hote je je | naate aamuche tyaanchyaashee ||126||
We shall always consider our village as our own kingdom. It will be the undivisible mother home for all. so those, who live an ideal life (as describerd in this chapter) will be considered as our affectionate close relatives. ||126||
Dusare gaava shatru nohe | pari aamuchaa sambandha kaamee raahe |
sahakaarya detee pancha nishchaye | chaangulpan waadhawaaya ||127||
We shall never hold other villages as our enemies. But we are related to only our duties and activities. All our panch committee will extend their heartiest co-operation to maintain good and affectionate relations with other villages around our village. ||127||
Panch mandal nishthene raahee | te te gaava bhoo-vaikuntha hoyee |
Tyaachyaa prabhaave pavitra mahee | aapoaap hotase ||128||
Every village,where the panch committee is loyal and dutiful to the village will surely become the bhoo-vaikuntha i.e. heaven upon this earth. This earth will become sacred and holy automatically and naturally through the sacred influence of that village. ||128||
Aise java gaava saadhale | Tava te praantaat pramukh zaale |
Aise praant prabhaavee tharale | Tareech te bhooshan deshaasi ||129||
In this way, the village, which has sought its upliftment and prosperity will become an adoration of the district. If every district becomes influencial like this, then it will be an adoration to the country. ||129||
Desh aisaa unnat hoya | tochi vishwaachaa ghatak shantimaya |
Eravee jo swaarthe pudhe ghe paaya | ghaatak hoya vishwaasi ||130||
Every country, which seeks its upliftment and prosperity will be determined as the element of divine peace of the universe. Otherwise the country which looks after only its own selfish gains will prove harmful and disasterous to the divine peace of the universe. ||130||
Mhanoni aikaa lakhsha laawoon | swarga karaavaa jagee nirmaan |
karaa kutumba samarpana | saamudaayik tatwaasi ||131||
(Finally, Sant Shree Tukadoji Maharaj advises) Listen carefully and attentively. If you want to bring the heaven upon this earth, then offer yourself with your whole family to the truth of collectivity. ||131||
Ghyaa waachoon karaa taatadee | mag manan karoni aawadee |
Ghaalaa yaa aadarsha yojanet udee | aapule sarvaswa devonee ||132||
Read this chapter carefully. Meditate upon the thoughts in it with interest. offer your all possessions and leap into this scheme of universal welfare. ||132||
Shroteho! aikile kaaya vachanaa? mag vel kaasayaasi punhaa? |
Ajachi tana, mana, dhana samarpaanaa | yaa kaaryaasi ||133||
O listeners! have you listened to my words? Don't waste time now offer your heart and soul, body and wealth to this work. ||133||
Yaanech thoraanchee ichchha saphal | saarthakee laage dnyaan, bhaktisakala |
mitel antarbaahya talamala | Tukadyaa mhane sarvaanchee ||134||
(Vandaniya Tukadojee maharaj promises) This can only fulfil the earnest desire of great thinkers to make this world like the heaven. This will only make your knowledge and devotion divinely fruitful. This will remove all worries and cares in your houselife and of spiritual gains. ||134||
Iti Shree Graamgeetaa grantha | Guru-shaastra-swaanubhava sammata |
Aadarsha graamraajya kathit | Ekonchaalisaavaa adhyaaya sampoorna ||135||
This Graamgeeta scripture is well consented by Guru, shastraas and self experiences. This Thirty ninth Chapter describing the greatness of an ideal village rule is hereby concluded. ||135||
||Sadgurunaath maharaaj kee jay||
1 There might be some place existing some where, where there would be no differences as the faiths, castes and communities etc. Such place can be called as the VAIKUNTHAPURI. Where there is not a slightest sense of alienment, it is called the `BHOO-VAIKUNTHA'. We all resolve that we shall associate with it.
2 The divine principle is `All are equal'. Following it we shall build up a new village (which is called the Bhoo-vaikuntha)
3 All marriages of the boys and the girls in the village should be performed at same hour and at the same place. It should be a common collective marriage ceremony. We shall not allow to squander a lot of money on marriages. We shall design a plan for celebrating the collective marriages from the funds raised by the villagers. We shall fix the time and date for such common collective marriage ceremony considering the pleasant season and time, favourable water and climatic condition etc.
4 All villagers should become the members of the village by offering all their possessions to the Ideal Village. None should live away from this village family. We shall offer our `all' and become the member of the Bhoo-vaikuntha.
5 None should hold the slightest idea of his separate identity. To grow the harmonious infegrety in all as one family, we shall hold lectures and sermouns in every village on the upliftment of the villages and we shall arrange the lessons of knowledge to keep this spirit alive.


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