Chapter- 29
||Salutations to Shree Gurudeva||
What does it mean by `PARADHARMA BHAYAVAHA' i.e.
Shrotee shankaa vichaarilee | Aapan sarva dharmee samaanata kelee |
parantu `Paradharma Bhayaavaha' bolee | garjavilee Geetene ||1||
The listeners expressed doubt, "you say that equal belief for all other religions should be maintained. But the Bhagwad Geeta roorinigly states `The religion of other's is dreadful' ||1||
Swadharmee maranyaatahi shreya | pari paradharmee aahe bhaya |
Maga dharmaancha samanwaya | karitaa kaisaa? ||2||
It is better to die but to stick up to our own religion because to accept the other religion (to get converted into other religion) is very dreadful. Then how can all religions be stringed in one garland? ||2||
Aikaa grantheechaa daakhalaa | paradharma bhayaavaha jaree tharalaa |
Taree tyaacha artha paahije jaanalaa | shrotayaannee ||3||
(Vandaniya Maharaaj says) "First you should understand the deeper meaning of the norms advocated in the Geeta. The Geeta had stated that the other's religion is fearful. But the listeners should understand what exactly the Geeta had meant by it. ||3||
Hindu, Buddha, Musalmaan | christee, Parashee, athawa Jain |
Aise nawhate naamaabhikhaan | dharmaas! Temwhaa ||4||
When the Geeta was narrated, the names like the Hindu, the Buddha, the Islam, the Christian, the Parsi or the Jain were not at all given to the religions. Not a single religion titled as above was existing at that time. ||4||
Bhinna dharmaacha janmahi nawhataa | Maga paradharma ka sange geeta?|
Tethe kartavyaacheech bhinnataa | dhyaanee tiyeechyaa ||5||
When no such religion was even born at that time, The Geeta uses the title as `Paradharma' because the Geeta had held the word`dharma' in the sense of `The Duty'- Dharma means the duty and the duties can be different according to the conditions and circumstances or situations prevailed at that time. This was the meaning of `Dharma' in the mind of the narrator of The Geeta. ||5||
Ekaachi prakruti jyaa kaaryaachee | jyaa gunaanchi, swabhaavechi |
Tyaasi gunakarme dusaryaachee | saadhatee kewee? ||6||
The nature and the temperament of some individual has been formed through the impact of the attributes and the traits, he has been possessing, and that nature and temperament would be agreeable the particular duties which he should enact. Then how can he change his nature and temperament like those of any other individual who possesses totally different attributes and traits for that kind of nature and temperament? ||6||
konaat shakti, konaat yukti | konaat dnyaan, sevavrutti |
saadhe tyaachi saadhane karaavee bhakti | Janata Janaardanaachi ||7||
Some body may have a great physical strength. Some other may have some particular skill or imagination. The third one may have a good knowledge and another one may be possessing an inclination of serving others. (Thus every individual possesses attributes and traits different from others.) Therefore it is better to utilize the particular attribute or trait which is prominantly present the person, and to render his services to the public in the form of the God. ||7||
Tyaane aapulyaa prakrutiparee | karaavee rashtraachi chaakaree |
Dusaryaache kartavya ghetaa shiree | vinaash tyaachaa||8||
Everybody should serve the nation and his countrymen according to the nature and temperament he possesses. If he tries to opt the ways and means to enact the duties and practices of others which are according to their nature and temperments, then his imitation of others becomes dreadful and destructive for him. ||8||
Mhanoni paradharma bhayaavah | Aise kathile nissandeha |
Tupaat nohe matsyaachaa nirvaaha | panyaahooni uttam jaree ||9||
It is in this sense, the Geeta had stated that the duty of others (paradharma)is dreadful. Ghee is surely better than water. But the fish can not survive and flourish in ghee. It will die if it is put into Ghee. ||9||
Swadharma mhanaje aatmadharma | Atmyaachaa swabhaava satya, dnyaan, prem |
yaa - saatheech karane jeevanaacha hom | shreyaskar hey sarvaa ||10||
`Swadharma' means the dharma-i.e. the duty of one's own self. The nature of the spirit (soul) is the truth, knowledge and love. Therefore everybody should follow these three attributes of the soul (truth, knowledge & love) at even the cost of his life and this is only favourable for his welfare. ||10||
Asatya, adnyaan, bhed, vair | anyaaya, atyaachaar, duraachaar |
hey anaatmadharma dukhkhakara | paradharma haa bhayaavah ||11||
Untruth, ignorance, discrimination, enmity, injustice and excesses, astrocities, evil enactments and sinful deeds all these are `Anatmadharma' - means vices against the virtues of the spirit. This `Anaatmadharma' is dreadful and the cause of all sorrows and agonies. ||11||
Atmavash te te sukha | paravash, paratantra te dukkha |
Aisehee dharmapanthee aneka | kathile thoraannee ||12||
What you enact freely through your own inspiration of your soul its the source of your happiness. But whatever you are compelled to enact by submitting to other and according to their will and direction. it will make you unhappy. All the great personages had narrated so in their books and religious scriptures. ||12||
Paradharma mhanaje vikaaraandhata | swadharma mhanaje nyaaya siddhataa |
Hey samajanyaache tatwa haataa | diley tayaannee ||13||
`Paradharma' means to submit ourselves to the passions and desires blindly. `Swadharma' means to follow the justice with clear and distinct vision. The great wise personages had stated the norms to recognise which is swadharma for us and which is paradharma. ||13||
Apulaa mhanoni rhudayee dharaava | parakaa mhanonee doora lotaava |
Aisaa rushi muninchaa gavagava | kothechi naahee ||14||
We could never find a single example of the sages and seers that anyone of them had held some one as his relative as he belongs to them and averted another for not belonging to them. To think so about them would be defaming them. ||14||
