Chapter- 41 MAGNITUDE OF THE BOOKS (Grantha-Mahima)

Chapter- 41
||Salutations to Shree Gurudeva||
The impact of the Graamageeta : The secret of perusal of the books :-
The importance of moral behaviour :
Eeshware vyaapile hey vishwa | mhanoni jagachi aamhaa deva |
Vishwaachaa mool ghatak gaava | Graamageetaa tyaa saathee ||1||
The great God has pervaded the entire universe. so the world, we live in, is the God for us. Village is the root constituant of this universe. therefore, this Graamageeta has descended into this world for the welfare of the villages. ||1||
Yaat graamaachaa jaya jayakaara | sarva teertha khshetraanche graamachi maahera |
Graama haa vishwaachaa paayaa sundara | Graam nasataa pralayachi ||2||
Here, in this Graamageetaa, the village has been admired and adored with great respect because, the village is the motherly home of all sacred and holy places. The village is the support, the foundation of the whole universe. If the village doesn't exist, where can we find a place to live in? ||2||
Graama mhanaje deva mandira | Maanava deva moorti sundara |
Sarvaanchi sevaa samaprakaara | Teecha poojaa aamuchee ||3||
Village is the sacred temple of God. In this temple, man, who resides in that village, is the idol of God. Therefore, to offer our service to all human beings with the sense of equality, in the village, is itself the worship of God for us. ||3||
Graamageeta shaabdik sevaa | pari drudha karee sanskaaraanchaa thevaa |
Tene eeshwaree raajya gaavaa | Naandel sadaa sarvakaala ||4||
This Graamageeta is the oral, verbal form of my devoted service to the village deity. It can initiate firm, good and excellent impressions upon the man. It will surely bring the everlasting divine rule in the villages. ||4||
Graamageeta dukkhaasi naashavee | Graamageetaa mrutyusi hasavee |
Graamageeta sahakaaree tatwa waadhavee | Maanavadharmaa phulawaayaa ||5||
This Graamageeta will surely remove sorrows and sufferings and will guide one to the way of uprooting them. It will teach and enable to face death with a smiling face. this Graamageeta imparts learning to grow the duty of the humanity in the world by imbibing the disciplined practical behaviour based upon the principle of mutual co-operation. ||5||
Chaaleesa diwas mhanaje mandal | Aisee anushthaane praanjala |
karitaa gaava sudhaarel sakal | sanskaare Graamageetechyaa ||6||
A mandala(circle) becomes complete by reading one chapter everyday of this Graamageeta regularly for the period of forty days. If in this way, the villages continue to carry on mandals after mandals of the perusal of this book, the people in the villages will acquire firm excellent impressions, by which, there will be a gret improvement of the villages. ||6||
Mhanoni chaaturmaasyaadi nimittaa | Mandiree, paaree, baithakeet basataa |
waachaavee harshabharey graamageetaa | ranga ranganee aanoniyaa ||7||
Therefore, in the span of Chaturmaasa (A sacred period of four months from `shravana' to `kaartika'), this Graamageeta should be read in sweet tongue with pleasant minds in the temples, in the assemblages or under a big tree. All villagers should assemble there to listen it everyday regualarly. ||7||
Pari aisee nasaavee bhaavanaa | artha heena karitaa paaraayanaa |
Naa kale taree punya raashee naanaa | jamaa hoteel aamuchyaa ||8||
But while enacting the perusals of this Graamageeta, never hold a sense that though you don't follow the real meaning of the contents, you will acquire divine merit by reading or listening to this scripture (Reading without understanding it will give you no divine benefit.) ||8||
Maazyaa matey hey adnyaana | doora saaronee karaave waachana |
Aadhee shikaave artha dnyaana | Grantha pathana karitaannaa ||9||
In my opinion, such retention of acquiring divine merit by reading or listening this book without understanding, is a sheer ignorance. Remove such foolish retention first. Try to understand the exact meaning of the contents while reading. ||9||
Pratham heecha mahatwaachee khoona | Grantha waachanaache kalaave dnyaana |
Aapule waachan aapanaa samajoon | bodh whaavaa uttama ||10||
The most essential characterestic of reading a book is to acquire the exact understanding and knowledge of the contents in it. when you read any book, you should try to understand the contents and acquire the proper precept from it. ||10||
Asel mitra mandalee basalee | Tyaannaahi samajaavee aapulee bolee |
Naaheetari waachana pathane kelee | konaa na kalale taree kaaya? ||11||
While you are reading any book or scripture, if some of your friends have come to listen, they must clearly understand the contents you are reading to them. Otherwise both your reading and their listening will be in vain and meaningless. ||11||
Kaaya waachato yaache dnyaana | Naahee waachakaaseecha zaale poorna |
shrote palatee ugechi uthon | Artha kaaya waachanaasee? ||12||
If the reader himself fails to understand and assimilate the contents of the book while reading, the listeners will naturally get bored and tired of his reading. Then one by one, everybody will go away from such perusals. What is the use of such meaningless reading & listening? ||12||
Kothe thambaave waachakaannee | kothe waachaave jor dewoni? |
kothe rangawaave gambheerapanee | kalale paahije waachakaa ||13||
While reading, the reader must have a good knowledge where he should take a pause, on what contents he should give more emphasis and where he should bring seriousness to create a good and deep impact of the particular matters in the contents of the book. ||13||
Aise java kalalecha naahee | kelee paaraayane sarvahi |
Lakhsha nase artha prawaahee | Tari te vyartha waachana ||14||
Without understanding all these necessary aspects of good reading, if a reader goes after enacting perusals after perusals of some book, and if he does not care to assimilate and reproduce the exact meaning of the contents, all his labours of perusals become fruitless and meaningless. ||14||
Waachataannaachi bodh hoto | angee sphurana bhaava uthato |
karma karaavayaasi walato | jeeva jaisaa antaree ||15||
The reader assimilates the exact precept from the book if he reads it meaningfully. While reading, when the reader acquires firm impression of the precept, his mind gets inspired and he promptly turns to enact some sublime deeds according to the precept, he has assimilated from the contents of the book. ||15||
Aise waachan aadhee shikaave | Tareecha grantha pathan karaave |
Mag aapanaasi olakheet jaave | adhikaaraparatwe waachake ||16||
Before starting to peruse, the reader must imbibe this art of good reading. Then only he should take up the reading or perusal of any book or scripture. While reading and after finishing reading, the reader must try to examine by himself, whether he has understood and assimilated the precept of the contents which he had read. ||16||
Waachak asaavaa aachaarasheel | Tareech shrotyaanvaree parinaam kareel |
Naaheetaree hoyeel tingal | janate maajee tayaachee ||17||
If the reader bears an ideal moral character, then only he can create a good and firm impact of his reading upon the listeners. Otherwise, the listeners will admire him superficially on his face but ridicule him and tease him among themselves. ||17||
Mukhaane grantha waachaave | gharee vipareeta aacharaave |
Taisechi baaheree godawe | gaateel lok thattene ||18||
If he reads good books in public but at home, behaves contrary and adversely to the moral& ideal precept of that book, people will also praise and admire him outwardly but disguisely and secretly, they will ridicule him and make a fun of him. ||18||
Mukhe waachato `satya bolaave' | pari satya karanechi naahee thaave |
Mhane, `maja satyawaan mhanaave' | kaise mhanateel graamwaasee? ||19||
While reading loudly, he utters `Always speak the truth'.But in his practical behaviour, he never follows the truth and goes on lying every now and then. If such reader wants people to call him as `Satyawaana' (man following the truth very rigidly and honestly), how will people (who know him as a liar) call him as `satywaana'? ||19||
Mee to dhanaawarachaa sarpa barawaa | Pari malaa `udaara daataa' gaurawaa |
Aise kon maaneel aapalyaa gaavaa? | sangaa, saangaa ||20||
If somebody says, "I am the snake seating on the treasure. (He has such a great attachment and greed for riches & wealth). But all must call me and admire me as the most generous and liberal donar." Now tell me how people in the village, who know him well, can accept it and agree with him? ||20||
Ranjalyaasi na de paanee | mhane, "Maja mhanaa daanshoor Rani" |
Aikelachi kaa aise konee | kitee waajavile choughade taree? ||21||
If some woman, who does not give a gulpful water to the individual, dying of thirst and still expects people to call her respectfully as `the most generous and liberal queen', if she goes on canvassing and propagating so by herself and resounding druth beats, who will listen to her and call her so? ||21||
Paan, tambaakhoo khaawoni aalaa | prawachanee, kirtanee, shaalet basalaa |
Hasatee shrote, vidyaarthee tyaalaa | `vyasane sodaa' bolataa ||22||
If somebody comes to deliver a discourse (pravachana) or to submit the keertana, or if a teacher goes in class, chewing betal leaf or tobacco and advises the listeners or students as "Give up bad habits and addictions," will not the listeners and the students ridicule him and laugh at him? ||22||
Ek pandit jewanaasi baisalaa | Arambha shaanti paathaasi kelaa |
pari jaraa wadhavyaasi usheer zaalaa | maarile tyaane baayeelesee ||23||
Tee mhane waahawaa aisee shaanti! uttam mantaraachee phalashrutee!
