How to Update Daily IT asset [Laptop & Desktop] in Big Organization with Given step.

How to Update Daily IT asset [Laptop & Desktop] in Big Organization with Given step.

Step 1.

List out the User & Asset data in given column.

1. User Name
2. Department
3. Location
4. Site
5. Domain.
6. Organization Serial number.
7. Domain register name.
8. Laptop or Desktop Model type eg :- HP Probook 440 G4.
9. Service Tag :- Serial No.
10. CI type
11. Asset Tag No.
12. OS type eg:- Microsoft Windows Pro 10
13. Acquisition Date
14. Expiry Date
15. Warranty Expiry Date.
16. Vendor Name
17. Purchase cost eg. 36000 Rs for Laptop
18. Asset status i.e. In Use/In stock/Repair/Expired/Disposed
19. Asset Type i.e Laptop or Desktop etc

Step 2.

Import above data of user and its asset from Application or your store format.

Step 3.

Sava that data in excel format.

Step 4.

Pivot the table with Site & Asset status.

Step 5.

Copy the summary & send it the required concern person or use it for your own data analysis.

Be happy.