Musalmaan mhanataa maaraava | khristchan mhanata haakooni dyaavaa |
Apalaa paapeehee chhaatishi dharavaa | haa artha nawhe swadharmaacha ||15||
Swdharm does not mean that you should beat any muslim as soon as you notice him or to drive away christian as soon as intimately you meet him. Swadharma does not mean to hold the hindu with love, though he is the most sinful. ||15||
konee mhanatee aamhee hindoo | Musalmaanaachaa ati - virodhu |
khrischanaasi kadhi na vandu | bhaau mhanonee aapulaa ||16||
Some insist upon that they must strongly oppose the muslims as they themselves are the hindus. They think that being the hindus, they should never treat the christian as their brother. ||16||
Mee mhanato vandan gunaasi aahe | jaatee-dharmaavari kaaya?|
Hindu ughad paap karitaahe | Tyaasi kaa maan dyaavaa? ||17||
(Vandaniya maharaj says) salutations are offered not considering what caste or religion the person belongs to. They are offered to show respect to the noble virtues and excellent attributes that the person possesses. What is the relation between salutations and castes or religions? Why should we pay respect to any hindu when you evidently notice him enacting sinful deeds? ||17||
Musalmaanaache uttam vartan | Taree to nindya musalmaan mhanon |
Hey konee diley nyaaya daana | sanga sanga shroteho ||18||
Some muslim individual is really a good noble man with an excellent behaviour. Then who has given such a judgement that he should be reproved only because he is the muslim? O! listeners! tell me what you think about this. ||18||
Christian dooradeshaahooni aalaa | sewa karata karata melaa |
Tyaane jaree dharma naahee bighadavilaa | Tumachaa kaahee ||19||
Taree tyaasi tumhee awheraava | Hey mhanane naahee pasant jeevaa |
To aapulaachi mhanoni raakhaava | Bandhusakhaa ||20||
If some christian individual has come into your country from far abroad and is rendering his honest and valuable services to the poor, weak and depress people and if he has nothing done harmful and not impaired your religion ||19|| (contd)
(contd) Yet you should disown him and push him away (only because he belongs to christian religion). This is not a convincing as a fair enactment. On the contrary, he should be considered as our brother and should be supported by you. ||20||
Jo konee satya siddhaantee | jyaachi vishwavyaapee preeti mati |
To aso konatyaahi dharma jamaatee | samjaava chitti aapulaachi ||21||
One, who is the sincere worshipper of the truth and whose intellect directs him to love the whole universe, may belong to any religion, society or group; he should be treated with love and affection. ||21||
Dharma maanuskisi mhanatee | Maanusakee nyaayavarie shodhitee |
Nyaaya konaachyaahi prati | ekachi raahato sarvadaa ||22||
The humanity is called as the Duty; It is dharma. It depends and is recognised upon righteousness and justice. The religions may be different. Justice remains one and the same for all religions. ||22||
Pari hee drushtee manda zalee | Aap-para bhaavanaa balaavalee |
Teney dharma, panthaat phoot padalee | Aatmeeyataa disenaa ||23||
But unfortunately, the knowledge had fallen short to understand all this. The strong sense of `mine and thine has grown more powerfully in all and has resulted in creating rift in the faiths and religions. The intemacy, love and affection in human beings have got totally lost. ||23||
Mool tatwe vilayaa gelee | Mahantee-buwagiree waadhalee |
Saampradaayik vrutti phofhaavalee | Adnyaanyoge ||24||
Due to the ingnorance preveiling in common people the original basical truths and propositions have totally vanished away. Impact of undue sense of applauding for the head monks, heads of Gosavees (Mahant) and pretending masks of mosquerading (Buwaabaajee), also the tendency for holding false pride for the group or cult have grown more in common people. ||24||
Aisaa prakaar hota aala | Mhanoni kharaa dharma maateet milaala |
uthanechi tyaa dharmala | katheen zaale ||25||
As all these evil practices and enactments were being continued, the real dharma (Duty towards humanity) was spoiled and gone to dust, it has lost its strength to rise up again holding its head high. ||25||
Guna karmaachaa lopa zaala | swadharma, paradharma tharel kothalaa |
Gondhaloni samaaj gelaa | gartemaajee bhedbhrame ||26||
As the attributes and virtues and the duties according to them both had vanished, how can there be true realisation of swadharma (one's own moral duties) and paradharma (enactments imitating other's attributes)? so the common people have got confused and delusioned and they have fallen in the deep, dark pit of ignorance. They can't understand their fair and essential duties. ||26||
`Vishnumaya jag' haach swadharma | aise santey kathile varma |
Tareehi aamuchaa na jaayee bhed bhrama | Amangal aisaa ||27||
The holy saints have stated the sacret of the religion as "Vishnumaya jaga" haach aamacha swadharma', (i.e. our true religion is to treat the whole world as the form of Lord Vishnu). Yet the strong sense of discretion, which has soaked into us has not relieved us from its strong grip. ||27||
`Maanava' heychi aapale naam | Mag swadharma mhanaje `Maanava dharma' |
Hey taree dhyaanee ghyaa satyawarma | saadhyaa bolee ||28||
We are called as the `human' beings. Therefore `Swadharma' means the `Duty as human towards humanity' This secret truth has been narrated to us in very simple and plain words. You all should remember at least these words of the divine souls. ||28||
Aapan aahot maanava | Maanvyaachaa waadhavaava gurava |
sukhee raahaaveta abaalvruddha sarva | Hey chi kaarya apule ||29||
We are the human beings. So it is our duty to grow admiration for the humanity. It is also our duty to make all, from child to the ageold people happy and to behave in this way in our enactment according to the duty of humanity. ||29||