Tondaane pati divyaa bolatee | Acharana karitee krooraache ||24||
A certain wise pedant seated to have his meals. Before meals he first intoned `shantipath' (A prayer from the Vedas or religious scripture for maintaining peace). His wife couldnot serve all food items before he concluded his shantipath. So getting vexed, the man began to thrash his poor wife. ||23||
His wife said, "Bravo! What a good fruit of your shantipath! you are reiterating the noble thoughts in the shantipath and behaving cruelly and beastly." ||24||
Aise na whaave aataataree | Asot waachak, vakte, shikhshak bhaaree |
Aahe sarvaavareecha jabaabdaaree | Aadhee aatmashuddhichee ||25||
This must not happen henceforth. Whosoever the individual may be, an orator, a teacher, a reader etc. it is the responsibility of everybody to attain self-purity first. ||25||
upadeshak, waachak aachaarsheel | asel tareech bhaava phalela |
shrotyaanche rhydaya parivartana hoyeel | laagvegesi ||26||
If the preceptor or adviser and the reader of the book or a scripture bears a good moral & excellent character, then only, the knowledge, contained in the book will become fruitful. The desired effect and change in the minds of the listeners will be possible. ||26||
Vaktaa asel saral saatwika | Tareech shrote banateela bhaavika |
Janalok kariteela koutuka | baghoni doghaansi ||27||
If the orator is virtueous and pious (satwika) and free from slyness, he will surely be able to create a feeling of devotion in the minds of the listeners. When the spactators see both of them the reader & the listeners and their ideal moral behaviour, they will admire and applaud them. ||27||
Mhanoni heychi varishthaannee karaave | jaise saangaave, taisechi waagaave |
Tareech hoyeel tyaanchyaa prabhaave | kalyaan graam jeevanaache ||28||
Therefore the elders and great noble personages should enact their practical behaviour in accordance with what they speak & advise. Then only people will have a deep impact of their precept and the will seek betterment and welfare of their life. ||28||
Yethe shrotyannee vichaarale | Aapana arthaasi, vartanaasi mahatwa dile |
pari kityek granthee saangitale | paaraayanachi phaladaayee ||29||
(upon the narration as above) one of the listeners expressed his doubt and said, "you have given much importance to meaningful reading of the books and bringing the contents of the scriptures into practical life and behaviour. But in several books, it is promised that only the perusal of those books (may be without understanding the contents) also becomes fruitful and beneficial to the readers & listeners". ||29||
Konee mhanatee granthaache paaraayana | karitaa milel putra dhana |
Hoyeel bhaagyaachaa udaya poorna | paaraayane granthaachyaa ||30||
Konee mhanatee mantrachi japaa | Hajaaronnee karaa sankalpaa |
Mhanatee saangato maarga haa sopaa | Dnyaan milel na waachataa ||31||
Konee mhanatee anushthaan karaa | waachaa bhaagwat-Geetaa. Brahmasootraa |
Mokhsha chaalat yeyeel gharaa | kaanee padataa shabdachi ||32||
Konee mhanatee grantha jyaa gharee | Tethe na ye kaalaachi pheree |
Yaachaa mel koneparee | Basel saangaa! ||33||
Some books and scriptures assure that by their persuals, the reader will be benefitted and will have a son; he will acquire the desired wealth and will bring arise of his good fortune. ||30||
Some spiritual advisers stress upon and say, "Enact the japa (constant repeation of some incantation or God's name) for thousand times for some of your volitions. It is the easiest way. If you do so, you will seek the excellent divine spiritual knowledge without reading any book or enacting its perusal. ||31||
Then there are some advisers who insist on enacting propitiation of the Bhagavat, the Geeta and the Brahma sootra etc. They say, "By only listening the words in those scriptures, your salvation will itself come searching for you and reach your home". ||32||
Some other say with firm belief, "If anybody has such religious holy and divine scriptures in his home, Lord yama (The God of Death) will never visit his house." Now tell us, how can we make an agreeable congruance of your narration and the above advices? ||33||
Yaache uttara aikaa sajjana | phalashruti hee rochak poorna |
Grantha prachaar whaavaa mhanoona | Dile pralobhana daawooni ||34||
(Tukadoji Maharaj now removes doubts as follows), "O Good noble folks! Now listen. Such descriptions and assurances of gains and good benefits, as the result or fruit of reading or perusal of the books and scriptures, are given in them just to attract and induce people; and with a motive that the book or the scripture will have a wide dillusion. It is a kind of bail or inducement. ||34||
Tyaat ek aahe uttamahi | Lok thewitee grantha sangrahee |
Tyaapaasooni laabh gheyee | konee taree thodaa-bahoo ||35||
Ofcourse, There is one good result of it. People buy & keep such holy books & scriptures in their homes. If it is in house, somebody may read it sometime. Then he will be impressed with the thoughts and the contents of it. He may have the benefits of them. ||35||
Kaanee pado ekachi wachana | pari tyaat ase mahaapunya |
Heyhi odha laagavee mhanoona | kathile ase thorannee ||36||
Similarly the great wisemen had an intention behind such descriptions to create eagerness and attraction in people. So they had stated that if even one word from such holy books and scriptures is heard, the listener will acquire heaps and piles of divine merits. ||36||
Nusatyaa paaraayanaache mahatwa | Tyaatahi heychi aahe tatwa |
Kadheetaree yeyeel aacharanee sarwa | sanskaar hotaa ||37||
Similarly, they had stated a principle in such descriptions of gains from perusals of such holy books hoping that by the perusals (without understanding the meaning) anon and anon, the individual will surely bring the impressions into his behaviour in the course of time. ||37||
Karaayaa sangitale jap-anushthaana | Tehi shuddha karaaya jeevana |
kramaane titakey diwas taree mana | shuddha aacharaaee laagaayaa ||38||
The Japa (constantly reiterating the name of God) and restricted services are also advised so that the life and mind of the performer will become purer at least during the period of these practices. ||38||
Mhanoni mee yaa sakalaa maanito | pari japanaarey ekaangee samajato |
Tenechi laabh na haataa yeto | bahutekaanchyaa ||39||
Therefore, I accept and agree with the descriptions of the gains and benefits of the perusals, jap and other practices. But I have a firm opinion that the enactments of these services & practises are one sided. And due to this onesidedness, almost all performers of the spiritual practices & perusals of the books can not achieve the desired gains and fruits. ||39||
"Ghodyaasi paanee daakhawaave" | Mhanataa techi dharile jeeve |
paanee paajane naahee thaave | Taise zaale lokaanche ||40||
All such performances enacted by people can be described as this. If anybody is asked to take and show water to a horse, he follows it literally and only shows the horse the water but doesn't make it drink. ||40||
Aisechi naanaa grantha waachale | pari taise muleech naahee vartale |
konyaa tondaane maagaave bhale | phala tayaansi? ||41||
In the same way, if one goes reading a lot of books & scriptures but does not bring their essence into his practical behaviour, then how can he claim the desired gains & fruits from such enactments? ||41||
Reasons behind the Adverse effects and fruits from the improper and unreal books
Kaahee granthaatahi awaastavapanaa | hey na raahaave saangitalyaavinaa |
Tyaannee shraddhechaa hoto dhingaanaa | phala na yetaa haataamaajee ||42||
I am clomplelled to tell you also this, that there are some unreal and exaggerated facts in some such books & scriptures. These exaggerations do not prove to the test and can't accepted to be true; on the contrary, they become the reason to break up the faith of the performer or reader of those books. ||42||
Granthee apaara phalashruti kathilee | pari anubhavaasi naahee aalee |