Maja maanya dharma, nyaaya, neeti | shuddha chaaritrya, premsphoorti |
karee jo samaajaachi dharanaasthiti | samaanbhaave ||30||
I shall accept that religion which maintains the retention and which shapes the human society on the foundation of justice, morality, pure and pious character and the inspiration of loving all. ||30||
Hey jowari varma nene | Towari dharma jo konee mhane |
Tee apoornatechee dharmalakhshane | samajo aamhee ||31||
If anybody does not understand this secret meaning of the religion and yet prides in considering himself as the religious, I feel, he lacks the knowledge of adequate properties of the religion. ||31||
Maga ghyaa konatyaahi granthaache wachana |pari varma yaahooni naahee bhinna |
maanavataa heech aahe khoon | sarva dharma samanwayaachee ||32||
Then you may read any bood of any religion and see the quotations in them, you will find that the secret of the religions is not at all different from the humanity. Therefore the characterestic of the humanity is vital to seek the co-ordination and conciliation of all religions. ||32||
Jya jya dharmee maanavata | Te sarva dharma ekachi tatwata |
yaasi viruddha naahi Geeta | samataavaadee krushnaachee ||33||
All those religions which have accepted the humanity (in principle and behaviour) are not at all separate. They are one. (bearing different names). The Bhagwadgeeta has promoted the same truth of equality. Lord Krishna, who advocated the principle of equality had stated nothing contradictory to it in the Geeta. ||33||
Krushna mhane `samam Hee Brahma' | samata haachi eeshwaree dharma |
samadarshee to chi pandit uttama | yogaache marma samatwachi ||34||
Lord Krishna had stated in the Geeta `Equality is the most excellent and supreme Truth (i.e. Brahma). It is the divine Law (Eeshwaree dharma). Lord Krishna had called the man as `Samadarshi' (Having impartial and even vision for all) and as the pedant (pandit-ie. the wise learned person). [In geeta, he had said panditah samadarshinaah]. The secret of the yoga is also the equality.[samatwam yoga uchchate-Geeta]. ||34||
Sarvaa thayee Vasudeva | Aisaa bhaave navhe anubhava |
Durlabh to mahaatma Deva | Boluni gelaa geetemaajee ||35||
The most excellent Lord Krishna had further stated in the Geeta that such an individual is rarely found who not only holds the firm belief about God's existence in all the human beings but he has experienced and realised it also. [Vasudeva sarvamiti aah sa Mahatmaa sudurlabhah] ||35||
Sarva dharma sodoniya | sharana jaave ekaa devarayaa |
sarva vyaapak janoni tayaa | heychi varma uddharaache ||36||
The secret of self-upliftment is to give up all religions and faiths and to surrender your entire own-self to the great god who has pervaded the whole universe. ||36||
Sarvaa vishayee samabhaava | sarvaabhootee vasudeva |
Hey jaane tochi kharaa maanava | satya dharma haachi tyaacha ||37||
He is the `MAN' in the true sense who understands well that as the God exists in all so one must maintain a sense of equality for all. And it is his true religion. ||37||
Sama drushteene karee jeje kaahee | Tee sarvaeshwaraachi poojaach hoyee |
jethe aap par bhaava naahee | samanwayee chitta aaley ||38||
Maintaining this sense of equality, whatever action is performed by the individual, it is his worshipping to that all pervasive God. When there is no sense of discretion of `mine' and `thine; then the mind of the man has achieved the conciliation and co-ordination. ||38||
Maga to aso konatyaa jaateechaa | panthaacha waa dharma,jamaateecha |
To kharaa swadharmee sakhaachi aamuchaa | maanoo aamhee ||39||
Then this individual may belong to any caste, faith, religion or community; we shall treat him as our true friend because he is the true follower of `Swadharma'. ||39||
Yaawaree shrotee vichaarale | Aapan sarva dharmee samatwa kathile |
pari yaache phayade ghetale | kutil janaanni aajwaree ||40||
upon this discussion, the listeners said,"So far you have narrated about the sense of equality for all religions. But history till this day is a witness of a large number of events where all benefits of this have been enjoyed by the wicked and evil people only. ||40||
Konee yuddha karoni loka jinkale | Balechi aapulyaa dharmee odhile |
konee pralobhananni mohavile | waate kaa hey yogya tumhaa? ||41||
Some fought wars, conquered and imposed their religion upon the defeated subjects by force. Some others enchanted the common innocent people by putting incentives before them and deceiving them, they pulled those innocent people into their religion by converting them. Do you think, all these enactments were proper and befitting? ||41||
Kaahi doora - deshiche lok yetee | seva karonee pravesh milavitee |
Bholyaa janaa naagavitee | dharmaantaraa karoniyaa ||42||
Some foreign canvassors came from far away countries. They extend all services to the poor and the needy people and get mixed up with the common people. Then they convert the innocent people and deceive them. ||42||
Waadhawoni aapule sankhyaabala | karaavee sattesaathi chalawala |
Aisaa daava saadhitee sakal | Nidharmee hey sevetunee ||43||
These canvassors intrude the local religion by converting more and more people and increase the population of their foreign imported religion. Then on the basis of their majority, they start movements and agitations to have a share in the ruling power. thus through the enactments and activities disguised under the service to the humanity, they get success in seeking their selfish motive. ||43||
Sarvadharmee samabhaava | Mhanataa dharmaantaraasi miley waava |
yene budel raashtraachi naava | saanga upaaya yaasi kaahee ||44||
When people hold the sense of equality for all regions, it results in giving ample scope for the foreign canvassors for convertion of simple innocent people. This evil practice will surely drown the ship of the nation. Please tell us some remedy on this. ||44||