Hajaaaro lokaannee aamhaa saangitalee | karma kahaanee ||43||
Because of such descriptions of the gains & fruits, many readers and performers of perusals go after doing them with some hopes and exceptations. But a thousand of complainers have come to us and told that they did not achieve the benefits & fruits as described in those books. ||43||
Granthee sukhaachi phalashruti | mhanoni waachatee sakaam pothee |
Alashi, bhole odhawoni ghetee | Adhik aapattee daanaadike ||44||
Many readers enact perusals and read these books with some desires of gains and fruits as narrated in them. But such individuals, who are born idlers and dupes, go on endowing & donating liberally (according to the contents of those books) and finally face hardships & monatory losses. ||44||
Konee konaasa saadhana saangatee | soney dewoni karaa mhane samaapti |
Gharogharee vrata vaikalye aacharatee | bhulatee baayaa baapadyaa ||45||
Somebody advises to enact some religious rites with resolute vows. Then he, asks the performers to celebrate the concluding ritual ceremonies and to offer some gold to the priests & brahmins. Thus a lot of innocent and ignorant females get illusioned and enact such vrata (vowed rites) at home and then get robbed & deceived by cunning advisers. ||45||
Vrataanchee waachatee kahaanee pothee | daana-udyaapana karaa mhanatee |
Naahitari hoyeela adhogati | Dhaak detee janatesi ||46||
Some priests or worshippers arrange perusals or readings of some scriptures of vrata and stories about them in some temples. Then they advise the listeners & particularly the female listeners to perform the `udyaapana' (the concluding rite) of that `vrata'. for such udyaapana, they advise the listeners to donate liberally. They threaten the listeners saying that if they don't offer such liberal donations, they will suffer the torments in hell. ||46||
Kaahee udara nimittaasaathee | pothyaa waachatee uthaa udthee |
sonyaache karoni grantha shewatee | arpaa mhanatee dewaasee ||47||
Some are the belly-God priests. They hastily read out some scriptures and holy books and in the end, ask the listeners to make a replica of that scripture in gold and offer it to God. (By this, they can have precious gold for their own selfish gains.) ||47||
Lokahi asatee aasakta baware | kahihee sangot saangaanaare |
Dhaawoniyaa karitee bichaare | vrata saadhane vedyaaparee ||48||
The innocent people also become insane through intense attachments and desires. They do not think of the propriety of the demands of those priests and those poor fellows make an ardent haste to fulfil the concluding rites of such perusals as advised by the priests. ||48||
phala na laabhataa maga chidatee | mhanatee, "kaaya chaataave granthaprati? |
Roja waachaave grantha kitee | Tareehi putra hoyeenaa ||49||
But when these innocent listeners and performers find that after performing all the vowed rites strictly as advised by the priests and expounders of the perusals, they didn't gain the desired fruits. They get vexed and say, "What is the use of licking those manuscripts? Everyday, I read out so many books and perform perusals, but so far, I have not been blessed by God with the son, I want to born for me." ||49||
Pati-Patnee aarogyaane waagenaa | Nawasa karitee dagadobaasi naanaa |
Kaaya hoyeel baapho! saabgaa naa | aishaa reeti? ||50||
On one hand, the husband and the wife do not live a controlled healthy & hygienic life in their routine practical behaviour and on the other hand, they vow some sacrifices and offerings for having a child. O Folks! tell me, what good fruit can they achieve from it?" ||50||
Ghaalaa umbareesi pradakhshinaa | pari sudhaaroo nakaa aacharanaa |
Bhojana karaa jadaannaa punhaa | Rogee vhaayaa vela kaichaa! ||51||
These innocent & ignorant persons do not improve their behaviour, habits and practices. They go on enacting circumambulations around the alamerous fig tree. They consume food which is hard to digest. Then what otherwise can happen except suffering from different diseases? ||51||
Kalakattyaachyaa gaadeet basaave | Aani mhane, "Dewa! Pandhareesi nyaave" |
Aishyaa praarthanesi phala yaave | konyaa prakaare? ||52||
If you entrain into the train going towards calcutta and pray God to take you to Pandharapur, how can God fulfil such an insane prayer?" ||52||
Ekaane choree kelee graamaaprati | Mhanatee tyaasa aalee saadesaatee |
Tee jaavayaa waachee shaneechee pothee | choree kaahi sodeena ||53||
Some fellow attempted a theft in the village and was caught red-handed. He then began to justify that he is undergoing the plight of the planet saturn for the period of seven & a half years-(it is called the `saadesaatee of the saturn). He then starts reading the holy manuscript describing the magnanimity of God planet `shanee' (The saturn). But he does not give up stealing and plundering. ||53||
Shewatee polisaa haatee sapadalaa | Gunhaa tyaachaa saakhsheet aalaa |
To pusato aapulyaa gurulaa | "Saadhana saangaa sutanyaache" ||54||
Finally, when he was caught by the policemen and witnesses, confirming his thefts were presented at the hearing, the fellow went to his Guru and requested him to suggest a way to escape from the clamity of sentence. ||54||
Guruhi hotaa laacha luchapatee | mhane, "waach shanee devaachee pothee |
shivaleelaamrutaachaa adhyaaya chittee | sadbhaavaane aathavee ||55||
Alike him, his Guru too was a greedy man and after taking bribes, he advised the thief to read regularly the manuscript of `Shanee-Mahaatmya' (a manuscript describing the greatness and blessing favours of planet God shanee.) He suggested to read the eleventh chapter from `Shiva - leelaamruta' (A scripture describing the divine plays of Lord Shiva) regularly with full faith. ||55||
Laavee deviche puraana | karee netaane satyanaarayaana |
Aamhaasi deyee suwarna daana | Mukta hosheel lawakareech too ||56||
He further advised the thief, "start the perusal of the `Devee-puraana' and perform regular worship of God Satya-narayana. After enacting these services, offer me `Suvarnadaan' (Gold, as offering). I bless you. You will be releaved from the impending punishment.' ||56||
Tyaane taisechi sarva kele | Grantha saadhana karoni waachale |
Buwaa-brahmanaa dhana udhalile | Danda kaahee chukenaa ||57||
The thief enacted strictly according to the advice of his Guru. He read the manuscripts and squandered a lot of huge money in offering donations to the brahmins, gosaavees & Buwaas. But finally, he could not escape from punishment. ||57||
Shewatee padalaa kaide maajee | Mhane, "Daawaa to guru paajee |
Tyaane kelee phajeetee maazee | Dhana tehi gamaavile ||58||
He was sent to jail. He got very much angry and said roaringly, "show me that rascal Guru. He has robbed me and at last, he had not saved me from such a disgrace. ||58||
Waachalee nema dharmaane pothee | pari jail na chuke majaprati |
kaaya karaavee deva poojaa tee? Grantha jaalaave agneevari ||59||
He further said, "Why should one perform the rites? why should he worship God? Take all those manuscripts, scriptures & books and set fire to them all in furnace. I had read out all those with strict regularity, with firm faith and devotion, yet I could not escape from the imprisonment." ||59||
Bichaaraa choree karane sodeenaa | pana Gurusi maage sadhanaa |
kaaya karitee Guru, grantha naanaa? waachanaaraa labaadha ||60||
This individual does not give up thefts and asks his Guru the remedies and ways to escape from the bitter consequences. If the reader is so fraudulent, what else can the holy books and the Guru do for him? ||60||
Aise janmabhari saadhana kele | Taree moorkha te moorkhachi raahile |
yaane saanganaaraachehi patana zaale | phike padale saadhana tyaanche ||61||
Such idiots and born fools practise rites & services throughout their lives but finally remain foolish for ever. The Gurus, who advise them the rites & means of practices also become contaminated. All their good advice and guidance also get spoiled. ||61||