Tari aikaave yaache uttar | dharma samabhaava aani dharmantara |
Dohot aahe bahu antara | ek kharokhar nawhe hey ||45||
(Maharaj says) "Listen to my reply to this doubt. These two matters, holding the sense of equality for all religions and convertion from one religion into another, are totally different. They are actually not one and the same thing. There is a vast distance in these two matters. ||45||
Dharmaantracha karita vichaar | Dnyatyaachehi yogya dharmaantar |
jyaasi na samajale saaraa saara | Tyaasi dharmantar kashaasaathee ||46||
While considering the convertion of the religion, I feel, those who are wise enough and have a thorough knowledge of religions, their convertion into another religion can be justified as right and proper enactment. But the man, who knows and understands the real essense (Saai) and unsubstantial matter (Asaar) regarding the true religion, why will he feel the need to give up his own religion and get converted into other religion? ||46||
Jyaasi samajale dharma samatwa | tyaasi baahya bhedaanche nurey mahatwa |
Maga rahoni swadharmeech aachareel tatwa | paahije tele ||47||
The man, who has realised the truth of the equality of all religions will never give importance to the outword differences in the different religions. He will maintain his own original religion and will follow the proper rites and practices that his religion has stated. ||47||
Na kareel konaavari aakraamana | na hoyee konaachya aadheen |
Lobhe, bhaye paradharma-grahan | Hey adhappatan waate tayaa ||48||
He will never intrude upon others nor would submit to anybody. He will surely feel it as the downfall to get converted into other religion through greed or fear. ||48||
Dusaryaa dharmaasi yuddhe chhalile | Tyaasi dharmaseva naam dile |
Hey mahaapaatak ase bolile | yaa poorvihi nischayaane ||49||
It is a great sin to fight with people belonging to other religion, to conquer them and then torment them cruelly to make them to accept their religion and call this hideous enactment as service to the religion. ||49||
Taisaachi jo samaaj adnyaani | Tyaasi vidharmee nele mohawooni |
Tyaayogehi unnati kothooni? | Te to song bahurupyaache ||50||
Similarly if the ignorant and innocent mass of people has been converted into another religion by tempting and alluring. how can those ignorant and innocent people achieve their prosperity? That will be like the guise taken by multimasquerade (Baguroopee). ||50||
Maanavee swabhaava premaacha bhukelaa | kaahee garajaanmule vasha zaala |
Taree tyaachaa phayadaa asalaa | ghewoo naye dusaryaannee ||51||
Man is hungry of love. He can be easily tempted and deceived by the sweet tongue of anybody. He submits himself to anybody when his dire needs are fulfilled. But this surely does not mean that anybody should take disadvantage of needy people for conversion. ||51||
Koneehi sewa karaavayaasi yaave | pari dharmaantar mohaane karawaave |
Aapale jangana waadhawaave | Hey to dushta raajkaarana ||52||
There should be no bar for anybody to come forward to serve the human beings. But if he has a secret motive in rendering such services to deceive people by putting some intensive to allure them to increase majority and to initiate his religion, this means a vicious politics. ||52||
Dharma-varmey ekachi asatee | pari hey raajkarana tyaat govitee |
sankhyaabal waadhawoni karitee | parasparaancha vairabhaava ||53||
The secret truth of any religion is one and the same. But these cheaters being dirty politics in the religions and try to grow their majority by converting people. To achieve this motive of dirty politics, they create enmity & malice in people. ||53||
Dharma prachaaraachyaa naavaakhalee | Raajya-saadhanaa aatooni ghaalee |
Tyaachi jaatachi samajaavee bhrashta zaalee | dharmaatunee ||54||
In the name of canvassing for their religion, they play political tricks upon people. In fact they belong to the different low caste other than human beings. They themselves have fallen from their religion. ||54||
To nawhe konatyaahi dharmaacha | swaartha saadhanechi dharma tyaacha |
Awherooni dyaawaa jeevaa bhaavaacha | asalaa taree ||55||
Such individual does not belong to any religion. His only religion is to seek his own selfish objects. Such person may be closely beloved relative, you should avert him and cutoff from you. ||55||
Taisaachi na olakhtaa swatwa | Dusryaache maanoni mahatwa |
ugeech paradhrmee ghe dhaava | naahi thaava tyaasi kothe ||56||
Similarly, the person, who does not recognise the real truth of the religion and is delusioned by the greatness of others, rushes to get converted into other religion, then he spiritually does not deserve place anywhere. ||56||
Samajoni tatwa, sarvaat milaave | pari potaa karitaa dharmaa na sodaave |
Aatmamaarga na samajataachi karaave | kaasayaasi hey saare? ||57||
One may mix up in people belonging to any religions to know the secret Truth of those religions. But he must not give up his own religion to feed himself or to fulfil some of his selfish objectives. Why should he do such insane enactment without understanding the right way to seek his own self upliftment? ||57||
Aise jethe jethe zaale | Tyaanna kalankachi laagale |
paahataanna aajahee disale | anubhaviyaasi ||58||
The experienced researchers have found that persons, in whose respect such event had occured, had to live a tarnished life. ||58||
Yethe aapanahi aaho kaarana | yaache asoo dyaave smarana |
kharyaa dharmaache sakriya dnyaan | kon deto deen janaa? ||59||
Don't forget, we all are also responsible for all these events. Does anyone of us provide the true and practical knowledge to the ignorant miserable multitudes? ||59||
Lok dharma dharma oradatee | prasanga padalyaa kaami na yetee |
sangraha asoni chitta paahatee | Aapuliyaanche ||60||