Aise kaasayaasi karaave? sattya techi shodhooni aacharaave |
Aapan budaave, dusaryaa narkee nyaave | Aise na karaave swarthabhare ||62||
Why should one do so? He should find out the true and fair path and behave according to it. He should not go to hell through his selfish motives and pull others also into the hell alongwith him. ||62||
Saanganaarane tarka shuddha saangave | karanaaraane satyachi karaave |
Tenwhaachi phala anubhawaas yaave | hotey aise ||63||
The narrator or the adviser should tell others what his good and righteous intellect agrees to.The listener should also enact with discretion of fair and unfair. Then only one can seek the good results of the practices, he has desired for. ||63||
Heecha mukhya ghewoni dhaaranaa | zaalee Graamgeetechi rachanaa |
Haa grantha puravee sarva kaamanaa | kaisaa te aikaa ||64||
with such stream of reasoning & retention, this Graamgeeta scripture has been planned and produced. Now Listen how it will fulfil the desires of all. ||64||
Haa aahe prakhara shabdabaana | jaaya waachakaanche rhudaya bhedoona |
jaisee moorti ghade taakee laagoona | Taise waachana bodhe hotase ||65||
Each and every `OVI' (stanza) of this scripture is such a sharp pointed arrow that it will never miss its aim and will straightway penetrate the heart of the reader. The sculptor carves out an idol by chipping a stone with careful & artistic hand and strokes of chisel. Similarly, the reading of this book will create deep impressions upon the minds of the readers. ||65||
Graamageeta nawhe paarayanaasi | waachataa waat daavee janaansi |
samoola badalee jeevanaasi | manee ghetaa artha tichaa ||66||
This Graamgeeta is not a scripture written for the perusal. It shows the fair & dutiful way of betterment & upliftment of the reader while he goes on reading it frequesntly, it surely changes the whole life, it is read meaningfully. ||66||
Hee navey phuley taakanyaasaathee | Hee graamaachi uddhaar drushti |
Aajachyaa yugaachee sanjeevanee butee | maanato aamhee Graamageetaa ||67||
This Graamgeetaa is not a book only to be worshipped by floral offerings. It creates a new, clear & broad vision for the upliftment, betterment & prosperity of the villages. Therefore, I consider, this Graamgeeta is a creeping plant of ambrosia of the running age(era) ||67||
Konee dukkhaane horapalalaa | konee sansaara taape taapalaa |
konee asahaayapane sankatee padalaa | tyaasi dheer de Graamageetaa ||68||
If somebody has been extremely troubled with the acute sorrows and sufferings; if somebody has become extremely frustrated and disappointed due to the dangers & calamities in his household life; if some miserable individual has been helplessly surrounded by a lot of hardships, dangers & difficulties, this Graamageeta will surely & compassionately console, reassure and give courage to him. ||68||
Konee anyaaye lokaa traasavee | Tyaasi Graamageetaa maargee laavee |
Dewatwa sarvaanche jaagavee | Divya whaayaa jaga saare ||69||
If some insolent individual torments and tortures the feeble people unrighteously, this Graamgeetaa will lead him on to the just & fair path. It awakens the divine power in the minds of all and inspires to make this world divinely brilliant. ||69||
Yaane sanskaara banateela uttama | manushya hoyee chaaritya khshama |
sukha, shanti laabhel karitaa udyama | saangitale je yaa granthee ||70||
The most excellent impressions will be reflected upon the mind of the reader and he will become worthy of rich excellent virtues. If the readers of this book will follow honestly & sincerely the ways, means & remedies as advocated in it, in all their aspects, they will achieve peace & real happiness in their house life. ||70||
Alpa buddhi jaayeel vilayaa | waachataa dnyaana hoyeela tayaa |
kharaa dharma angee ye sakhayaa | jeevana ujwala hotaachi ||71||
My Friend, reading this book, the reader's short intelligence will change and he will achieve a precept with which his whole life will become radiant & brilliant. He will fully understand that duty is the true religion of human and he will try to imbibe it. ||71||
Prema aajwari hote ekate | Grantha - chintane waadhel chokhate |
sarvaabhootee dayabhaava prakate | aisee phalashrutee grnthaachi ||72||
So far, his love and affection, which was self centred, will become comprehensive and spread freely for all with the profound meditation upon this book. The feeling of compassionate pity for all will grow in his mind and he will acquire a good fruit from the reding of this book. ||72||
Dwesha buddhiche adnyaana | Grantha waachataa jaayeela palona |
satkaarya karaayaa khaave mana | karitaa anushthaana sakriya ||73||
The feelings of malice and prejudices which had occupied his mind will get lost by reading and by bringing the contents of this book in his active & practical behaviour. He will form liking & eagerness to eanct virtueous, good turns and good deeds. ||73||
Graamageetaa waachooni karee chintana | Tyaasa hoyeel atmadnyaana |
Divya drushteechee santa khoona | kale tyaasi aacharataa ||74||
While reading this Graamageeta when one meditates upon it, he will be blessed with the divine knowledge. If he practices the contents accordingly, he will achieve self insight as described by the holy saints & sages. ||74||
Graamgeetaa grantha waachalaa | Taisaachi gaavee vartoo laagalaa |
Tyaasi shatroochi naahee uralaa | Graamaamaajee koneehi ||75||
If the reader of this Graamageeta behaves according to the precept contained in it, he will have no enemies against him in his village. ||75||
Saamudaayik wadhalee vrutti | saare gaava tyaachee sampatti |
Graamgeeta ghadawee moorti | Aishaa aadarsha maanawaachee ||76||
This Graamageetaa will carve out such an image of the ideal human whose tendency will consist of the collective harmonious reasoning. The whole village will become the most precious deposit of his life. ||76||
Graamgeeteteel udyog chintana | Jo konee kareel mana laawoona |
Tyaache gharee dhana, dhaanya | bharapoor yeyeela samajaave ||77||
Reading this Graamgeetaa, if the individual enacts in his professional sphere out put his whole mind and soul dutifully in to it, then take it for granted, that he will become enriched with plentiful wealth, foodgrains and all that he needs for happy life. ||77||
Aarogyaachaa waacheel dhadaa | Aani gheyeel haatee phadaa |
Rograaichaa hoyeel niwaadaa | tatkhshanee tyaachyaa ||78||
If he reads the thoughts expressed in this book over the purity, cleanliness, and, health & hygiene; he will pick up a broom and start sweeping & cleaning his village. Then there will remain not even the name of any disease or an epidemic. ||78||
Kaaryaas laagataa tatkhshanee | phala shruteesi aarambha hoya zanee |
charitra sudhare grantha aikoni | lakhshaat ghetaa artha tyaachaa ||79||
If the reader or the listener assimilates the meaning of the precept contained in this book and digests it thoroughly, his character will become clean & pure. His tendencies will rush to perform some noble and virtueous activities. simultaneously all his such noble activities and good deeds will start giving him the good fruits of his reading of this book. ||79||
Ekaantee baisoni waachalee geetaa | Artha samajonee manana karitaa |
jeevanee utare aadarshataa | Gharaa daaraa sahitahi ||80||
If some reader reads this book in solitude at his home (with his family listeners), goes enacting deep contemplation on it, an ideal perfection will percolate in the life of the whole family making it an ideal one. ||80||
Aise ghara aadarsha zaale | keerti-sphoortine gaavee chamakale |
Maga lok saarey taisechi vartale | disateela janaa ||81||
When one family in the village becomes so ideal, its glory and fame will spread up rapidly. All other villagers will be inspired from this ideal & model example of that family. Gradually the whole village will imitate their ideal behaviour and the whole village will become the most ideal village. ||81||
Haa kewadhaa laabha zaalaa | sarva lokaannaa swarga janoo laabhalaa |