People go on proudly shouting and applauding the religion. But when some calamity befalls upon some miserble individual, nobody comes forward to help him to overcome that calamity. Though they possess all what can remove that calamity and save that miserable individual, they think of what others are doing for him. ||60||
Dharmaachaa balagatee abhimaan | paree dharma baandhawa naahi sthaana |
kutryaa maanjaraa itukaahi maan | na detee tayaa dharma land ||61||
These people go on priding upon their religion but they don't give any honourable place to their co-followers. The rigid and orthodox worshippers of the religion don't give importance to their religious brothers as much as they give to their cats and dogs. ||61||
Maanawaachaa sparshahi paap | Maanooni tyaasi karitee dukkkharoopa |
vidharmee jaata maanitee baap | tyaaseech maga ||62||
They suppose that even a slightest tough of their downtrodden religious brothers makes them sinful; and push him in sorrows and agonies. But when he gets disgusted by such humiliating treatment and gets converted into another religion, they pay him high respect as much as they pay to their father. ||62||
Deen-dalitaanchi tahaan bhook | deen-dlitaanche sukha dukkha |
kaaheech nenatee abhimaani moorkha | swadharma ghok chaalavitee ||63||
They never help the poor, needy and miserable as well as the downtrodden and depressed individuals by providing them at least food & water. They never try to understand the sorrows and happiness of those poor people. Yet these foolish hypocrites go on reitevating "We follow our own religion. ||63||
Sarvaa thaayee mhanatee Brahma | pari bhramaa saarikhe karitee karma |
Aise naahi dharmaache warma | Bolile santee kothehee ||64||
In speech, they use to state "The absolute supreme Truth (Brahma) has pervaded all beings and matters". But in behaviour, they enact as if they are confused and delusioned. No saint has ever said about such secret of the true religion in such discriminating enactments. ||64||
Pari hey shikawaya upadeshak kuthale? kona lokaasi samajaavee bhale |
Hey to sarvachi laagale | potaa paanyaasi dharmanaave ||65||
But where can we find the master advisors to convince the common ignorant people by explaining them the purest Truth of the duty of human beings towards humanity? All these prists and advocates of religions are after stuffing their bellies in the name of their religions. ||65||
potpujaaryaanni kelaa prachaar | Aapulyaa laabhaacha vyawahaar |
Maanawaamaajee paadale antar | vyaktisukhaasaathee ||66||
All these belly-Gods, who are after seeking their livelihood through religion, continued canvassing their religions only for their personal pleasures and happiness. And to fulfil their selfish objectives, they have created discrimination and differences in individuals. ||66||
Hey sarva adanpana | jowari jaanaar naahi maanawaatoon |
Towaree jagaachi unnatee poorna | Honey katheen samajaave ||67||
unless this ignorance regarding the true religious, duties of human beings towards humanity etc. does not vanish away from the tendencies of people, this world can't achieve the perfect prosperity and ultimate upliftment. ||67||
Tyaa saathee ekaachi karaave | Aapapale dharma khshetra sudhaarave |
sakalaanseech sakalaanche dyaave | Tatwa dnyaan samajaawonee ||68||
Therefore, to overcome the confusion due to ignorance about the different religions, it is necessary to try to make reformations in the respective religions of different sects, cults and countries. The only way for this is the considerate reformation in the religious fields and to provide people full knowledge of all religions by explaining the pholosophies of the different religions. ||68||
Hey jyaa dharmaas, jaatees phaave | Tenechi sukha sohale baghaave |
yaasaathi anek prayatna karaave | jaanatyaa janannee ||69||
The caste or the religion, which can achieve this, can only have the experience of the excellent happiness. And for this, the wise and knowledgeable persons who know the secrets of the religions, should make hard efforts. ||69||
Kaahinnee karaavaa aadiwasee sudhaar | jaawoni raanee, khedyaanwar |
pahaave gareeb lokaanche kuteer | kaise aahe ||70||
Some of these wise intellectuals should go into the forests and small aadivasee villages. They should visit and see in what type of small humble huts they live in. Living with them, they should try to bring reformation and improvements in the hard forest life of these adivasis. ||70||
Gareeb jangalee aadivaasee jaatee | zaad paalechi nesoni raahatee |
zaadaa khaaleech asate wasatee | kityekaanchee ||71||
Many of these castes and tribes of advasis live under trees. Being very poor, they cover their half naked bodies with the leaves of trees. ||71||
Tyaasee bolane, chaalane samajenaa | Bhivoni palatee baghataachi aapana |
prem laawoni tyaa kutumbaanna | karaave aapan aapalese ||72||
These poor adivasis are ignorant. They don't have knowledge of good manners of speaking and walking, in doing their personal activites. When they see us, as strangers and aliens, they get scared and run away from us. So it is necessary to create love and affection with them and their families and take them in your fold. ||72||
Tyaanna aushadh paanee purawaave | Lihine, waachane hee shikawaave |
utsavee sahabhojanee misalaave | kaarya kartyaannee ||73||
The social workers should provide these adivasis proper medicines to cure them. They should also be taught some reading and writing. The social workers should participate in the festivals and ceremonies of the adivasis and should dine with them on such events. ||73||
Janee, bhojanee, mandiree | Asprushyatechi na unaavee uree |
sthaan-maan sarvatoparee | ek karaave sarvaanche ||74||
The social workers should maintain total equality. In their group at dinners, in the temples, the workers should never allow the air of untouchability. They should give equal place, to all and hold them all with equal respect and honours. ||74||
Swachchha raahanee nirvyasanee | shikawaavee swaye tyaat misalonee |