Aapulaa gaava aadarsha kelaa | Graamgeetaa waachooniyaa ||82||
Now, you can see yourself the excellent result of reading of this Graamageetaa by one single individual in the village. It has turned the whole village into the most excellent & ideal one. The villagers, living in it, are enjoying heavenly pleasures and happiness. What a big gain is this! ||82||
Graamageeteche phala nawhe ekatyaasi | Ekaasahit aahe graamaasi |
uddharateela gaavawaasi | waachooni Graamageetaa ||83||
Remember, the reader of this Graamageetaa is not only the sole benefitiary but the entire village also shares the great benefits alongwith him. By reading this book and by sincerely following the precept contained in it, all villagers will achieve their upliftment and salvation. ||83||
Ek Ek saadhana waachataa | aani maga taisechi wartataa |
kewadhe laabh yeteel haataa? saangataa na ye ||84||
Neither you can imagine nor can I tell you what great & best benefits can be achieved by reading meaningfully each & every means advised in this book and by honestly following the precept. ||84||
Graamageeteteela sanskaara-rachanaa | upaasanechi tatwa-yojanaa |
Graama-rakhshana, graam-sudhaaranaa | Graama-rachanaa aadarsha ||85||
In this book, I have narrated about every aspect, such as (i) the plan for initiating good impressions (ii) recognition and realisation of the truth behind the spiritual practices & services (iii) the protection of the village (iv) the structure of an ideal village and (v) the reformations to be implemented in the villages. ||85||
Naanaa kalaanchi unnati | Shetee-sudhaaranaa, shrama-sampatti |
samajooni ghetaa vidyaa-mahatee | vikaas hoyee jeewanaachaa ||86||
Through the studious reading of this book, the readers will understand how to develop the various arts and attributes; and the importance of acquiring the knowledge of different fields and faculties of knowledge and his life will be improved and developed. ||86||
Saamudaayik praarthanechi prathaa | Ramdhoona; sant utsava vyasthaa |
saadhna sampadaa aikataa, waachataa | shanti laabhe sarvaansi ||87||
If the villagers read and listen it carefully; know about the correct procedure of the common collective prayer, the `Ram-dhoona, the festivals and ceremonies of the holysaints and their proper arrangements and if they utilize this great wealth in the form of understanding and following the practices in their practical routine behaviour, all of them will achieve unbreakable heavenly peace. ||87||
Gayee-guraanchi waachataa sevaa | karilaa taisechi aapulyaa gaavaa |
Dahee-dudhaachaa dushkaal pahaavaa | Na laage kadhee ||88||
If they read and follow the advice about how to serve and maintain the cows and other cattle, the villagers will never have to face the dearth and shortage of milk, curd and other milk products. ||88||
Viwaahaadi sarva sanskaara | samaajee hoteel sukhakara |
maagaasalyaanchee sudhaaranaa, uddhaara | kareel rashtraachaa |89||
Then the customs and rituals of marriages etc, prevailing in the society will become pleasant and joyful. The backward and down-trodden section of the society will get improved and lifted up. Our nation will become prosperous and achieve its upliftment. ||89||
Striyaa-muley hoteel aadarsha poorna | Haa grantha gharee hotaa pathana |
Graam hoyeela vaikuntha bhuwana | waachataa vartataa graamageetaa ||90||
If this graamgeeta is regularly read and listened by the feamale and children, the families will become ideal example for all. Their well disciplined behaviour will turn the village into the Royal dwelling of lord Vishnu-`the Vaikunthapuree'. (The most holy town Pandharpur is considered as the holy place of Royal residence of Lord Vishnu-i.e. Vitthala and it is also described by all the saints and the devotees as `the Vaikuntha'). ||90||
Bhikaaree, bekaaree gaavee raaheena | sattechee bandhane nuraleela konaa |
sarvachi shikateela shahaanapanaa | Graamgeetaa vaachooniyaa ||91||
When all villagers will read this Graamgeeta, they will become wiser and wiser. then there will exist neither any beggars nor an unemployed in the villages. There will not exist any scaring threatening and harassing ruling powers and bindings upon anybody. Nor the villagers will enact unlawfully. ||91||
Aarogya sampanna hoteel jana | Naahee gaavee tantaa, bhaandana |
Anyaaya, vyasane, kaarasthana | jaateel layaa dweshaadi ||92||
All villagers will become healthy. There will be no scope for quarrels, struggles, injustice, crafty and cunning conspiracies through jealosy and malice for each other. ||92||
Gaavee waadhel sanghatanaa | Bala laabhel sakalaanchya mana |
Naandel vishwa kutumbaachee rachanaa | Aapulyaa gaavee ||93||
The regular reading and listening of this Graam-geeta will help unifying all the villagers and a harmonious organisation will come up from them. It will help to build up strong minds and souls of the individuals. a structure of the universal family-`VISHWA- kutumba' will come into existence and will get established in the village itself. ||93||
Graama naandel swargaaparee | sukhee hoteel nara - naaree |
paramaarthaachyaa khulateel gharogharee | Aananda-laharee ||94||
All villagers will enjoy a very happy life. Males & females both will live comfortably and happily like the life in the pleasant heaven. Then excellently blissful divine thoughts will stream through each and every house. ||94||
Jee jee ichchhaa karaal manee | Tee graamadevataa deyeel purawooni |
yaata sandehachi naahee maaziyaa manee | uralaa shrote, vakteho ||95||
(Maharaj says), O Listeners & speakers! I am fully confident and doubtless. You all will achieve whatever desires and hopes you have, by the grace and blessings of the village deities. ||95||
Yethe naahee andhashraddhaa | pratyakhsha anaubhava miley sarvadaa |
je je shabda nighatee te Govindaa | priya samajaave nishchayesi ||96||
Here, in this Graamageetaa, you will not find the verbosity of advocating the superstitions. You can have an evident and actual experience that any words, uttered by you will difinitely be liked by Govinda (the God.) ||96||
Mee pandit nohey aapulyaathayee | saangaavayaa panditayee |
Eeshwaraacheecha preranaa hee | prakata zaalee granthaa dwaaree ||97||
I admit, I am not the most learned pedant and I have not produced this graamageeta for making the exhibition of my wisdom and knowledge. It is the Divine manifestation of the spiritual inspiration by God. ||97||
Maaziyaa baal roopa vruttitooni | sphuralaa to Grurdeva chakrapaanee |
chandrabhaagetiree umatalee waanee | kelee aikoni lipibaddhaa ||98||
Chakrapaani (The Lord Vishnu holding the sudarshana chakra), who is in the form of my divine Guru, has manifested through my childlike tendencies. He inspired me and, while I had been sitting on the bank of the Chandrabhaga, the divine speech of God spontaneously emerged up in my mind and soul. I had written down all those excellent thoughts and had produced them in the form of this scripture-THE GRAM-GEETAA. ||98||
Jaise jad jeevaane ved bolaave | pangoone Himagireesa Olaandaave |
Taisechi daasaa kadoni ghyaave | Geetaa kathana maagato mee ||99||
I consider this literatary work (done by me), has been produced by the feeble and little knowing man like me. It is like the unbelievable task which can be compared to be as impossible as the uttering of the vedas by some inert being; or as the climbing feat on the Himalayas by some crippled individual. ||99||
Mhanoni punhaa punhaa praarthito | maazaa aawaaj navhe satya to |
yaa shareeraachaa shankha vaajaweeto | Dhwanee kaadhato Bhagwanta ||100||
So, again and again I humbly state insistantly that this Graamgeetaa is not my own voice. The Great God has blown up the conch in the form of my body and produced the divine voice of this scripture through it. ||100||
Bhagwad geeteche hey sakriya roopa | prakat zaale aapoaapa |
Arjunaasama whaave mahaaprataap | sarva graamina mhanoni ||101||