Tuchchha na maanaave duroni | uneeva daawonee parabhaave ||75||
The social workers should get mixed up with the advasis and educate them how to maintain cleanliness in routine living. The adivasis should be explained the vices of addictions. the workers should try to free them from those bad addictions. But remember, this is not to be enacted by standing away like aliens and guiding them keeping a distance from them. ||75||
Doora karaavya adee-adachanee | suvichaaraanchi karavee peranee |
sarvachi samaaj samaan gunee | karaavaa naana prayatne ||76||
The social workers should try to fulfil the needs and ward away their hardships. They should try to create good and noble thoughts in the adivasis and to bring the whole adivasi multitudes on the same level of civilized society. The attributes of the progressive civilized society should be brought in these adivasis. ||76||
Aajvaree yaanchi kelee upekhsha | prayashchitta mhanonee sevaa deekhshaa |
Ghewoni tyaanchee waadhawaavee kakhsha | sandhi dewoni sadbhaave ||77||
so far, our progressive civilization had neglected these adivasis, living in the forests and in remote areas far away, and had totally ignored them. Now to expiate for this sin we have to take a vow to serve them and to give them all chances with all our good will for achieving their progress and prosperities. ||77||
Divineness lies in the services to the ignored and disregarded idols of humanity
Je konee asatee adale-nadale | ranjale-gaanjale, rogey pidale |
Tyaasaathee paahije dhaam nirmile | sukh-shaantiche, aarogyaache ||78||
It is very essential to create a shelter for those who are in dire need of help and shelter, who have many hard ships, who are poor, troubled and tormented by miserable circumstances, who are suffering from diseases. These miserable people should be provided with such shelters where they can live with comforts, happiness, peace and good hygiene. ||78||
khshaya athawa kushtha roga | Hey na maanita daivaache bhog |
Tyaanchyaa niwaaranaache prayoga | kele paahije gaavogaavee ||79||
Similarly it is also essential to remove the superstition that the diseases like leprosy and tuberculosis are destined for those miserable sufferers. Now in every village, all experiments and efforts should be made to provide good medical care to the patients of these diseases and to cure them. ||79||
Bhangalelyaa maanavee moorti | Tyaanchyaa sevetachi eeshwar bhaktee |
Aartaasee dilyaa waachooni shantee | maagata muktee miley kaichee? ||80||
The miserable people, who have lost their happiness and satisfaction in their lives and who have become the broken images of the humanity, should be given our services with love, sympathy & care. The real service to God lies in these enactments. Unless we bring back the peace and happiness of these miserables who are pining for it, how can we achieve our emancipation? ||80||
Jeewanaatuni je je uthale | Tyaansee sarhudayapane paahije bhetale |
Anaathaanchiyaa sukhaastava zatale | Techi aawadale deva, dharmaa ||81||
We should meet all those ill fated miserables whose lives have been devastated and we should be very sympathetic for them. Those, who worked hard to make such orphans happy, are always liked & loved by God and the religion (i.e. the humanity.) ||81||
Andha, panga, mook, badhir | Ashakta, apang, niraadhaar,
yaa eeshwaree chitraa tangavitee sundar | Te thora dharmasheela ||82||
All those, who are blind, lame, dumb, deaf, weak, disabled and helpless, are the impaired images of the God. The personages who try to make these broken images of God happy and beautiful again are truly religious. ||82||
Vidharmee lok hey kaarya karitee | mhanoni janaanahi jadate preeti |
kilas, aalas aamuchya chittee | adhogatee aamuchi hee ||83||
The canvassors of the religions come from far off foreign countries and render all their good services to these miserable downtrodden and suffering multitudes. So people form liking and affection for them. We feel nausea and disgust in rendering our services to such needy sufferers and we have become idle in working for them. This is a great downfall of our nation and nationals. ||83||
Sodoniyaa aisaa swabhaava | Aapana sevesi arpaavaa jeeva- bhaava |
Dalit samaaja maanoni deva | seva karavee haachi dharma ||84||
Therefore, we must give up such attitude of disregarding towards the depressed and downtrodden sections of our society and offer our whole efforts to serve them from soul and mind. We should consider these downtrodden miserable masses as God. This is the real religion and real duty to the humanity. ||84||
Haachi dharma santee aacharilaa | janee janaardana olakhilaa |
Nirlobha preme sajawilaa | vishwa-bagichaa ||85||
All the great saints and holymen had followed this way of service to the humanity. They had always seen the Lord (janardan) in the masses of people and selflessly and desirelessly, they had rendered their services to make the whole human society happy. ||85||
Some Great and excellent servants of the depressed and downtrodden people
Dharmaavataar Ram-krishna | Jatebe zaadee asprushyaache angana |
Eknaathe kele bhojana | kadey mirawoniya baal tyaanche ||86||
Shree Ramkrushna Paramhamsa was the incarnation of God. He used to sweep the courtyard of the untouchables with his long hair. Sant Eknaath carried the child of the untouchable individual on his waist. He fed the untouchable downtrodden poor people. ||86||
Chaitanya mahaaprabhune rhudayee | Alingile dalit rogeehee |
Gandhi, yeshune toshavile kushtadehi | seva karonee ||87||
Chaitanya Mahaaprabhu held the depressed and the patients in his embrace with love and affection. Mahatma Gandhi and Jesus Christ had nursed and served the lepers and satisfied them with their services. ||87||
Vidhawa, anaath-apang sewa | Paigambare maanila punnya thewa |
Jaati bhedaachaa zugaarilaa gavagavaa | buddha Goutamaane ||88||
Mohmmad Paigambar considered a great divine merit in rendering his services to the widows, orphans and the physically handicapped, disabled people. Goutam Bhuddha demolished the false pretensions of the discrimination in the different castes. ||88||
Shreeraame shabareechi khadalee borey | Guhaka aalingile premaabhare |
Mitra keli aadivasi waanare | Ahilyesi uddharile ||89||
Lord Shreeram had eaten the jujube fruites, sampled by shabari. He embraced affectionately the adivasi Guhak who was the boatman. He uplifted the depraved Ahilya. He made friendship with the adivasi communities in the forest. ||89||
Shrikrushna govalyaat naandala | Stree-shoodraancha kaivaaree zaala |
Jambavateeshi viwaah kela | Aadivaasi jamaateechya ||90||
Lord Krishna grew up in the company of the milk-men and their kids. He became the espouser of the females and the shoodras. He got wedded with jambuwanti who belonged to the adivasi community. ||90||
Bhismaachiyaa vadilaane | varile koliyaachya kannye |
Aisee shekado pramaane | saapadatee poorvagranthee ||91||
Bhishma's father, King Shantanu had taken hand of satyavati, the daughter of the fisherman and married with her. In our Puraanas, we can find hundreds of such examples of virtuous services rendered by the great souls to the depressed and downtrodden multitudes. ||91||
Seeta, Shakuntala, Karna, Kabeer | Aise anaath kannya putra |
samaaje saambhaalita zaale thora | Taisechi appar rishijana ||92||
In our the then human societies, the great sages and seers had brought up the orphan boys and girls like Seeta, Shakuntala, Karna, Kabeer etc. They tended these orphan children lovingly as their real parents and initiated good and noble virtuous impressions upon them. So all these orphan children when grew up, they reached the highest state and respects in their life. ||92||
Dnyaanadeva, Naamdevaadi santee | Alingile dalit samaajaprati |
kitee prakatalyaa bhakta moortee | Maagaasalelyaat tyaa kalee ||93||
Saints like Dnyaandeva and Naamdeva held the depressed and backward multitudes lovingly and affectionately close to their hearts. So a lot of true, sincere and saintly devotees from all castes & communities of backward and depressed multitudes emerged up during that period. ||93||
Santa chokhobaache saare ghara | zaale bhaktiche mandir |
upekshilya samaajee devatwa thora | deta samskaar pragate te ||94||
The whole family of sant chokhoba had turned into the divine temples of devotion. Thus, if these neglected and disregarded people from the backward sections of the multitudes are initiated with proper and virtuous noble impressions, the great holy and divine personages can be produced from them. ||94||
Sajan kasaai, Ravidaas chaambhaar | Daadu pinjaari, Gora kumbhaar |
kanhopaatra, Janee, Bunka Mahar | udayaa apaar aale aise ||95||
From such backward, depressed and downtrodden multitudes, the great holy and divine saints like sajan kasai, Ravidas cobbler, Dadu pinjari, Gora kumbhar, kanhopatra, saint janabai, Banka mahar and a great number of saints like them had emerged up. ||95||
Taisechi aajahee udayaa yetee | Gharogharee naamankit purush-yuwatee |
Tyaasaathee kelee paahije unnatee | gaadlelyaa samaajaanchi ||96||
Even today we can produce such holy saints and virtuous noble social workers from each and every house. For this achievement, the suffering multitude should be uplifted by providing them proper initiations of good virtues. ||96||
Mahaatma Gandhi, Jyotiba phuley | yanni marma hey olakhile |
Dalitonnateeche kaarya kele | kartavya aapule techi ase ||97||
The modern saints & holy men like Mahatma Gandhi and Jyotiba phule had understood this secret and had enacted with hard strenuous efforts for the upliftment and prosperity of the depressed and downtrodden masses. The same is the duty for us to enact now. ||97||
Maanave maanavaa samaan samajane | parasparaa unnat karane |
sansaaraasi yaa aanand bharane | heech kharee dharmaseva ||98||
The real and honest service to the religion (Duty of humanity) is to consider every human being as the human like ourselves, to make the development of each other and to fill this world with pleasure and happiness. ||98||
Konee konaas traasawoo naye | konee konaas phasawoo naye |
konee konaas duraawoo naye | Aapule mhanaave sagalechi ||99||
None should trouble others. None should deceive others none should get avert from others. All humanbeings should be considered and treated as our own close relatives. ||99||
Pahaavyaa tyaanchya sukhasoyee | waaganuk sarvaanshi thewaavee nyaayee |
Bhed bhaavana samool jaayee | jeevan aise nirmaave ||100||
All comforts and happiness and all conviniences should be provided equally to all human beings. Our behaviour with all others should be righteous and just. We should remove the differences & distinctions from their roots and create an ideal human life. ||100||
Maga tyaancha vishwaas jade | Tyaana aapala swabhaava aawade |
walel tumhee mhanaal tikade | mana tayaanche ||101||
Then they will have a faith in you. They will like your sweet and noble temperament and nature. They will be ready to turn wherever you direct them to go and they will behave according to your advice. ||101||
Heychi aahe dharma seva | karaavee aapana dharonee sadbhaava |
Maagaasalyaa sarvachi baandhava | Bandhu samajonee shikawaave ||102||
This is the true service to the duty of humanity (religion). All of us should render such service with good and noble intentions. We should educate all individuals belonging to backward classes and treat them as our brothers. ||102||
padit raan hey uthawaave | phulaa phalaannee baharu dyaave |
Aahaari jawooch na dyaave | konaachiyaa kona ||103||
All backward masses, depressed, downtroddens are like an uncuttivated land. Toiling on it, let us develop and cultivate it and enrich it with blossoms of flowers & fruits. Never allow anyone to fall prey to the selfish motives of any evil and wicked individuals. ||103||