This Graamageeta is the creative and practical form of the Bhagawadgeetaa. Its object is to build up all the villagers as powerful as Arjunaa through the impressions of the precept contained in this book and they should become strong enough (to make this world as happy as the heaven). This is the spirit of this Graamgeetaa. ||101||
Geetaa bodhilee Arjunaalaa | Graamageetaa hee sarva graamaalaa |
Raahoo naye konee maagaasalaa | mhanoni bolilaa deva maazaa ||102||
(In the Mahaabhaarata) Lord Krishna narrated Bhagwadgeetaa to Arjuna givng the most divine precept to make him active by removing his ignorance. Simlarly, the same lord of mine had enthroned upon my heart and had narrated this Graamgeeta to all the villagers so that none of them remain backward and ignorant. ||102||
Mee to kewala baalakaapari | santaanche aashirwaad ghetale shiree |
mhanoneecha prakatalee dheet vaikharee | deha baasaree madhooniyaa ||103||
I am simply as innocent as an infant. The holy saints endowed me and bestowed upon me their divine merciful blessings and hence, I feel, that my bold speech had sounded out through the flute of my body and tuned in the form of this Graama-geetaa. ||103||
Shree Dnyaanaraaja Guru mawoolee | Tyaanchyaa krupaa drushteechi saawoolee |
paramparene phalaasi aalee | Graamageetaa swaroopaane ||104||
The Divine grace of Shree guru Dnyaneshwar-the merciful mother had reached and pervaded me through the uninterrupted and unbroken succession of the holy divine saints. So I am fully confident that this Graamageetaa is the fruit of that divine mercy of the succession of the saints. ||104||
Graamageeteta jyaanchee naave, chitrana | Tyaa sarva santaanchechi sahavaradaana |
Aise mee maanato vishwaase poorna | phalela nidhaana Graamageetaa ||105||
I hold in my mind with full faith that this Graamageetaa is the divine & graceful blessing of all those holy saints, whose names and portraits are gievn in the book. Therefore, I am sure that this Graamageeta - the most precious treasure-will become fruitful to all. ||105||
Graamageeta maaze rhudaya | Tyaata baisale sadgururaaya |
Bodha tyaanchaa prakaashamaya | Dipawoni sodeela graamasi ||106||
This Graamgeeta is my heart. My most reverend Shree gurudeva has been enthroning on it. His most excellent and divine precept and advice will never fail in lifting up the villages and it will heighten the glories of the villages to the heavenly happiness and prosperity. ||106||
Shabdarachanaa gaavandhala | Hey mee samajato manee praanjala |
Dosha to maazaa sakala | Guna to thoraanchaa ||107||
I openly admit and accept that the lanuage of Graamageeta is slang and boorish vernacular of the common villagers. Whatever faults and flaws, you may find in it, consider them to be mine and whatever virtues and excellent thoughts you will find, consider them as the precious fruit of the divine precept and teachings of all those great holy saints and personages. ||107||
Waalukaa paatree gangaajala | Te paapanaashak, madhura, nirmala |
Taise waachak, shrotey kewala | shuddha ghewota samajoni ||108||
The holy water of the Ganga flows through the sand of the river bed. Yet it is always clean, pure, sweet and holy. It eradicates all kinds of sins of people and liberates them from suffering from these. Similarly, I request all the readers and the listeners that they should accept the holy water in this Graamgeeta with full faith that it is also pure, sacred sweet and clean a like the water of the Ganga. ||108||
Amache gaavachi maagaasale | Tethe jaad shabda jari yojile |
Grameena mhanatee- naahee kalale | saangaa artha pandit ho ||109||
Our village is the most backward. If in the spiritual precepts and books, bombastic and highly polished pedantry language is used, people will have to go to the wisemen and the learned pedants and will have to request them to explain the contents in a plain, simple and lucid language through their discourses. ||109||
Gharogharee pandit kuthale? Aahet te hee vikruta zaale |
potaa paanyaasi laagale | Nokaree dharilee dhanikaanchee ||110||
How can such erudite wise pedants be available in each house in the village? Moreover, where a few learned wise pedants are available, they are tarnished with so many vices. They have opened selling shops of their wisdom and knowledge to earn their livelihood. Many of them have become the dependants of the rich & wealthy individuals. ||110||
Je je konee urale uttama | Tyaannaahi kaahee rudhibhrama |
Te mhanateela haa upakrama | vedabaahya, adhaarmika ||111||
Now eliminating such learned wise men & pedants, those who have remained for our consideration, have themselves fallen in the grip of so many blind faiths and traditions. so they have been deprived of the true knowledge. They may say, "This scripture Graamageeta is contrary to the vedas and anomalous to our religion and faiths. ||111||
Kwachit asatee vidwat ratna | sarvachi yaati-yaatee madhoona |
Tyaannaa aahe haa grantha pramaana | Maanato mee antakkarane ||112||
But, I feel, there are a few, really thoughtful and considerate erudite, learned wisemen, existing in all high and low, big and small castes, sub-castes and communities who certainly will agree with the contents of this scripture. ||112||
Aisiyaaseecha pandit maanaave | Je asateela saatwika santa swabhaave |
Tyaanche pisaata shabdachi aikaave | sudhaaritee je graamaasi ||113||
These individuals, who are virtueous and have saintly temperament, should be considered as the wise and learned pedants. They may narrate the precept and advice in their slang and boorish speech. But as their intentions are pure and helpful for the reformation of the villages, you should pay heed to them. I am sure, they will surely bring betterment to the villages. ||113||
Dhundaaloo naye pandit konee | waachak niwadaavaa gaavaatooni |
Aachaarasheela, satwika, imaanee | subuddha, premala kaaryakartaa ||114||
In my true opinion, you should not go after the vain search of any pedant and learned, erudite wise man as the expounder for the perusal. You should find out some pious, virtueous, honest wise and loving social worker from among the villagers, as the reader of this Graamageeta. ||114||
Jo granthahi preme waachato | Naangara dharaayaa sheteetahi jato |
wel padalyaa sevaa karito | Gaava lokaanchi paahije tee ||115||
The reader of this book should be such an individual from among the villagers, who will read this book to you all with sincere love & affection, who will go to plough the field, who is ever ready to run to render his services to his village folks as and when anybody of them needs his help. ||115||
Aisaa asel konyaahi jaateechaa | Athawaa dharma, pantha, desh-vedesheechaa |
Taree to chaalel gramonnateechaa | Jiwhaalaa jayaa ||116||
We shall readily accept such an individual as the reader of this scripture who has a true, honest and sincere concern and yearning for the upliftment and betterment of the village. Then he may belong to any religion or any faith. He may be our country- man or even a foreigner also. ||116||
Panditaannee waachoo naye | Aise maaze mhanane nohe |
pari kaama na adaave tyaashivaaya | Nako nishkriya waad konee ||117||
By this, I don't to mean that the erudite wise pedant should not read this Graam-geetaa. What I want to insist upon is, that the need of the learned person must not become a stumbling block in the welfare and the upliftment of our village. Similarly there should be no room or chance to arouse controversial debates and arguementa upon it, from which nothing concrete and good can come out. ||117||
Pandit, puraanika, vidwaana | yaanneehi avashya karaave waachana |
samaajaache jabaabadaar mhanona | yathaartha dnyaan dyaave sarvaa ||118||
On the contrary, I cordially invite the pedants, the learned wise men and good expounders to willingly come forward and read this book to the villagers. They are also accountable for the development and upliftment of the village as the constituents of the society. so they should impart true knowledge to all. ||118||
Graamee vichaaree shikhshaka jana | Tyaannee waachaavee Graamageetaa poorna |
sakalaansi dyaavee samajaawona | Lahaana thoraa jamawoni ||119||
There may be some thoughtful teachers living in the village. They should carefully read the whole Graamageeta and then they should bring all the young and the old people together and explain them the contents of this scripture. ||119||
Jamawoni shrote vruddha-taruna-baala | mulee-tarunee-maataa sakala |
Maagaasalyaahi laavaavee chaala | unnateechee haloo haloo ||120||
They should bring all listeners like the old folk, the young, the children, girls, young & old females and explain them the Graamageeta. Gradually and steadily, they should direct and lead the backwords towards the way of their betterment and prosperity. ||120||
Je je naaree-nara saakhshara asatee | Tyaannaa maazee namra vinantee |
waachaa Graamageeta artha sangati | Samajaawoni dyaa nirakhsharaa ||121||
I here by earnestly request all those male and female individuals who are literate and can read, that, they should read and explain the real meaning of this scripture to those, who can't read & who are illeterate. ||121||
Jo samajoni haa grantha na waache | Graam maagaasaave ase mata jyaache |
To maarga dhareel adhogateeche | paap na chuke tayaa laagee ||122||
It is my humble but firm opinion that if anybody does not read this book carefully to assimilate its contents and who wants to let the village remain in its backward and undeveloped condition, will go towards his own down-fall and will be sinful. ||122||
Paap mhanaje bighaad karane | paapa mhanaje kumaarga dharane |
paap mhanaje baleech raahane | gareeba praanyaa piloni ||123||
Here, by the word `sin', I mean that it is a sin to damage the neat fold of the society. It is a sin to follow the evil and wicked way. It is a sin to torment and agonize poor beings and to squeeze and to exploit them. ||123||
Aise nasaave waachakaanche | je dnyaana milel graamageeteche |
Taisechi vartataa, vartavitaa pudhache | Dosh jalatee baadhaka je ||124||
The reader of this Graamageeta should not enact such sinful activities. After reading this book, whatever knowledge and precept he acquires from it, he should bring it in his practical behaviour and should guide others to behave in accordance with it. By doing so, all wrong enactments, which may be performed by him in future (knowingly or unknowingly) will go to ashes and will not become harmful to him. ||124||
Graamgeetaa grantha waachon | konee gheoo nayet paise aapana |
Graamaaseech laabhaayaa mahatwapoorna | dhana vechaave vaktyaane ||125||
Further, I request all the readers of this Graamageetaa that the reader should not demand or accept any `Dakhshana'(fees for reading) from the listeners. If, out of faith and devotion, somebody offers such dakhshana to this scripture, all the amount should be spent on some concrete work which is useful to the society and the village. ||125||
Graamageetaa grantha sundara | Nirmaavayaa gaavaache chaaritrya |
Prachaara karaavaa sarvatra | howooni pavitra aapanahi ||126||
This Graamageetaa is the most beautiful book to make the villagers virtueous. It will help them to practice moral and noble enactments of good behaviour. Therefore the reader should follow the precept & noble thoughts contained in it. He should attain his own purity and then should go on propagating it in the villagers. ||126||
Je konee maaze snehee premala | Tyaannee karaavaa granthaachaa sukaala |
Gharogharee chaalawaavaa prachaara nirmala | Graamgeetaa waachanaachaa ||127||
I hereby request all my friends and loving well wishers, my honest admirers, that they should propagate and spread it on a large and plentiful scale in every nook and corner of towns, cities and villages and put their hard efforts with a pure sense of canvassing it by visiting each and every house so that there will be a regular routine practice of reading this book in each house. ||127||
Graamaata khelaavee Graamageetaa | sarvaas paath asaavee sootre tatwataa |
pramaana dyaave konaache chukataa | sarva aapule mhanoniyaa ||128||
This Graamageeta scripture should frolic freely every where in the villages. All villagers should learn by heart some important and preceptive `ovis' (stanzaas) from it. If somebody is found enacting something wrong, then and there everybody should come forward to right the wrong or to prevent such wrong & evil enactments by producing the proper quotations from this book as the justifying proposition. ||128||
How to honour and admire the Graamageeta and the neverfailing potency of its fruits
Jyaache haatee haa grantha padalaa | achaanak madhooni ughadalaa |
Waachataachi samajaavaa upadesha kelaa | Graamadevatene majalaagee ||129||
If anybody happens to find this book anywhere, he should open it at random and read the stanzaas on those pages. he should firmly hold in his mind that through those `ovis' (stanzaas) the village deity has given him some divine precept. ||129||
Maga tayaachaa na ghado apamaana | Vichaara karaavaa taaratamya jaanoona |
Kalat nasataa ghyaavee patawona | ovi jaanatyaa paasoni ||130||
Then the reader of those pages should not dishonour the divine precept contained in those stanzas. He should think over them and discretely contemplate upon them. If he finds any stanza somewhat difficult to assicmilate its proper meaning, he should go to some wise learned individual and get it fully explained by him. ||130||
uttama upadesha haatee laabhalaa | Samajaavaa shubha dina aaj udelaa |
Taisechi vartaave samajon bolaa | Graamageetechiya ||131||
While casually reading any part or pages of this Graamageeta, if the reader gets convinced fully about the excellent precept contained in them, he should faithfully consider that it is the most auspicious and favourble day of excellent fortune for him. Then he should start promptly to behave according to the divine precept and advice he has acquired from his reading. ||131||
Prathama aikaave hey geetaa vachana | Aacharanaasi drudha karaave mana |
Maga sankalpaave kaaryaache saadhana | Graama swarga karaavayaa ||132||
First the listener should listen to the precept very attentively and get it rightly understood and assimilated. Then, contemplating thoroughly upon it, he should resolve to bring that precept into his practical behaviour. Then he should vow to enact some good deed. (If everyone follows this) It will turn the village into the excellent heaven. ||132||
Prathama shraddhene waachana karaave | Artha sarva lakhshaata ghyaave |
uthataa basataa kaaryaasa laagaave | graamaachyaa aapulyaa ||133||
The reader or the listener of this book must have sincere, honest and full faith while reading or listening to it. He should try to understand the meaning and the precept of each and every stanza fully & properly. Then (in his routine life) he may perform any activity, casually or purposefully, such as standing, sitting, walking, talking etc; he should always have a thought of some work or other in his hands for the upliftment and the prosperity of the village. ||133||
Yaatachi maaze samaadhaana | sudhaarela graamaache jeevana |
pakhanda jaayeela vitalona | matalabiyaanche ||134||
Here, in this act only, lies my entire satisfaction that the life of the village and inhabitants of it will be improved and become prosperous. The false accusations and heterodoxy of the selfish and cunning people will be completely wiped away. ||134||
Samponi jaateel bhedwaada | Naandel gaavee prema shuddha |
Labhel aanandee aanada | sarvajanaa sarva bhaave ||135||
No difference of opinion will then exist in the village. Pure and sincere love and affection will prevail in the village and all villagers will enjoy freely the delightful and happy life. ||135||
Maanawaateela asuratwa, pashutwa | samponi ujalela devatwa |
jeevanee sancharela shuddha tatwa | nirudha aise sarvaanchyaa ||136||