Pari anya dharmaanshi vitandaave | konee konaache dosh maandaave |
Hey swaartha buddhiche wanave | chetawoo naye sevakaanni ||104||
The social workers should avoid debates and arguments with the followers of other religions. They should not find faults with them. Because by such enactments, we set fire through our selfish attitude. The social workers should keep away from enacting such deeds. ||104||
Aapulaa pita jari vandya | Taree itaraanchaa to na hoya nindya |
Hey chi dhaarmaache sootra aadya | sarva dharmee samabhaavaneche ||105||
We should surely hold our father in high esteem and adore him. But we should never hold the father of some other individual as reprovable. This is the first and the most important principle of the religion that we should hold a sense of equality for all religions. ||105||
Hee drushtee sarvaanseech dyaavee | samaajee maanavata waadhavaavee |
Mhanaje dharma bhedaanchi bhraantee gaavee |uranaar naahee ||106||
This vision should be given to all so that a sense of humanity will grow in our human society. Then ignorance and delusions (confusions) regarding the basic differences in religions would not at all exist. ||106||
Saadhanaamaajee uttam saadhan | samskaare tayaar karaave mana |
seva maarge manee ghuson | sarva lokaanchyaa ||107||
You should enter into people's minds through your selfless services and initiate good and noble impressions upon their minds. This is the most excellent means to seek the prosperity of all. ||107||
kalapathak, pravachan, keertana | Tumbadyaa powaade, puraana |
Naatakaadi pratyek saadhana | yaach kaaryee yojaave ||108||
The programmes of kala pathak (group of artists), keertana, songs on the tumbadee (the instrument with one gourd, used by the gosavees), powaade gayan (ballad like songs in praise of heroes); reading and recitation of puranaas, dramas & plays etc. should be arranged with the only one object-the prosperity of the human society. ||108||
Je je jyaasi asel thaave | Te te samaaja shikaveet jaave |
jeevanaas phayade dyaave | maanava dharma mhanonee ||109||
Those who have mastery upon some arts or skills, should teach them to others. The benifits of good things should be distributed in all, considering it our duty to the humanity. ||109||
Kharaa dharma jaanateel lok | Taree anekaat hee pahateel ek |
Maga na gadel parakiyaanchi mekh | swaartha bhaavanechee ||110||
People will then understand their real religion-i.e. their real duty towards the humanity. Then they will observe the one and only one truth pervading all. so the selfish motives of the foreign canvassors will never be fulfilled. ||110||
Yaa saathee bhajan sankeertana | uttam lok shikhshanaache saadhana |
prapancha-paramaartha, dharmadnyaan | shikawaave sampoorna tyaatoonee ||111||
Bhajans, keertana are very effective means to educate common people so through these means, people should be educated by giving full knowledge about worldly life and spiritual enactments, religions & duty of humanity etc. ||111||
Aapulyaa gaavaacha konee praanee | mulee na thewaava adnyaanee |
Heech kharee gaavaachi baanee | purawaa zatooni sewakaanno ||112||
O! Social workers! The promise of your village is that none in the village should remain ignorant and uneducated. You have to keep it and fulfil it by putting all your best efforts. ||112||
Helaavata saddharmaachaa saagar | dharma nadyaa hoteel ekakaar |
Mag kothe dharmaantar? | Dyaa samskaar aise sarvaa ||113||
When this ocean of the true religion of humanity gets swollen and tidal, then all religions titled with different names will become one in that united form of the ocean. Where will then arise the question of convertion? In this way, good initiations are to be impressed deeply upon the minds of all. ||113||
Bhraamak rudhyaanchyaa kalpanaatoon | var yewoodya dharma nidhaana |
Tyaa saathee yojaa bhajanaadi saadhana |jana jaagawa, Tukadyaa mhane ||114||
Sant Tukadojee maharaj says, "Bring up the valuable treasure of the divine knowledge about the real religion, i.e. the duty of all human beings towards the humanity. The masses should be brought up from the delusive and confounding ideas about the superstitions, customs, traditions, and rites & rituals. For this purpose, we should use all means like bhajan, poojan etc. Let us all awaken all the human beings. ||114||
Iti Shree graamgeeta grantha |Guru-shastra-swaanubhava sammata |
Dalit-seva kathilee yeth | Ekonteesaava adhyaaya sampoorna ||115||
This Gramgeeta scripture has been consented by the Guru, shastras and the self-experiences. The twenty ninth chapter, dealing with the `Service to the downtrodden and depressed multitudes, is hereby concluded. ||115||
||Sadgurunaath Maharaj ki jai||
1 The truth, knowledge and love are the characterestics of the spirit. Therefore we shall behave according to the natural duties of our own religion. we shall behave with the just and righteous way and shall never turn to the duties of others.
2 We shall canvass and remove the ignorance in common innocent people.
3 We shall mix up with the adivasis and the communities living in forests and educate them by teaching to read, write, to live observing cleanliness, giving up bad habits and addictions. We shall root out untouchability.
4 Those miserable poor people, who are suffering hardships, who are troubled and suffering with diseases will be provided shelters in the health centres. We shall erect such health centres as the home of peace and hold them as auspicious and holy as any other holy places.
5 We shall never think that the cruel diseases like T.B. and Leprosy are the destiny of miserable sufferers. We shall attempt medical experiments in every village to remove these diseases and cure the patients of these diseases. We shall hold the backward, depressed and downtrodden multitudes as divine as God. We shall offer all our services to uplift them.


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