The devilish and beastly instincts, hidden in the human beings, will all completely get lost for ever. The divinity and godliness will prevail and manifest in all and every where. The pure truth, free from the bond of any customs and traditions will constantly pervade in the life of all. ||136||
Nisarga saahya de velachyaa velee | vrukhsha velee baharatee phulee phalee |
jalapoorna hoteela nadyaa talee | aapulee maryaadaa na sodataa ||137||
The nature will also provide the timely, seasonal and proper help. All trees and creeping plants will be bloomed with full form of blossoms of fruits & flowers. The rivers and the lakes will become brimful with water but the disastrous floods will never visit and damage the village & village life. ||137||
Aarogya hoyeela sarvaanche bhooshana | Lopel daaridrya, uneeva, adnyaana |
Koneecha na raahateela heena, deena | khala durjana kothehi ||138||
Good health and hygiene will become ornaments of all villagers. poverty; shortages and dearth; and ignorance will be vanished away from the village life. No body will remain poor, miserable and downtrodden. Nor any wicked and evil element will exist in the village. ||138||
Samaanatechee samaaja rachanaa | shaanti deyeela jeeva janaa |
pragateechee navee navee preranaa | kareela bhuwanaa unnata ||139||
The new excellent structure of the society, based upon the principles of equality (according to the divine precept and the advice of all holy saints & seers) will provide true peace to all the beings in the village. New plans and schemes will be designed to achieve the betterment and the prosperity of the society and the villages. ||139||
Shoshana athawaa shaasana | yaanche galoni padela bandhana |
Naahee shatroonche aakramana | swayampoorna gaava hotaa ||140||
Once the village has become completely self-reliant, nobody will forcefully and unjustly squeeze and exploit others. Nobody will try to misuse the ruling powers and there will be no threatening scare of invasion from any enimy. ||140||
Daasa hoteela trividha taapa | nurela vaitaaga, vaira, paapa |
Gaava zaaliyaa swargaroopa | shanti laabhel vishwasi ||141||
All the trifold troubles and sorrows (natural, physical and material, destined) will be vanished away. All ailments and troubles (mental, physical and of speech) will run far away. Even the name of enmity, vexation and sins will not remain in the village in future again. when the village becomes so heavenly happy & peaceful, the divine serenity will be established in the entire universe eternally and for ever. ||141||
Swargeeche amara hechi ichchhitee | Hechi santa rushinchyaa chittee |
Aisiyaa gaavee laabhataa vastee | kaasayaa jaatee vanaantaraa? ||142||
All the immortal spirits in the heaven cherish the earnest yerning to happen and appear so in reality. This is the compassionate and graceful affection which the saints & sages have always desired for. If such happy & peaceful villages are available to reside, who will then run to the woods and forests in search of spiritual satisfaction? ||142||
Saandoniyaa aatmasthitibhaava | Santa sajjanaanche samudaava |
Aisiyaa gaavaa deteela vaibhava | Aapulayaa jeevanmukteeche ||143||
On the contrary, the crowds of the divine holy saints & sages, the mobs of noble, virtueous individuals will give up (the lonely life) their `Aatmasthitibhaava' (remaining always in the state of one's own self possession) and reside in the village and with the villagers. By their divine & holy association, they will generously offer the glories of the `jeevanmuktee' (the most superior and excellent state of liberation from the chain of births & deaths, through the divine knowledge of the most excellent Truth that is all occupant of the universe) ||143||
Tyaanchyaa bodhe dharma neeti | Tyaanchyaa sahawaase sevaabhakti |
Tyaanchyaa prabhaave shaanti, shakti | Raaheela jaagatee sarvakaala ||144||
Their divine precept & advice will create & retain the sense of duty and morality alive in the village. Their divine and holy association will create and maintain the resolute inclination for rendering services to the humanity and sense of devotion. Their deep impact of mental powers will constantly evoke peace and strength in human beings. ||144||
Aisee Graamageetechi phalashruti | jyaat sant vibootinchi sankalpa-poorti |
Devachi gelaa bolooni chitti | Waradwaanee sajjanaho! ||145||
O, the wise and noble folks! This is the `phalashruti' (the fruitful outcome) of this Graama geeta. This phalashruti will fulfil the divine volitions of the great holymen, saints and sages. The Great God has personally manifested in my mind and has spoken out through my spontaneous words. It is the most auspicious and divine belessing of God showered upon the human beings. ||145||
ubhaa vishwaachiyaa vitewara | Sadguru vitthala sarveshwara |
Tyaachya krupechaachi vistaara | Tukadyaa mhane Graamageetaa ||146||
(Vandaniya Tukadoji maharaj here by assures) This entire universe is a brick. My Sadguru, standing on this brick of the universe, is really the Lord Vitthala who is the `sarveshwara' (The God of all universe). This Graamageetaa is the over extensive and all pervaded form of the divine grace of that God. ||146||
Iti Shreegraamageetaa grantha | Guru-shaastra-swaanubhava sammata |
Laabha ghewota nitya graamastha | Mhanoni arpilaa Vishwaroopaa ||147||
This scripture, the Graamageeta has been well consented by the Guru, all shastraas and the self-experiences. I hereby humbly offer it to "The universal form of God" (My Gurudeva) with my earnest pledge to all the villagers that they should take the best advantage of the divine precept & advice contained in it. ||147||
||Sadgurunaath Maharaj ki jai||
Aataa vishwaatmake deve | yene wagyadne toshaave |
Toshoni maj dyave | pasaaya daana hey ||
Je khalaanchi vyankatee saando | Tayaa satkarmee ratee waadho |
Bhootaa paraspare pado | maitra jeewaanche |
Duritaanche timira jaavo | vishwa swadharma soorye paaho |
Jo je waanchcheela to te laaho | praanijaata ||
varshata sakala mangalee | Eeshwarnishthaanchi maandiyalee |
Anawarat bhoo-mandalee | bhetatu yea bootaa ||
chalaan kalpa taroonche aarava | chetanaa Chintaamaninche gaava |
Bolate je arnaava | peeyushaanche ||
Chandrame je alaanchchana | Maartanda je taap heena |
Te sarvaahisada sajjana | soyare hotoo ||
Kimbahunaa sarvasukhee | poorna howonee tinhee lokee |
Bhajijo aadipurukhee | Akhandita ||
Aani Granthopjeeviye | Visheshi lokee eeye |
Drushtaadrushta vijaye | howaavejee ||
Yetha mhane Shrivishweshwaraavo | Haa hoyeela daana pasaavo |
Yene warey Dnyaanadeo | sukhiyaa zaalaa ||
1 The divine rule will previal in the village by the regular reading of the scripture Graam Geeta. So we shall arrange the collective public reading of this Book.
2 As long as the man does not descard the vices and evil behaviour, there will be no use of reading the manuscript of God Shani or performing the Satyanarayan Poojana., Therefore, first we'll make our behaviour better and virtueous. Giving up all vices, we shall live a pious, righteous and virtueous life.
3 If this book is read in every house and all the family members behave in accordance with the adivce and guidance given in it, all the male, female and children will become perfectly ideal individuals and the village will become `BHOO-VAIKUNTHA'. So, we shall start and continue the reading of Graamageeta in each and every house.
4 The divine knowledge in the Bhagwad-Geeta has actively manifested in the form of this Graamageeta so that the whole village should become superiorly brave like Arjuna. None in the village should lag behind as the backward and undeveloped. So we shall take this book to each and every house.
5 Vandaniya Maharaj says, "Reading this Graamageeta, if you, the readers and villagers, will make some good volitions, then only I shall have satisfaction". Therefore, we shall regularly read this graamageetaa to live our life with ideal behaviour and for this we shall make some excellent volitions.


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